The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Eighteen

We weren’t on the temple grounds for two minutes before Peter began to clearly see that these people, nice as they were, were all robots, controlled from a central source. Mormons are very nice people, but if you look deep into the eyes of many of them you don’t really find “them” looking back at you. It’s something else.

We got walking around. I was showing him all the amazing pagan symbology on the temple itself. You can count pillars and spires, compare that to the suns and moons, and soon you’re thinking that you’re touring a temple in Egypt. Mormonism had its birth from the milieu of New York at a time when the Masons were still experiencing such rapid expansion with inductions into lodges and new lodges springing up everywhere. Joseph Smith was a Mason wannabe, and had steeped himself in their writing and teachings. He may have actually been inducted, but he was something of a free spirit and had without question an entrepreneurial makeup.

Much of Mormonism is thus Masonic, right down to the ritual of sealing that is performed in the temple when a couple is being married and thus “sealed” together for “time and all eternity.” Ultimately, only the male can grant divorce, stuff like that, and it’s after this ceremony that the couple must wear, every day for the rest of their mortal existence, these silly white undergarments as a token of their blindness. Because of that you have Mormon women running around in the middle of the summer having to wear shorts that are just too long to be comfortable. Whatcha gonna do? But I can’t imagine being married to the same person for fifteen years much less for eternity! Wow, that’s a long time. Also, the Mormon high priesthood is called the Melchizedek Priesthood, which of course we know goes all the way back to the time of Atlantis. Many of the dark Melchizedek’s have been taking embodiment in the present time to see if they can get it right. I received a letter from the Church one day: “Congratulations, Jason, you are now a member of the Melchizedek Priesthood,” which I’d done nothing to “earn” and promptly threw the letter in my recycle bin.

So, on the temple grounds we walk up to this dual statue of Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum. Without even glancing at the plaque Peter points at Joseph and says, “This guy isn’t a good guy. He isn’t of pure intent.” Pointing at Hyrum Smith he says, “This guy gets it. He was pure.” At about that moment, I believe, Peter was presented with a view of Joseph Smith being entrapped by his own karmic Web, so to speak, and he wasn’t all that happy about it. He asked for release and Peter did the work necessary to accomplish that. What became of the Mormon Church isn’t necessarily what Joe Smith had planned, but as we all know the road to hell is often paved with good intentions. In any event, this became his karma, and he was trapped by it. Take this to heart, because we all let loose thought forms every day that could build into something which could entrap us.

Meanwhile, we run into a nice tour guide lady who tells Peter that nobody gets to just go see the Prophet (the sitting President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), and so she talked him into a tour of the former Hotel Utah instead, which is now owned by the Church and is incorporated into their Vatican. The Church bribed the right people and illegally purchased a block of main street in Salt Lake that itself became a two year battle between the ACLU and the ubiquitous conservatives, who of course hate the ACLU for wanting to help us maintain our liberties. It was here that I began to see something behind the eyes, flashing from time to time, of our tour guide, who didn’t have a clue that she was being used by something “evil” to watch us. Peter had been seeing it since first encountering her, of course. At about that moment another woman walked up, a fledgling tour guide, and wanted to join us. One glance at her and you could see that she was doing everything in her power to keep from “morphing” into the image she truly was. And I think she knew Peter and I knew that.

There were giant, horrible, snarling, dark, dank (did I say horrible?) beasts all over us. “You’re not welcome here,” they kept saying. I had this hunch, and still do, that underlying their modus operandi was a kind of appeal, like, “OK, so we’re dark and Saint G told us that this Union of Opposites, the joining of “souls” in this manner and begun with “0 Mother” hadn’t been done for more than 400 years. He also told us that he did something he hadn’t done for a very long time and for a very few people and that was that he had stepped into my body to complete the alchemy. Now we had a “water” into which the dryness of a very potent gold powder had been poured. This water would be used by us obviously for the obligatory raising of our vibrational rates, but also more specifically by Peter for the purpose of getting to, once again, higher information that would lead to another alchemical level. This was about the time that They were making it clear to us that another Website was needed. The entire concept and formulation of what this whole FirstWave project has become was begun in the beginning of March.

Each alchemical preparation was giving way to the next preparation, forming a platform, so to speak, from which we could get a clearer view into the higher and purer information. These successive alchemical preparations reminded me of the way succeeding generations of certain plant seeds can improve upon themselves upon each new generation of plant growth and seeding at maturity.

The Moon water and powder blend became known as Icarus Water, which, as mentioned, would be ingested but used in other ways as well, such as being the water to perform another step of alchemy specifically designed to help Peter to retrieve a very specific type of information. By the time I got it home Peter was tuned into it and seeing electrical arcs and shoots dancing around the bottles. Just holding those bottles in my hands was a lovely experience; putting the glass on my face was very intimate and sensual and beautiful. It felt as though if I continued to do it I would swoon and fade out in a cloud of sensually charged bliss.

I sent Peter a bottle. He used it, was drastically raised, and now had access to a whole new thread of information regarding April 8th and what was to “come down” on that date. Between us, we ascertained that we were to go to Mount Zion, finish some alchemy that would be begun soon (the first week of March), manifest some gold, and a whole new thing had come to Peter’s attention. He was to release a bunch of “souls” from some level of the astral plain. This “level” turned out to be the “blue level,” which we didn’t understand and didn’t pursue at that time. Interestingly, I had some experience with this activity, which I’ll touch on below. Peter would arrive on April 7th.

In the meantime, my body mechanically began going about certain alchemical procedures that I had had no idea would figure in to what was coming. Very quickly I streamlined how I would be making it, perfected the procedure, and then “found out” that what I was in the middle of doing was the preparation of the Phase I alchemy of the FirstWave project. Once again I took note one day that I was in the middle of a half-finished project, now understanding why I had done many things I had done going back as far as a few months before, things that were inexplicable to me at the time. This escalated into “orders” to make “at least twice as much as you think you’ll need.” During the making of Icarus the Alchemy I was witness to the most beautiful alchemy I have ever seen. The colors were amazing. There would be crystalline precipitate that would tumble gently from the top of the beaker to the bottom, like a snow-storm in slow motion, sometimes to rise again like it was snowing up, and the hexagonal crystal structure was absolute perfection. The chemistry was all topsy-turvy but I had come to know that this was necessary and that another person could literally stand next to me, mirror the procedure, but get entirely different chemical reactions and responses. Just being around it was an amazing experience in feeling just how pure energy can feel.