The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Twenty Eight

Our present day Mystery School is established by and large to bring a group of people to a superhuman level so that such energies can be handled with responsibility, and the curricula includes everything attributed to the Great Sages and Ascended Masters of the past. Our superhumanness is absolutely inevitable and is already coming true right before our eyes. Our capabilities astonish even us. The alchemy and these teachings will also be carried forth into the world and spread as one of many means of helping a bewildered population to see and to own there own birthright.

There are “treasures” all over the world that also contain not only bullion but everything associated with treasure such as in the movie “National Treasure,” which was unbelievably timely, but also lost art, alien technologies, signs and seals – stuff that must come to the surface and find its way into the pathways of this planet as part of the Divine Plan. Gold has such a balancing effect, and therefore there must be a far more even distribution of it throughout the world because of its balancing effect, to say nothing of shoring up the dismal banking situation, especially with gold account holders in banks that have no gold at all.

We are designated custodians and distributors of this world-shaking wealth. We are in this embodiment for this purpose and according to Saint Germain and the Council that is often working with us there are 101 of these sites in the world that we will uncover over the next seven to ten years, located all over the world, and it’s time for us to get started on this enterprise.

What is very important in the new paradigm is that people live with excitement in their lives, every day, because that inspires passion, and passion is the engine of manifestation. This MUST be fun. Therefore, we are our own models for this excitement. The Ascended Masters want this to be fun, just as fun as it can possibly be, for all of us, which in our context means that there is sleuthing work to do in this “treasure hunt,” maps and riddles and etc. The truth is that we could simply access the Akashic Records to get anything we want, as we have unrestricted “clearance” to utilize that “library” of information, but the AMs, firmly guiding us, wave an admonishing finger at us and say, “Why spoil the fun? Just please do it the way we’re suggesting.”

Just as an example: if you wanted the blueprints for an antigravity drive, we can get it and download it. If YOU want to find a black meteoric stone somewhere near the headwaters of the Nile, we can find it. There is nothing we can’t find out, nothing we can’t locate, if given enough time. I doubt it would take us more than six to eight weeks to locate anything if we were able to work at it daily and without distractions.

In lieu of having to put together any sort of business plan for the stock dog and pony show, we had hoped to be given the chance to demonstrate our capabilities, if necessary.

The first “project” is a few ships, Spanish galleons (currently being cloaked until we enter the picture), located off the coast of Bermuda. We are told that it’s worth $7.5 billion. Clearly, we don’t have the infrastructure for a salvaging operation of any type, and so there are any number of approaches that can be taken, probably the most efficient of which would be to approach one of the three or four treasure hunting operations currently operating in that part of the world and making a deal for a percentage of the proceeds.

The second project is in caves in Peru. Believe it or not most or all of the treasure from these two locations is actually being held in the Royal Teton, which is an Ascended Master Retreat inside the Teton Mountains of Idaho/Wyoming. When it comes time for us to find it, the Ascended Masters are going to put it back so that we can bring it out. This one is also worth billions upon billions.

Our snags are these: Peter is in a 8:00 to 5:00 job that leaves him exhausted and short of time, and I am beholden to my little alchemy company, Zeropoint Technologies, for my income. Yes, it’s my company but my income is a burden on it as I have turned all functions over to other people so that I could step into the new role of leader of the mass ascension effort and the finding and unleashing of the new wealth upon the world.

We need the capital to free us from these present obligations so that we can go to work on the big stuff. Saint Germain assures us you are the source of this capital. While I have good contacts that could assist us in the establishing of international banking, chains of custody, cash repatriation, flow, etc., without querying the great database in the sky we have a very strong hunch that you’ll have – or one of your people – plenty to say about these sorts of things.

We could also simply request $12.12 million and then locate and contract with a salvaging operation to bring the treasure up for us for a percentage. I think the first option discussed above is a very good one because the percentage shown us by Saint Germain is 8.1%, which is some sort of a God number and which over the course of two or so years would provide something in the area of $600 million in income.

We have very capable people in our group (students in the school), one of whom is a world class physicist and wants to head up our own technology division. Among the group there are some fantastic ideas, their dreams and passions, that should all grace this beautiful planet at some point.

We are wide open for any suggestions on how to proceed. We’re both business-minded people, Peter and I, and are on the surface as mainstream-appearing as anybody, but what we’re able to see and do would be considered absolute fantasy by mainstream thinking. If we wanted to shoestring it, just supplying the capital necessary to cover a one year budget would be sufficient.

Returning momentarily to the discussion on secret societies, we know that you are connected to them, knowingly or otherwise. We know they’ve been watching us for a long time as we’re able to outsee their “seers.” One way or another you are one of – or even the only connection – that is planned to connect us to these levels in the corridors of world power.

Put us to the test. We really need to get moving on “all this.” It is time.

Thanks very much.

Jason —