The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Thirty One

In the morning, driving through the morning twilight, nothing felt right. It didn’t make sense. I was running out of time. I was prepared to stop the truck and jump out and make a circle in the dirt road if I had to. Presently I came upon an area that had some white sandstone, piñon pines, junipers and (my favorite!) ponderosa pines. I thought, “Hm, that place could do it.”

I pulled Gabe to the side of the road and stopped. I have a necklace given to me by my mother that is a turquoise eagle in silver with a white onyx beak, and the wings actually swivel on hinges. It’s beautiful and it’s mine (if you know what I mean). I put it on, grabbed the alchemy and my staff, got out and walked. It was beautiful out. The place had a nice promontory feel about it, an outcropping of a rocky ledge overlooking the valley below, which was the bottom of Dry Fork Canyon, and a perfect unobstructed view to the East. My staff was also a gift from my mother (and at the time I thought, “What the hell do I want with that thing?”). She buys them because they strike her as perfect at the moment, and they turn out to be indispendable. If you don’t have one, I strongly recommend you get one. No self-respecting wannabe sorcerer should leave home without it!

I had a good ten minutes before Sunrise to build the geometric device in the dirt, which I formed with my staff instead of with thumb-sized rocks, which I considered doing. This is the device:

Obviously, scratching it out with my staff in the sand and pebbles excluded any possibility of color, but this device, as it is, is excellent for invocation and intent and you should use it when the Spirit moves you for whatever reason. This would be excellently used as a device made with sand-painting, for example, and very powerfully so. You have the blessing of AMs to use it (they admire your reverence and responsibility, by the way).

I placed the three vials of alchemy within the three points of the triangle. I performed the invocation we’ve been using and began to feel the “electrical” power around me, chills and all. Suddenly, it occurred to me to put the point of the staff right in the center of the device, like a key in a lock that extended from the device to all points of the globe, realizing that I myself had to function in the capacity of the zeropoint. It also had this sort of phallus and vulva motif to it, without question. The Sun, just then, crested the desert horizon beyond a great wide bluff. I gripped the staff with both hands and spoke:

As the Sun rises
A new conception in creation
As pure as the beginning
As pure as the end
As pure as the heart
As Air now conceiveth
Move it forth however it be
Be thou conceived
Amidst the Air
It now begins

Deep emotion rose from within me when I got to what came to be a natural break between “As pure as the heart” and “As air now conceives.” I croaked a little cry and wiped a tear. I was speaking it slowly enough that by the time of “It now begins” the sun had cleared the horizon. I said it with both reverence but unmistakable authority. Chills began in my lower legs and rushed up and down my body for a few seconds, and I went “Whoa! That was cool!” I stood for a moment, staring straight at the Sun, feeling that I had never been involved in anything quite as sacred. It’s very well worth mentioning that the word “conceived” was pronounced “cunceevud,” with the last “e” pronounced. It’s important. Don’t know why, but it is. If you are invoking for the purpose of manifesting something in your life through this concept, I suggest you pronounce the word this way. [Along with other words that end in “ed”, such as received as receevud.]

When it felt complete, I walked around the bluff, enjoying the sights and the birds, and waiting for the Sun to rise high enough to kiss the vials with golden rays. A half hour later I packed up and left. By the time I was back in cellphone service Peter was ringing me. “How’d it go?”

“Whaddya mean how’d it go? It felt perfect to me.”

“It was perfect. Standing ovation all around by the AMs. Do you feel like there was a conception?”

“I feel like I felt when knowing that I’d taken part in the creation of one of my kids, yes.”

“Well, you did it, and it’s absolutely huge. Everything’s on track.”

So I messed around for the day, something big in the air the whole time. Looked at ancient rock art (I purposefully avoid the word “native” or “indian” simply because some of it is NOT native).