A yet another addition to the list of intention manifestation softwareby Modern Day Mystic is the Sourxe III software. The purpose of any intention manifestation software is to magnify and manifest the intentions of the user and change them into reality. Sourxe III uses water as the medium to manifest your intentions. Question arises why water and how can it be used to fulfill one’s desires?

The answer as provided by Dr. Emoto, a Sourxe III software expert is as follows– We all know similar to three-fourths of the earth, a human body also constitutes of seventy percent of water. The vibrations in water can transfer information and energy from one cell to another. It has been proved by researchers and scientists all over the world that water can be programmed to get desired effects.

Sourxe III acts as self-empowerment software. The process of using the Sourxe III software includes five simple steps –

  • Think about your aim which you have cherished to fulfill
  • Pour clean water into a glass up to three- fourth level.
  • Now concentrate on your goal and then look at the glass of water and concentrate on it.
  • Click on the Sourxe III button in your computer and wait for a minute.
  • The water is now charged with your intention. Drink the water.

The charging of water constitutes of four phases. At first, the users mind is prepared to accept the new changes. Any previous imprint on water is erased to bring it to blank state. The primary water structure tries to connect with the conscious of the water and alters it as per the users set of expectations.

Now let’s see what the users have to say regarding Sourxe III. Dr. Karen was quite surprised and happy to get the results. He intended to get free front row seats for weekend show. Dr. Karen used the Sourxe III software and just two days before the show, while he was practicing skating as usual, an unknown guy came up to him and asked him if he was visiting the same show Dr. Karen intended. Quite surprised by his question, Dr. Karen gave a positive answer in reply to which he admitted he is having free front row seats for the show. Even before Dr. Karen could believe his ears, the guy pulled out the tickets and handed over to him. Dr. Karen was left spell bounded.

Another user reports an astonishing incident. He wished that he gets a hundred US dollars in value and not in the form of any gift voucher or a present. He concentrated on this goal and used Sourxe III. Though he did not expect but tried to trust the software. After following the process, it somehow skipped out of his mind completely regarding his manifestation of intention. But to his surprise he accidentally ended up selling few old items and when he received the money amounting to 1111 dollars, did he realized that the realization of his intention had already taken place and hence was bound to believe the Sourxe III.