

Okay…. here’s a BIG one. I have known for quite some time that my heart was no longer inspired by the position I have had for twenty-eight years. I have been for several months thinking and feeling what it would be like to be free from working. Thinking and feeling what it would be like to be doing whatever it is that inspires me. Actually, I’ve had my nose to the grindstone for the last several years, completing my degree and then working part-time jobs after my regular full-time career position to pay for it. I’ve been emotionally and physically drained. My workplace has never in the history of it’s existence offered a retirement incentive. Guess what? They did. The offer is exactly what I’ve needed to be able to say, YES! So, I did. I’ve been told it’s unlikely they will ever offer this again and so it’s quite a unique happening. This is miracle type substance here. So many things falling into place…. just so…….heart emoticon

Terrisa A. Hardy 7 月 6, 2017

The Super Mini

For many years I thought I was suffering from adrenal fatigue, hyperactivity, & anxeity due to being hypersenative & empathic coupled with the stresses from my up bringing & the stresses from teaching special ed. & life which had become a formula for a very nervous person internally. It seemed the more I worked on myself spiritually the more of an energetic sponge I was becoming and no tool or techinque was helping me in totality. This was becoming a great concern for me because it was getting to the point where I was experiencing great difficulty sleeping which led me to not functioning properly because I was always tired, Between my lack of energy & not feeling comfortable around people & their energy I was beginning to think I would have to live in some cave on some deserted island somewhere because everything was irritating me..
Fast forward to the present I retired early to care for my elderly parents full time, meaning I now live with them because they can no longer care for themselves, my dad has diabetes, & stage 4 prostate cancer & mom is a heart patient with several other ailments including Dementia & an attitude problem. So, I lve in a very hyperalert state, in a conjested neighborhood, surrounded by dense death energy with very little down time because mom is very needy emotionally. Being around my parents was exhausting because of the amount of energy I had to put out day in and day out,
When I wore my mini for the first time I noticed that my internal shaking stopped. I was able to breathe, sleep without thrashing about & actually experienced deep sleep leading me to believe that most of what I was experiencing was because my environment was fraying my nervous system & not menopause or adrenal fatigue or any other excuses I was using that were biological, also I can now deal with mom’s stress energy. It no longer feels like some hot, irritating monkey on my back, I can even sit in the seat behind her which I could not do before hand without cleansing the energy from her seat, What a relief! Plus I no longer feel like my parents zap all of my energy
I would highly recommend this device for the hypersensitive like me as, well, as caregivers, it’s a true life saver!

Roz Tomblin 6 月 26, 2017

迷你 HFA

I misplaced my Mini Me HFA I was sure i had lost it, after a few frantic days I received the bright idea of asking Peter if my HFA was gone forever. He said” No, It’s very close to where you are now.” My Mini Me HFA was on the floor on my partners side of the bed, he works away so wasn’t home to notice it there . “Peter you Rock.” Thank you so much !

Lizy 6 月 10, 2017

I adore my HAD Mini!

I adore my HFA Mini ever since I received it I haven’t took it off.My life has changed in ways I wasn’t expecting to happen so fast,for instance within a few days of receiving HFA Mini I got a job interview at a place I always wanted to work,and I got the perfect hours that I wanted as well and it was delightfully unexpected blessing that I knew my HFA Mini orchestrated together! Also I thought it would be at least a year when I would be able to get a new car,but when my jeep broke down I needed find a new vehicle last week and at first I felt concerned but I felt a sense of peace and a feeling of it’s all going to come together and I felt it was (infinity…That’s what I named my HFA)telling me everything was gone be alright. Within the next week I found my dream car that I wanted at a great price and I was able to get a down payment from a family member as a gift! Also I feel so calm and protected when I go out and when at work,when I’m out shopping or out at public people ask where did I get my necklace from ,they ask if they can touch,and one person even asked if she could have it…lol. It definitely is a divine and sensational product you have created and I thank you for creating it,because it has blessed me in wonderful and I like how I feel she’s helping me to evolve!!!

Latreese Boles 4 月 24, 2017

迷你 HFA

Been wearing my HFA mini for 3 weeks now. My moods has been more stable, no wild up and down swings. Trips to the city which is a 2 hour drive each way has been easier, certainly no trouble with parking anymore. I am a calmer person to be around. Thank you Peter Schenk, for the mini, I am so glad I have it. I haven’t taken it off at all except for the time I clean it. I find it interesting that sometimes it is a couple of days before I need to clean it, other times, I had to clean it almost daily! The other week I had some visitors, by the time they left after 5 hours, my mini was that tarnished I had to take it off to clean it! Negative people really makes me notice the mini’s reaction. Good thing is I feel sort of buffered from a lot of the negative energy around me now!!

Kathleen Daniel 4 月 22, 2017

YES it works!!!!!

Ok yesterday I went to Rockwall to go to my thyroid docters appointment. Was up there the previous week and yesterday there was still a lot of roadwork. All the traffic and trying to get where I needed to go was stressing me. I polished and cleaned my mini that morning. I got where I needed to go to head home without too much trouble. Well when I got ready for bed and looked at my hfa mini I was shocked. I can wear it around the house and it doesn’t have to be cleaned for 4 or 5 days. Well after yesterday I looked at it and it was dirty so it was definitely working keeping that stress from all that traffic away from me. So thank you for this wonderful hfa. I now have proof that it is DEFINITELY working for me. THANK YOU again for all your wonderful products.

catherine hildebrand 3 月 22, 2017

Awesome Mini

I purchased my Mini in January 2017. It was delivered on a Wednesday. I could feel the energy right through the package. Opening it up was so awesome to see how beautiful it was. I linked myself to the mini immediately and put her in my pocket since the chain I ordered didn’t come yet. I remember Peter saying he had to clean his every other day. I kept checking mine daily and it was staying pretty clean. Well on Sunday my significant other, who is very sensitive, was going through a lot of stuff, a lot of releasing, etc… I just kept doing my thing and just left him be. Well, Monday morning I checked my Mini and it was very tarnished. I was shocked to see how badly tarnished it was and was in dyer need of a cleaning. It protected me from all that interfering energies that happened on Sunday. Thank you dear mini. Another time I was at our county’s beauty pagent in February, where my neice’s daughter was one of the little princesses performing. It was so fun to watch. My neices ex-husband was sitting right behind me. He always has such a heavy anger energy around him that I don’t like being around. It’s interesting. I didn’t even know he was sitting behind me until the intermission 1 hour and 1/2 into the program when I saw him going down the stairs. My neice asked me what I thought of his energy. I told her, I couldn’t even feel his negativity and that was fine with me. Isn’t that interesting. Everyday seems to run more smoothly wearing my mini. I would love to purchase the HFA for the home and office to have the energy more balanced for me, my significant other and our dog Bailey. What a benifit that would be. Love the HFA Mini. She’s become my best friend. We do everything together. Thank you, Peter for the HFA series. The HFA and HFA mini are awesome. Wouldn’t be without them.

Patricia Schmidt 3 月 9, 2017

My Mini helps me daily

I have had my Mini for about three months now. The first thing that it had helped me with was to protect me from friendships that I had no idea was draining me. I was pretty sad at the beginning when it happened, but after only a week totally understood why the friendship had to end. The best thing about it is, I didn’t have to do anything, it was my friend who suddenly avoided me (for no clear reason why) whether in get togethers or even messages.

Another thing I really noticed was the very profound way I see things or issues. It may be an angle or perception that I have not seen before, but makes so much sense, or a way of explaining something in a better and clearer way.

As a mum, I am much calmer and can take control of my emotions better. Of course there are still days when I get frustrated, but the feeling of frustration is nowhere near what I was experiencing before.

i highly recommend an HFA Mini. It really felt like the first job it did for me was to create a force field around me to protect me from the negativity that I wasn’t even aware of. So awesome. Your Mini will have your back like it does mine.

Missy 3 月 8, 2017

Flow… Life changes HFA Mini

The HFA mini is a game changer. My life is better because I can be in crowds, take a busy subway and NOT be affected by the people around me. I have more energy and mental clarity to get things DONE. Lots of synchronicities have occurred in my LIFE and you just flow in a positive attitude because the negativity just vanishes into thin air…poof.

“If i were to make a wish it would be for everyone to own a HFA mini so they can have their own experiences!!! Seriously, there are so many benefits…you lose count.”

苏姬-克鲁 3 月 8, 2017

HFA mini

With my HFA mini my energy field feels like one of those 70’s lava lamps. Serene motion. Calm loveliness. Thankyou, Namaste.

Leiyra Bell 3 月 8, 2017

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