

11 月 1, 2023

strange event with HFA Force Generator

Peter, I have a very strange experience to share with you regarding my HFA force generator. I wonder if you have heard of any similar experiences such as this. I lost my HFA force generator two months ago when I left it on my bed and when I came back an hour later it had disappeared. I mean it had just disappeared completely. I looked all over the bed covers, all over my bedroom thinking that it may have somehow bounced under my bed or in my clothes, or something like that but no, it was completely gone… completely disappeared. And it stayed disappeared for two months until this morning when I found it just sitting on a stack of my freshly laundered undergarments. It was just sitting on top of the pile and could not have gotten there by any physical means whatsoever. I live alone in my apartment, my landlords live above me and never come down, so I’m all alone and nobody could have taken the HFA force generator and then brought it back as a practical joke or anything like that. it just literally disappeared for two months and then reappeared in the same room but at a slightly different position in the room itself. Peter have you ever heard of any similar experience with the HFA force generator? It confounds the crap out of me, I’ll tell you that!!

M. W. self-employed HFA 力发生器 12 月 9, 2024

hfa 力量发生器和 sourxe 水瓶活力二重奏

我是水象星座,这不是坏事,但有时我需要接地。因此,我把氢氟烷烃原动力发生器放在苏打水瓶的底部,用我的 QLS 意向,使用 AQUASYNC 对水进行编程。 然后,我把氢氟烷烃原动力发生器从瓶底拿出来,坐在氢氟烷烃原动力发生器上,喝着从苏克塞水瓶中取出的已编程的水。 OMG!!!!!!!! 我接地气了。我说的是根。我冥想过,思考过如何脚踏实地,这些都很好,但这个过程几乎是瞬间完成的。谢谢,谢谢,谢谢。

接地 11 月 29, 2023


这两个设备配合得非常好。我一直把 HFA 发生器放在办公桌上,一拿起它,一股积极平稳的能量就会涌上心头。收到 Palladian 之后,我一直佩戴着它,它给我的感觉类似但又不同。
看了一些其他的推荐信后,我试着把 HFA 发生器放在口袋里随身携带。真是大不一样!它能帮助我保持中心、脚踏实地,同时也能让我凌驾于事物之上,这样,与过去的模式相比,现在的反应更受我的控制/直接控制。

11 月 1, 2023

HFA 力发生器

我很想告诉大家通过远程观看使用 HFA 原力发生器的情况。我的朋友也有一个原力发生器,当时他正在和家人度假,他和他的侄女都感到牙疼。我让格雷格坐在他的原力发生器上,想着他亲爱的侄女,她在哭泣,非常痛苦。我的原力发生器就在我的口袋里。我让他想象一个微小的漩涡在他侄女的嘴里产生,然后反时钟旋转漩涡,想象黑色的小颗粒从她和他的嘴里飞出,清除引起他们疼痛的东西。我能感觉到漩涡在旋转,因此可以鼓励他继续下去,并证明它在起作用。几个小时后,他们都摆脱了疼痛,重新开始享受假期。只要你相信,一切皆有可能。

11 月 1, 2023

The Amazing, Another World generator

Hi Peter, I feel calm, comfortable, confident focused and productive when I step into the pharmacy. I feel like this job is made for me even though I never worked at a pharmacy before. This is what I’m feeling now that I have the Force Generator, I feel different, I feel like I’m a pro at my job. I use to feel nervous and unsure if I belonged there. Now I have a job that I love. I also feel the tension and negativity has left the place as well. Their is harmony now between me and one of the co-workers at the store. She didn’t want me to work at the store, but now we she is very friendly with me. The customers love me and my boss thinks that I’m a very good worker.

11 月 1, 2023

HFA 力发生器

我有一个 HFA 原力发生器,今天我在为一位客户进行阅读练习时使用了它。
虽然她同意参加 Zoom 会议,但她未能成行,我与她进行了远程连接,并收到了以下信息
我听从了她的指导和建议,事先进行了祈祷,并坐在了 HFA Force 发电机的顶端。

11 月 1, 2023


关于 hfa 力量发生器,它能带来美丽的能量,让我们重新变得像个孩子,感受到更多的快乐,让事情朝着对我们最有利的方向发展。
感谢彼得和 MDM 团队让我们的生活充满魅力。

关于 hfa force generator,它为我们带来了美好的能量,让我们像孩子一样感受到更多的快乐,让我们的生活更加美好。
感谢彼得和 MDM 团队为我们的生活增添光彩。

11 月 1, 2023


I love these products! The HFA Palladian is like a mini computer of sorts, only instead of typing, I intend a direct command and voila! Just matter of time for it to come to be. Lately, I felt the need to keep it in a place instead of carrying it around… so its working as a support system, I go about my day and my main focus is to bring peace and harmony into my relationships…. surprised every day to see hoy its working its way around to promote these among the people I interact with….
With the HFA Generator there is a build up of clearing as the days go by…. I’m in awe as how often I get surprised to see a place/people clear old energies or be in a more willing mood to participate in harmonious relationships…. Life can be good 🙂

11 月 1, 2023

Love this little device

The HFA Force Generator is amazing. It somehow manages to smooth out life’s rough edges. A few examples of this range from seemingly unimportant – finding a parking spot to the much more dramatic – my air conditioning company suddenly finding my extended warranty or in an extremely urgent situation my plumber being able to send someone out immediately to complete a repair which I was told would take approximately a week to handle. It really does make you feel like the universe has your back. Love it!

11 月 1, 2023

Mr Force Generator

I enjoy the Force Generator very Much . I was surprised that when I lay on a small grounding-mat that was connected to the plug in the wall, good grounding effect, so I started to play with the Force Generator telling it to “reverse Flow” , to go standby, etc . The signal was like another experience used in combination , check it out if you like, I got the grounding mat cheap on Amazon. I am dreaming about how it must be to have a HUGE Force Generator winner, I am ! I hope u can easily check out my tip, do the grounding mat thing its cool !


11 月 1, 2023
