The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Twenty Nine

The punchline? They weren’t interested in helping us. Isn’t that funny! We’ll cross paths with these guys again, no question about it.

I was on a trip somewhere and when I got back on Sunday Gary, the one that did battle with Peter and to some extent me, had posted something about an alien object available for auction on Ebay, one of those hilarious anecdotes we live with in these strange, wonderful and comic times. I clicked on the link Gary left and looked at it. My logical mind was laughing out loud at it, but something was talking to me on a deeper level. So I called Peter. He was driving somewhere, but he instantly connected to it and knew it was legit. We had 30 minutes to get in a successful bid.

I signed up for Ebay, didn’t get the confirmation email, and after a Herculean effort with their technical support got them to send me the confirmation message enabling me to be a bidder. And after all that, as I watched, the confirmation email vanished from my Inbox. I got tech support on the line again and told them it disappeared and they were kind enough to send it again, but it never arrived.

As dense as I am I nevertheless decided that the bidding job was clearly not mine, and so I called Peter again and, despite the fact that he was not on the “approved” bidder’s list for the item, won the bid. Not long afterward it arrived in the mail.

We had to find out the name: Anakka something something. Then, knowing its name and establishing contact Peter saw that it was weaving yellow geometry around him and, if I remember correctly, throughout the house. I had my first physical introduction with Anakka when in Connecticut last September (2005). I got nothing from it but vague feelings.

Sometime before that I called Kathy Christine, the intuitive we’ve brought up several times, and had her look into Anakka. Her take was that s/he was some sort of “scientist,” in a sense, as a kind of observer and keeper of information, that s/he would observe the reactions of humans to it and then do something with that information. I asked who created “him.” The answer was interesting, like, “Why, the Creator, same as you.” And I remember thinking, “But there is no Creator, so this thing doesn’t know what it’s talking about.”

The pure truth of the matter for me is that I’m in something of an aggressive mood for the moment and therefore my take on Anakka is that I don’t have a friggin clue what it’s for, why I bought it, or even if it’s legit, or for that matter what “legit” even means these days.

Somewhere in here, mid-September or so, I went to Connecticut for a visit. This was the first time I’d been physically in contact with Anakka. It was hot as hell there. New England was in a heatwave like I’ve rarely felt heat to be. Couldn’t believe how miserable it was. Peter and I drove around a little, talked some, had some drinks on the back porch of his swanky home in the trees.

A couple of the interesting points for me about that trip, very little of which can I remember where there was actually constructive work done, was Peter talking about the Vampires. He told me that they’d finally come to his house, and he said something like, “Anything you’ve seen in the movies doesn’t even touch how horrific these creatures are, not even close.”

All kinds of dark and vicious (though impotent) little shits swarmed his house over the time after waking up and going through the raising and training that we did with him. He wound up surrounding the property with a flame similar to the one we put around Teotihuacan to keep Walmart from imposing its foulness upon that sacred area. They, the Vampires, can’t cross that ring of fire (homage to the late great Johnny Cash, but I think Rosanne Cash wrote the song, interestingly enough). There are also bigfoots, Sasquatches, that hang out there, but of course they’re our friends. Peter gave one of them permission to cross and he (I think it was a he) walked up to my right and communed with me in his/her own way.

Something that was raised as a topic were some beings that for one reason or another were brought to our attention. It happened to coincide with my reading of a book that discussed at some length the type of secret invocations and processes central to the most inner Kabbalah regarding the formation of man-like beings that have some fairly limited reasoning capability, and some of the greatest European Alchemists were said to have created them, like Albertus Magnus. Along the same lines was discussion about talking brass heads, associated with tales of Roger Bacon, that could predict the future and things of legend like that that nobody actually believed, then or now…well, except for me and, in Peter’s case since he was able to see them, him.

There are roughly 1500 of these beings walking the planet right now, all created by someone, and they’re used basically to be able to see, like Peter sees, for their bosses/creators. That’s apparently how we’re being viewed. These “creatures” intrigued me, still do, and we will cross paths with one or more at some point. There’s a deep and important alchemy involved in it, even if we are never to participate in it. So, while we were sitting there having self-rolled smokes and Tanqueray Gin and tonics (which were delicious, but the ice kept melting too quickly!), we decided to get right in the face of one of them and did so, apparently startling him hugely. I’m sure that made for quite a report to “its” boss.

There is a pond in a wooded area that needed our attention, and when we got there it had a desperate feeling, a lonely and neglected feeling, and the water was low. I think it’s a reservoir. Horrible things had happened in this vicinity, and I had distinct impressions it was the blackest witchcraft, and probably even worse, the tortures of people being accused of witchery but were just midwives and the like. One of the things that Peter kept talking about prior to my visit was the “Jesus Tree.” It was some very special tree that he had seen years before and connected to it, if not been startled by it in some way (forgive my memory, Peter), and I had to do something there. We drove around but couldn’t find the tree. Peter thought it was one that had been cut down, which stands to reason according to how the story was related.