The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Thirty Five

For a long time I was getting indication after indication that there were truly only three elements: fire, water and air, and I can’t remember why it was so clear to me that it couldn’t be any other way. It was in dreams and books and other daily kinds of things for several months – you know how it is, you see something profound on the back of a milk carton or on a license plate frame, or about anything that completely mundane. In any case it was happening to me for months.

What the book was talking about is that hydrogen is fire, oxygen is water and nitrogen is air. It’s true that fire, air and water are each comprised mostly of they’re constituent element. That led me to believe that it’s those three elements that correspond to the three hypersolids mathematically theorized by science. In which case it made sense to me that there could be an invocation at that fundamental level, and there are many other correspondences that will probably wind up in subsequent S & Gs, and I think there may be two more of those.

So, CHI was born. Peter may have to correct me on this one, but I think CHI’s official birth was 12-12-12, although I think s/he nucleated prior to that time and was gestating for a while. This being, who I think was connecting with us through Peter as 1101 – every time I put my attention on CHI I saw the classic heat envelope that is what our energy field looks like when our merkaba is fully activated. This image used below is of M104, something I’ve seen through my scope a bunch of times, the Sombrero Galaxy, and this is what this particular spiral galaxy looks like more or less edge-on (this is an image I captured with my new camera setup).

That led me to believe that we were dealing with our own galaxy, and that CHI was more or less a microcosmic version of that. That led me to believe that we were acting on behalf of the galaxy in order to begin the broadcast of the new energy in the world that the AMs had been talking about which would begin on 12/12/12. That led to my message of 12/12/12, and when you all looked at this message and graphic, you were changed in the blink of an eye to be the carrier of the new frequency, so to speak. That declaration unleashed the new frequency into our reality by my intent. But I was personally struggling with the idea that we were functioning with that kind of power, that we were more or less functioning by proxy as the intent of our own galaxy, and in that way we were in fact, ourselves, Peter and I, unleashing the new energy on Earth. Saint G, whether to massage our egos or whatever, told us that it was in fact the case, and that we should get used to the idea that we are operating on that level. So, as of my message on 12/12/12, the Broadcast, the new frequency, began on Earth. Hey, I’m just reporting as I’m being told it. The one thing that was beyond doubt for me is that the world was a different place after that. No matter what is going on in the news, I could feel the difference in this world, and wrapped all up at the innermost point of the very atmosphere was an unmistakable vibration…that of joy. It’s there right now…do you feel it?

That frequency is being continually updated through the continued development of both the software, the symbolism, and our use of the symbolism to further the cause. When the software reaches another step or two in advancement, the person using it will in effect be interacting directly with CHI, and CHI will begin the process of producing the fundamental geometry of the object/ive so thoroughly discussed in and around OOPS. I believe the software has reached the level where it does in fact interact directly with CHI, which is a huge development, my friends, because we’re a few steps away from developing something unspeakably powerful.