The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Eleven

Peter later told me that he had to do something to make it work, can’t remember what, but the point is that the workers at HAARP began chasing “the ghost in the machine.” They couldn’t figure out why the output wasn’t matching their input. Still can’t. Last I heard they were going to shut it down because, obviously, they didn’t want it broadcasting signals that would run precisely counter to their intents.

So, to sum it up:

  • There was an eclipse coming on April 8, on which day we’d be doing something big.
  • Somewhere in time there was going to be some Alchemy.
  • At a location in the Utah desert, where we’d been and where a “giant bone” thrown at me by Them, also indicated it is the point from which the New World would have its beginning. The “waves that would sweep the land” would radiate from there. This also would be where the finishing Alchemy for at least Icarus would take place.
  • Got very specific instructions to put up the first FirstWave Website last October, which was designed to Their specs, whereas with the Icarus Alchemy Website there has been a little  more  creative license.
  • Somewhere in this is enormous wealth, which might be below ground in the apparently invisible Temple of Gold. In any case we know that there is “treasure” all over the world that we are being en-gifted with by Saint B, et al.
  • It was also coming to light, bit by bit, that the seeds for this enormous wealth might actually result from manifestation-on-demand.
  • This wealth is the very fuel that will usher in a New World, no other means will be more effective or is a higher priority.
  • The group must come to understand that, and get it clear in their minds, and thereby accept their roles, dream and desires into being as a means of creating the New World.
  • On many occasions healing situations would cross our paths and either one or the other of us would do that work as practice for global scale energy operations.
  • We crippled HAARP.
  • We triggered a fatal disease that has sent the Reptilians fleeing this system.

(Note – I’m either leaving out or just plain forgetting more than has actually been included here.)

As for manifestation-on-demand, a good portion of the Havallas and S & Gs is to teach how to do that, and I knew that Peter would be seeing things in those stories that others wouldn’t be able to see. It wasn’t until S & B IV was finished that they would even let Peter read them. Every time he tried, they’d foul up his vision, make the words fly around, blur the text, etc. That told me that embedded in those documents was something Peter wasn’t ready for, which says a great deal about those stories. He now has clearance to read them, however, and will be finishing them as of today, May 18, 2005.

This is just the first half. The second half, where it really starts to get out there, will be posted shortly.

To be continued tomorrow…

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