The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Thirty Six

The galaxy is thought to have a supermassive black hole at its core. Well, it does, as do all galaxies, as do we, for that matter (but not supermassive). The black hole is representative of the point-to-point cones and opposing forces discussed in S & G 6. The place where the two points meet is the zeropoint, where all creation takes place.

You can grasp that we’re able to download the “frequencies,” those which produce the geometry, to modify water, or to address an addiction (more to the point, to manifest the nonsmoker in anybody), and therefore you know that what we’d be producing is software that has “canned” functions, so to speak, but can you imagine the difficulty in mechanically translating the type-written desire using OOPS, for example, into mathematical strings that are what CHI requires, and is that mechanical relationship necessary? It’s a good question, and we’ll be answering it in the coming weeks. Do you see what I’m getting at? Instead of canned geometry, we’re talking about dynamic geometry being produced by CHI according to the type-written “command” of the user, which would then produce a fractal. The fractals you see in using MindSET FW are the result of number inputs that correspond to the frequencies, and therefore are the geometry that disaggregate, or reverse the imprints, of the water and then rebuild it with 5th dimensional frequencies.

Somewhere in the mix here I had to remind Peter that fractals were the only way it could be done, and not too long after that he and his “helper programmer” tracked down a snowflake fractal generator, which was the exact right idea in that snowflake geometry is hexagonal, six-sided, which you could inscribe in its infinite number of forms upon the Da Vinci man image above, wherein all possible static fundamental geometrical solids of this timespace continuum are inscribed. Remember S & G 6, and how we are a duplicity of 6 fundamental components? And do you think S & G SIX was an accident? I think NOT! This is what it is referring to. However, there is a seventh thing here and we’ll be probing that soon enough. Do you remember Mysti’s message to us? “Well, maybe YOU are made of a duplicity of six components, but I’m made of seven.”

It’s important to understand that by the time we get into creating more advanced versions of the software, it will be producing dynamic fractal geometry according to the THOUGHTS of the user. There is an important distinction to be made here. Right now, desires expressed through OOPS are being carried out by Higher Beings for the purpose of bolstering confidence, and therefore power, in the process, the engine, while with MindSET FW CHI is the being carrying out the work, and CHI is the child of Peter and I. Why is that important? Because one of the top priority jobs of the AMs is to get humankind to the point where they no longer require babysitting and supervision by AMs in order to accomplish what must be accomplished on Earth over the coming decades and even centuries. In other words, we’re day-by-day reducing the workload, so to speak, of the AMs and other Higher Beings who do this work on our behalf. Does that make sense to you?

Peter and his helper programmer then authored their own fractal generator and the input sequences that correspond to the canned desire (to charge water with powerful life essence) create the output of the fractal you see on the AMS Signet at the center of your screen. Browse those images in the FW program and see for yourself how those fractals are so faithful to the geometry of the Signet, how even the lines split the black and gold of the names of the Goddesses.

Again I was getting pushed to get the public stuff going, and was still in the dilemma of how to name it. In the same information that was talking about hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, a book by Gregg Braden, the three Mother letters of the Hebrew alphabet also had correspondence: A, M, and S, Aleph, Mem and Shin. There was some further correspondence going on in that our letter “M” was becoming increasingly important because the symbol for Virgo, the stylized M with the loop, was thrusting itself into our attention to be probed. It turns out that “M” is the 13th letter of the alphabet, and that it represented a constant, what Peter started to call the “M Constant,” which is basically the “objectified” (is that a word?) you that comes into being when you do manifestation work. “M” is the new you for every succeeding manifestation, whether it be the new you who is now 20 pounds lighter or the new you that occupies a world free of war. What’s important is that, once again, this symbol for Virgo had such impact at the time of all the European Alchemists from the middle ages up through Isaac Newton and Victor Hugo. It’s as though that symbol had its import at that time as a kind of mirror, or time capsule maybe, for us to be using it now.

The fourth element, Earth, is carbon, which, interestingly enough, has six electrons, six protons, and six neutrons, 666, which is what all the religioustitious types like to think is the mark of the beast, and in fact it is, but we’re the beast, meaning the animal of us who starts out as carbon and becomes crystalline, the diamond, by the time we’re finished with this mind-boggling experiment. While the other three, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are gases, nebulous, light, invisible, carbon is the solid element, although combinations of the gases can produce solids, such as what we know of as water. Three “spiritual” elements, and one “physical” element. Interesting, no?

So it became a certainty that A, M and S were to be used in the name of the public school (or whatever you prefer to call it), and They took us through some mental gyrations to address the root “sy,” which as you may have already read in the AMS Introduction page, is a good two letter description of what we’re doing around here: multiple parts working as one, as in symphony. Peter kept getting indications that his stuff was related to “Almira,” but he was also being driven hard to approach everything from a nonmystical standpoint, like his purpose was to appeal in some way to mainstream thinkers. While he thought the software was called “Almira,” I always had a problem with it, and his Website name, Niranya, because here he was being driven to be nonmystical, so to speak, and yet how could you explain to the first person that crossed your path how you came up with Niranya or Almira?

Here was this wild switcho-chango topsy-turvy polarity going on: Me the so-called secular and salt-of-the-Earth King operating this “out there” mystical Website and performing the world’s most potent alchemy, but with a primary task of focusing on business aspects of everything we’re to do, and Peter, my so-called Merlin, the storied Wizard and epitome of that which is mystical, being taken to task to create something that appeals to the mainstream secular types. It has a beautiful and powerful symmetry to it when you step back and view it from a higher perspective, where both of us have our feet in both worlds.

From the business perspective, Peter needed my help, but before we get into that it’s important to note that we’re basically developing two business models and entities, one that addresses the mainstream, and one that addresses the mystical. At some point the two business models will merge, and that merger will in a microcosmic sort of way represent the merger of mysticism and science on a global scale. How? Let’s address it.

They (the AMs) were finally able to get across to me the power of what was unfolding, and it’s basically this. If you want to bring about the demise, or transfiguration, of the control structures, what do you do? You take away their income flow. To develop a program that inflicts maximum damage to one of the dark control structures you start with cigarette smoking. I consider tobacco to be one of the most sacred and powerful plants on Earth, a mother of all plants, so to speak, but the cigarette companies co-opted its power, ensnared it and turned it into a killer, and they did so with malice aforethought. There is no danger in stopping the habit, as there might be with alcohol and some drugs, and it’s already a very popular notion with special interest groups all over the country consisting of hundreds of thousands of people. You could say that step 1 for self-empowerment is to seize mastery of your own health, and if that also entails the cessation of one of the most destructive habits in human experience, then so be it. Seizing mastery of one’s own health also spells ultimate disaster for one of the other very sinister behemoths, the pharmaceutical giants. Using MindSET FW will in fact bring about excellent health with consistent and continued use, which is of course what ZPTech’s products have been doing all along.