
J. Mathers, Ontario, Canada

Hi Peter. I just wanted to provide you with my testimonial for your new Aquaware 4.0 software. I’ve only had it for 3 days and I am already noticing results. This software is amazing and I wanted to send my gratitude to you for creating this software. I am so impressed, I have posted on a Facebook group (Lynn Waldrop’s weight loss study) to tell everyone how amazing the software is and have directed them to your site if they have interest in purchasing the software. I hope you get a ton of sales out of it. Again, my deepest gratitude to you!

2 月 4, 2015

Sam Sander, Santa Fe, NM, USA

Aquaware 4.0 is truly amazing. Besides giving me more energy for my workouts it is a great pain reliever. I’ve had a pain in my lower back for several weeks. My chiropractor and acupuncture physician had only temporary success with partially reducing the discomfort. One session in the hot tub and a drink with the intention of “Lower Back Pain” and I was pain free. Wow, and thank you! PS the picture is me at 79 with my Buddy.

1 月 22, 2015

Dina Sara, Brooklyn, NY

I submitted a testimonial about how Aquaware 4.0 helped my digestion problems, and wanted to give the intentions I used to build my QLS session as a sample of how an issue can be supported. They were: indigestion, heartburn, as well as general, stomach, spleen, colon & intestine cleanse & rejuvenate. Kinesiology (muscle checking) or dowsing with a pendulum can be used to determine the best strength for each program. What I have found consistently is that after a time of using a QLS program, several or all of the programs can be well tolerated at higher strength, demonstrating the Aquaware healing effect!

1 月 19, 2015

Dina Sara, Brooklyn, NY

I made an Aquaware 4.0 QLS program 2 weeks ago for digestive upset I was experiencing, including indigestion and heartburn. Used it for a couple of days and just realized that I have had NO symptoms since then! Love this program!

1 月 19, 2015

David Shear, Pensacola, FL

Last night, I used the custom intent feature in Aquaware 4.0 to program water for my myself and a doctor friend across the globe in New Zealand with an intention called “Activate DNA to fifty six strands and above”. Wow! We both felt it immediately! My toes tingled! I will be drinking this daily. It doesn’t get any better than when one has a buddy who is a genius and also an energy healer that also loves to operate way outside the box! In my experience, Aquaware 4.0 is the quintessential tool to take on these types of exciting adventures! Will keep you folks updated on this.

1 月 11, 2015

Dina Sara, Brooklyn, NY – USA

My co-author and I did experiments with Aquaware 3.0 to prove that it did, in fact, work. We used several different types of equipment, including a computerized body scan and heart rate variability monitor, which all showed a significant improvement in things such as the ability to adapt to stress, aging rate and stress level, and also that the effectiveness of the water did not deteriorate during the approximately two week testing period. Aquaware 4.0, with its quantum layering feature is vastly more efficient. I love the fact that I can email an individualized QLS to a client who has Aquaware 4.0, and they can simply download it into their program and run it as often as they want. The program storage feature allows me to customize Quantum Layering programs quickly with as many parameters as I have stored. Also, the remote programming has allowed me to program water for others who are sick or want help, without having to travel to them. Considering all this, plus the possibility to positively program large water sources, such as a reservoir, there is an awesome potential for helping myself and others!

1 月 7, 2015


我一直在使用 Aquaware 3.1 治疗我的抑郁症和我父亲的痴呆症。我使用它才一个多月,但我真的感觉到了它的不同。我感到乐观、自信和快乐的日子比以往任何时候都多。我父亲也恢复到了痴呆症刚发生时的样子。这真是了不起!我已经订购了 4.0 版本,迫不及待地等着它的到来。谢谢你,彼得!

1 月 6, 2015

Karin, Denmark

Thanks for the gift Navitus 3.0 – it’s amazing to taste the healing soft water. It’s also amazing that a man and technology and consciousness can pass “this” to us all. My goal and desire is to get Aquaware 4.0 soon. Karin Denmark

1 月 4, 2015

Christina Norgren, Trenton, Michigan, USA

I purchased and started using Aquaware 3.1 in August 2014. I have been drinking water for the past 30 years as my primary drink of choice. In June of 2013 I had come to learn of Dr. Emoto’s work with water and purchased another product to clear/neutralize my water before I drank it. I figured I was drinking water all day long, why not make it as helpful to my body as possible, and maybe it would also help my Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms. Then one day I heard Peter Schenk on the Sheila Gale Show talking about Aquaware 3.1 and how not only does it clear and prepare the water, but that I could also place intents into my water! How cool was that?! I had to have it! I began using it as soon as it received it, for both myself and my family members. I immediately ordered a reconditioned HP mini laptop (with Windows 7 Home Premium) which I found on ebay for about $115, so I could carry my laptop with me at all times.
Here are some of the experiences I’ve had with this crazy, cool “magic wand”:
• Every morning I put intents into my shower water – typically Perfect Facial Skin & Success in Every Endeavor. Before starting with Aquaware 3.1 I had noticed a few rough spots on my skin, one on the top of my shoulder and the other on my bicep, both of which could have been potentially the beginning of some BCC skin cancer. I had already had 2 small spots removed during the prior few years, but these spots had not yet been evaluated by a doctor. Within a week both spots had changed into smooth healthy looking skin. I also had a small raised mole growing on my right temple that I was not interested in letting grow any bigger. This too started appearing flatter every day and is currently almost undetectable. I’ve also notice that other “sun/age spots” on my arms and legs have lightened up. Initially I thought it was because my summer “tan” was making the spots less apparent, but now that we are in the middle of winter, my skin is much more pale and the spots are very light and some have disappeared. The most noticeable change has come in the slowed growth rate of facial hair. As a woman, it is very embarrassing to have to deal with facial hair. I only have a small area on both sides of the corner of my upper lip, but I would have to shave the area EVERY morning because the stubble was so evident and prickley to the touch. All of a sudden, I now can go more than 2 days without shaving this area and still hardly feel the new growth! This is so amazing, especially since I wasn’t even trying to address this issue!
• Every day I pack my kids’ lunches with a bottle of water. I charge their water with all kinds of intents, depending on what is going on in their lives. I’ve used everything from Depression, Study Support, Success in Every Endeavor, etc. The best part is that if I forgot to bring my mini laptop downstairs when I packed their lunch, I can always charge their water once I get to work from a distance.
• I’ve used the Sinus Congestion intent on myself and kids any time we feel like we’re getting a stuffy or runny nose, or feeling sick. Drinking a few extra glasses of charged water really seems to do the trick and then we’re feeling as good as new!
• Great Night Sleep has worked well for myself, my husband and my 2 boys (ages 9 & 16).
• Ph Balancing – I’ve used this intent when I’ve had too much acidic foods and/or juice to reset my system.
I can’t wait to receive the Aquaware 4.0 upgrade! ~ Chris, Michigan

12 月 31, 2014

Jackline Slezak, La Quinta CA USA

I have been using Aquaware 3.1 since May 2014 and I have experienced unquantifiable energetic changes and many definite physical changes as well. I am almost pain free for the first time in 25 years, my insomnia is practically non existent and my physical vitality is the best it has been since Chronic illness took over my life 25 years ago. I use Aquaware 3.1 or Source on every liquid I consume at home and am so excited to have Aquaware 4.0 so that this fabulous energy can now be layered Yeah! and portable!

12 月 30, 2014
