

2 月 8, 2018

2 月 8, 2018

2 月 8, 2018

2 月 8, 2018

2 月 8, 2018

2 月 8, 2018

2 月 8, 2018

2 月 8, 2018

2 月 8, 2018

2 月 8, 2018

2 月 8, 2018

Harmonic field amplifier for car

大约一年前,我为自己的爱车购买了 HFA。 我想从宾夕法尼亚州顺利前往北卡罗来纳州接女儿放学。 过去,这趟旅程我最多需要 8.5 个小时。 华盛顿特区的交通在一天中的任何时候都非常糟糕。 我从邮局取回我的 HFA,只见盒子以惊人的速度震动着。 它包装精美,刚一开箱就令人眼前一亮。 我去北卡罗来纳州花了 6 小时 45 分钟! 我在特区没有遇到任何交通堵塞,我开玩笑说,在到达北卡罗来纳州之前,我没有遇到一个红灯。 大概有 30-40 个红灯。 哇。 我有个朋友对能量非常敏感,她能感觉到能量的力量。 我还认为,我可以和它交流,让我的旅程更顺利....ie,请让这次掉头又快又简单。 自己试试吧。 珍妮特

珍妮特-达菲 Thoroughlykneaded.com 3 月 14, 2018

HFA a new way to travel driving in a snow storm

在今天的暴风雪中开车非常危险。我向我的 HFA 求助,这是一种新的出行方式,可以帮助我开车上山,让我在能见度很低的情况下慢速安全驾驶,并保持注意力集中......,我确实驶离了道路,打电话给我的道路救援服务,并被拖到了我需要去的地方。 服务人员在 30 分钟内就赶到了(真快)、
司机很棒,他引导我协助他换挡等。我们是一个团队。 这真是一次奇妙的经历。 我爱我的 HFA,它也爱我。

感恩的司机 HFA 旅行新方式 3 月 8, 2018

HFA Keeps Me Alert While Driving

在购买 HFA Travel 之前,我几乎总是在路上不到半小时就非常困。 然后,我不得不找个地方停下来小睡一会儿。但自从两年前购买了 HFA(我把它放在车里),我只犯困过三次,原因是旅行前一晚没有休息好。 我很珍惜它为我所做的一切。 谢谢你,彼得。


Winnie Fajardo 退休 Arkansas 2 月 23, 2018


I live in central valley in California and there is always traffic, purchased the HFA more than a year ago before my husband and I were to travel across country for a few months. I wanted to witness what the HFA was about and what I noticed was the effect it had on my husbands ability to concentrate and communicate in a much more relaxed manner seemed no matter what came up it was handled with ease, which brings me to this story in May of 2017 we were traveling the Los Vegas area to visit some National parks when there we were in 5 lanes of traffic and I was explaining to husband gently that he needed to get in the far right lane so as not to miss the turn, he ask me to get in the back of the RV because I was making the tense moment worse so I turned it over to universe, well about five minutes later all HELL broke loose and when we were able stop he explained to me that there was no possible way that he could see how he had avoided a major accident and ended up right where we needed to exit! I am so glad that I purchased the HFA the differences were very noticeable and it will be on board when we travel this year. Thank You Peter

Lynn Anderson HFA 2 月 20, 2018

HFA for my car

I know my HFA saved my car and myself from what would of been a nasty accident. I was traveling a country road at 50 miles an hr. Coming up on my right side were 5 deer running toward the road. Right before the road they all turned and ran back the way they had come. Had the deer continued on their original path to cross the road I would of been in serious trouble.

Donna Eibel Reiki master HFA 2 月 19, 2018

Feeling safer and more peaceful when driving

I am not very confident in myself when driving and I decided to buy an HFA after reading/listening to other testimonials. I am so happy that I do not feel unsafe or nervous when I am driving any more with my HFA in my car. I noticed one thing clearly: whenever I need to make a U turn or left turn without any traffic light, I do not have any anxiety at all as I normally did. Thank you Peter for all of your great products. This HFA is one of the best gifts that I gave myself.

Linh Chieu Nguyen Tran HFA 2 月 18, 2018


The day after I connected the HFA to my car, my intermittent windshield wipers started working after being out of commission for at least 5 years. Couldn’t believe it. Driving is so relaxing and enjoyable, I feel safe and protected and my car just runs so well and smoothly. This is a 20 year old car by the way, not trading it in yet.
Keep up the good work, Peter. I also have your HFA mini and wear it all the time. Your products are paving a new understanding of what is possible. Thank you so much.

Flo Peck New Way to Travel 2 月 18, 2018


I was driving home from work when a crazy driver tried to cut into a traffic light when I had the right of way, I thought to myself, oh no, is this the end?, When, like a miracle, i felt my leg ramming the accelerator without me actually conscientiously doing it. I had my HFA, a new way to travel, in between the front seats. I was thanking God and HFA for saving my life! I had such a jolt from that experience. I’m so glad I have the HFA in my car at all times. It’s truly a miracle device! I cannot thank you enough! I feel so safe with my HFA!

Elizabeth Avery 2 月 18, 2018

Speaking and Hearing HFA, A New Way To Travel

When I first saw the HFA, a new way to travel on Facebook, I cried.Within The HFA, was a part of me.
I did not have the funds to buy it, but I did see it in my minds eye, while driving .
I’ll never forget, a 4 car accident was averted when I got out of the way, split second timing when I pictured the HFA.
I have owned it for a little over six months. I call upon it for help during work zones, heavy traffic, speeders, tailgaiters, etc. I am consistantly out of harms way, or I am led to an exit before the issue.
OKAY, so get this. A neighbor plays a stereo at 2 am every morning. Loudly. I can’t sleep. Not good. I need quiet. This has been going on for 6 weeks.
Three weeks ago, a Saturday, I was out in my car, stopped at a store, Safe in the parking lot. I went into the store & came out to find the battery dead. I called roadside service , he did a jump start, and I was fine.
The next Sunday, the same thing happened.The tech said, go to the dealer, but something is draining the battery. I went to the dealer, they ran tests, found nothing wrong.
Through out this time, I have been thinking about the loud noise issue, and my need for quiet, and sleep.
Then it occurred to me, it must be the HFA.

I took the HFA, out of the car, and put it in the closet between the neighbors wall and mine.

Get this. That night, NO LOUD Music. It is QUIET., and has NOT started again. I mean the wall would shake from the vibration of the sound.

It gets better. Even though the HFA is in the closet, I continue to get off at pre issue exits. I park 2 feet, ( I measured it) before those cement thingys that one could hit with the front of the car in a parking lot, and drivers are more courteous when switching out parking spaces. We wave, or thumbs up, or smile.There is more interaction when appropriate.
Based on my experiences with the HFA, a new way to travel, after you link it to yourself, it learns your ways, and over time, I learned it’s way of communicating.

I absolutely love my HFA MINI, my HFA, a new way to travel, .my MDM Software, Workshops, and Private sessions with Peter. IAM growing, I can feel it, ( I think my MINI is too. ( Feels heavier)

The IAM Presence line is calling to me, as well as the IAM bracelet.

Over time,,it seems that the MDM products and services, all work to do what Peter says they do, only in my case, better. Thank you for your hard work and caring.

Anonymous 9 月 27, 2017

I consider it my wonderful friend!

I have had my HFA for my car for two months now, and I cannot imagine now my travels without it. At first I was a little nervous about it and wished there was more detailed written information about it, including Peter’s research and his spiritual awakening. What realy helped me was the decision to connect with the amplifier on a more personal level. Even now I bring the HFA into the house from the car, hold it close to my body and talk to it adding my own intentions also. I call it my catalyst to the connection with the Pleiadians with whom I try to communicate on my own level. But, when I place my HFA back into my car (the pocket behind my seat) I repeat Peter’s intention: “I honor the space in which you exist”, Almost every time before driving I acknowledge my HFA thinking of it as a living form of God’s energy. My confidence immediately goes up and at the age of 73, I have noticed that my driving has become more daring and decisive which is hard to believe. Recently I have avoided a collision twice, and I have to give my thanks to the HFA. The first time I was yielding to a car which slowed down and flashed its lights at me. After a moment I realized that I did not have my lights on, and then following the car at a slower pace, suddenly a deer ran in front of my car, but I had no problem stopping in time. I thanked my HFA. The second time I just went through a major intersection on a green light when suddenly I had an intense feeling that something was not right and automatically slowed down. Just then a car which apparently was trying to get across the 4 lanes stopped suddenly half way in second and third lane, to avoid a collision with an oncoming car. I was in second lane and incredibly was able to stop in time and not hit it. I still cannot believe that there were no cars behind me….
Still, I do encounter the normal problems with traffic and parking spaces, but now they do not bother me, thank God. Originally I bought this HFA for my grandson but he did not want it or trust it, so I figured it was supposed to be for me. I had gladly accepted it knowing that there are no accidents, and I thank the universe and Peter for this beautiful gift!

Yvonne Rek 4 月 24, 2017
