The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Nineteen

I could feel a tremendous power radiating from everything involved in the making of Icarus. I’d find myself covered in powder, or my hair would go unbelievably gray and be back to salt and pepper in twenty minutes. I could watch my face change in the mirror. I’d lick powder from my fingers and have quite simply the most profound experiences ever with any sort of alchemical preparation. I’d look in the mirror and I’d be coated with it, like I’d been baking all day. I would just attract it, or it was coming from the inside of me out. It was everywhere.

Then one day Peter called and he said, “Holy shit! What did you just do? What happened there?” “Uh, I dunno ” “Waves upon waves are radiating from your place and circling the Earth. I’ve never felt anything like it, by far the most powerful thing I’ve felt since we started all this.”

It just so happened that at about that moment the area around my place for about ten blocks in all directions had a sudden and inexplicable power brown-out, which was causing far more chaos than it should have been. Peter picked up on that immediately and started getting information. “You just let loose the power that is causing the controlling power of the Mormon Church to fail, like you opened a chink in its armor or something like that. Then when I get out there, I’m going to drive a stake right through its heart. This is actually going to radiate from within the Mormon Church and have a similar effect in all other controlling religions. [He meant Western Religions, I believe.]

The Icarus Alchemy was already working its transformational magic and it was still two or three weeks from being finished. A gigantic plume of light rose into the sky right above my place and could be seen by people with acute subtle senses from miles away. For example, I dropped Peter to have dinner with two friends Pam and I know, a couple, who use Icarus but haven’t yet found a fortuitous time to contribute to the Forum. They were both in some distress in the way so many light-chasers can tend to be these days where they were feeling as though they “just weren’t getting it” because life was seemingly not working the way it should and therefore were being left behind and all that sort of stuff. It’s of course far more detailed than that and we did do some very effective work with them that night utilizing the Icarus symbol we’d been using for so many things.

At dinner, Peter was seeing the synchronicity of his meeting with them and that it was planned and necessary, etc., etc., and that they needed to come out and partake of Icarus before “He” was even finished. I tricked them and gave them the powdered preparation we had been using to hone the information with which we were working. The point is that none of them knew where I lived, which is about 12 miles from the restaurant in Salt Lake to my home in Bountiful. I think it was Laurie that asked Peter if they should call for directions and Peter said, “Let’s just drive towards there.” Once they started on the freeway, Peter spotted the plume of light shooting into the sky from my place and they used it to find, literally with no trouble whatsoever, my home.

A by-product of the making of the crystals was a supercharged liquid, and so, ready with liquid and powder, we would be going to Mount Zion on the morrow to do everything that must be done on April 8th. I should point out that rarely does a day pass that Peter and I don’t talk, so much information is there to deal with and piece together, all of it of course doubling as both practical information /instructions and brilliantly employed and executed lessons. So all through both February and March one amazing thing after another was happening, almost none of which is included here because it’s not pertinent to this account so much as it either has found – or will find – its pertinence in some other “section” of this Website, but I will touch on one or two of them before moving on to April 8, because they essentially dovetail with that date.

We’re presently working on some profoundly difficult concepts to convey, of the type that one could say “It’s far easier to demonstrate than it is to explain.” These will be in coming S & Gs. The reason I bring it up is because I’ve had many people over the years talk about how I just “showed up” where they were and did something. A woman who recently reported this to me is Daia. She’s a member of the Icarus team but where she lives has very poor phone service, so it’s extremely spotty for her to even be able to get on the Internet. I believe we saw a post from her towards the beginning, and then nothing since.

Daia has abilities very comparable to Peter’s, and due to her thirty year experience with these abilities has perhaps honed them to a higher state of refinement, although even as I write this I know that Peter and I together are able to get to information sourced from a higher octave.

In some cosmic dance sort of way, Daia is the feminine principal and Peter is the masculine principal, while I sit in some sort of secular balance-point between those where my polarity (or lack thereof) has “permission” to do certain kinds of things that neither the masculine nor feminine principals (their embodied representatives) yet have permission to do.

Daia was in Colorado not too long ago, first in Boulder and then off to Durango. Daia’s daughter is an opera diva, very young for her astonishing ability at, I think, 24. Her daughter and husband were constantly under attack by dark entities, and Daia, having worked with Saint G since being in her teens, I think, had instructions that involved freeing her of those entities because an upcoming opera performance was going to be utilized to clear away the very dark and controlling “underground” presence in Boulder. She was not yet in Boulder but was soon headed there to do whatever work she would be directed to do to free her daughter of these entities. She called me about it, wondering if there was anything I could do. I issued the command and then called Peter, who scoured the situation and blasted the rest of them away.

She called me fifteen minutes later and simply said, “Wow. How did you do that?” I explained a thing or two about it, how Peter and I operated, etc., and then explained, “You did precisely what you were supposed to do, and that was to call me. Upon your arrival there, you will simply enjoy yourself, not having to do work, and to witness the change that will be brought about in Boulder because of your daughter’s voice,” which was now free to express “God” in the area and literally clean all disharmonious influences away from the city. I studied my advanced remote viewing in Boulder, and the whole time I was there I felt a dark presence, but I never gave a damn about them, never have. Until the last eight months, they kept their distance from me and I let them continue to exist. There was a lot of underground “Satanic” activity in Boulder, including pedophile rings, which, if you use your imagination, would explain Jon Benet Ramsey’s so-called demise (the seven-year-old beauty queen that was murdered in Boulder).

After the performance, which Daia described as the most powerful anything she had ever experienced with the use of the human voice, she left a day or two later to go to Durango to meet with some friends and fellow light worker’s. Saint G also told us that the desired outcome was met – Boulder is clean of the influences that would slowly materialize in our continuum. (Daia, by the way, lives in the Northeast.) We were on the telephone while she was waiting for one of her friends to arrive, which she did and we hung up. The next day Daia called me and said, “Did you do one of your projection things?” “I don’t know. Why, did you see me?” “Oh, yeah. After we hung up yesterday my friend said to me, ‘that guy you were just on the phone with is standing right there. but you know we have a right to be here too. Can’t you just let us be?”