
TR mini and Orion

Love my Orion. Again, I enjoy sharing my testimonials as I use them further along. Our friend was in desperate need of finding a good renter asap and selling his other property and a good house cleaner. 1st, I had him hold my Orion and speak his intentions for s good renter fast, 2nd, his other property sells at the price he wants or better. Well, the good renters showed up in a week, his other property has a good realtor listed it higher than he thought. As for house cleaning, i used (TR mini)my good friend has her cleaning business and had just lost a valuable client. Intention was “she now has a great job” . Well, our friend hired her, and she has had other clients use her services. So happy to have this extension to help others. Plus my husband need a good 2nd car, I put that down “he now has a wonder working car”, plus intended things would work out $ towards it. Turns out his friend that went with him to car dealer, bought his old car and we were able to put that towards loan. It’s a win win.

Prem Kaur Light Feather Tx 6 月 24, 2019


After having completed all 3 Receiving workshops in which I concentrated on with the intention of work, money and career. I received 3 job interviews the next day!! Then another offer for temporary work starting 1st July.
Very happy to say the least as I haven’t worked for sometime now.

Peter Schenk I simply love your products and services because they simply work!! Results are evident every time.

Thank you!! Much love,
Tarin Kaur. 💕

Tarinder Kaur 6 月 21, 2019

Public request result with Terra Resonator Typhoon and Creationis Miracles Arca Archa box

The local news reported a missing dog from a car crash and reached out the community to find him because the owner was in an induced coma and was very close to the dog. After hearing the story I wrote a statement that the dog had been found and reunited with the family looking for him and put that note on my Terra Resonator Typhoon and then in my Creationis Miracles Arca Archa box. . Today an update showed that indeed the dog had been found and reunited with his family and that the owner is now out of his coma. Was glad to contribute energetically with this tool for a successful result.

Lynn W 6 月 21, 2019

Many Doctors are waking up to the fact, that people need a good nights sleep Somnum Machina

I have searched for at lease 20 years or more for a sleep solution. When Peter designed the Somnum Machina, I just knew it was exactly what I needed. One caveat with Peters products is there is a relationship with the product. You just know.
I used the 2 pay option, but I began thinking about , and reading about how to set it up. Set up is easy, a compass on my iPhone directed my placement of the beautiful stones. Then the fun begins. I reveal to Somnum Machina what I need. Like womb service. I say: I honor the space in which you exist. I need a restful restorative sleep / eliminate mind chatter. I want to get up at x ‘ oclock. Next thing I know, it is morning around x’oclock. I then say, I honor the space in which you exist, and I disconnect. When you get yours home, maybe you will discover another way. You can’t screw it up, because you can’t, it is impossible. I feel sharper, more relaxed, healthier, stronger at the gym, and more confident. Thank you again Peter for this important and life giving product.

Finally found a sleep solution that really works 6 月 21, 2019

Beautiful Result

I bought the Myrrh Compass Rose about 8 or so months ago, and set it up in my home. We have just had the hottest summer here in Australia up to 48 deg C. I have never seen leaves starting to fall from my Lyme bush and fruit trees before, hedges wilting, all of which have been here for over 50 years as it’s an old established garden used, supposedly, to Australian conditions. I thought I was going to lose the garden, even though I was watering when my rain tank had some water in it. But things have eased up now as we have had pretty good rains in the last couple of months (a Compass Rose effect?), but it has been a struggle for the garden to get its strength back, but it’s good now. But last week I went out into my back yard where the fruit trees are and I could really see a difference – they are truly powering with more fruit than ever before. I had to prop up a lemon bush’s branches as they are so heavy with fruit, and new fruit coming on behind them on other branches. Then I looked next door – OH what a sad sight! Their lemon bush is flat out producing half a dozen lemons and not many leaves at all, and the land looks exhausted. Not mine! I know it’s down to the Compass Rose. That’s why I bought it, as I saw another testimonial about how brilliant an effect it had on gardens. Thanks so much Peter – you’ve really made a difference here with this fantastic product. I think you have saved my garden! May YOUR garden always be blooming. X.

A gardener 没药罗盘玫瑰 6 月 21, 2019

“Can’t Find My Way Back Home”

上周一,我和彼得一起参加了一次接收核心课程。到现在为止,我已经做了好几次了。这是迄今为止最好的一次!彼得在这1个小时的治疗中清除了我半个多世纪(我今年60岁)以来的问题,包括我童年及以后的深层创伤。他清楚地知道那里有什么,我不需要引导/告诉他。我也知道下面隐藏着什么(我们大多数人都知道--我们知道我们的痛苦在哪里--我们只是无法释放它)。是的,我在部分治疗过程中哭了,因为这种童年的深深伤害是如此深刻,几十年来,它给我带来了巨大的自我伤害和破坏性行为。多年来,我甚至无法爱自己,甚至无法照镜子看到我,也无法爱我--因此,就像我们许多忙碌/天赋异禀的医务人员一样,我把自己的一切都奉献给了工作和病人(有些人实际上根本不在乎)。这是我避免内心自我憎恨的方式,但代价是我付出得太多了!现在我不再说这些废话了!我现在为我自己而存在,我现在照顾我自己,我现在爱我自己胜过这个浩瀚宇宙中的任何事物。因此,我终于痊愈了--我现在可以在晚上睡觉了/我可以看着镜子说:"我爱你!"Yes, this needs more work, but I'm finally back home.Like the old Blind Faith song:\Can't Find My Way Back Home."在youtube上找找 那确实是我在治疗前的样子谢谢你,彼得,我由衷地感谢你!

詹姆斯-杰克逊 医生 接收核心环节 6 月 16, 2019

I highly recommend getting energetic sessions for relief from physical or emotional issues.


A 6 月 14, 2019


Had a stubborn, painful shortening of the tendon of one thumb, often causing burning, leaving it in a bent position and “triggering” when bent or tried to use it normally. Repeated treatments with healing equipment, combined with the Body Geometry for abnormal anatomical tissue positions and sessions on any underlying emotions brought improvement, but far from “healed”.
Was “inspired” today to do 3 Body Geometry’s, one after the other (original one plus Cartilage & Joint Repair & Say no more to Joint Pain.) The result? My hand feels almost completely NORMAL!
Thanks, Peter, for being such a clear, giving channel.

Sara Levine Transformational Healing: Starting from the Soul 身体几何学 6 月 14, 2019

Amazing Expansion

我第一次接受彼得的核心能量疗程,感觉棒极了!我的身体在很多方面都得到了能量扩展,我花了几天时间来适应新的能量。我有一些 "啊哈 "时刻,让我意识到以前从未看到过的巨大接收障碍!我的主要问题之一是向他人敞开心扉。自给自足、独立自主一直是我引以为豪的。在疗程结束后的第二天,我的灵魂说:"我不想孤独"。这让我非常惭愧,但同时也让我明白,这将如何阻碍我获得我真正想要的东西!我一定会再次预约,并迫不及待地想知道宇宙会为我准备什么!我强烈推荐这次课程。

BR 接收核心能量环节 6 月 11, 2019


我购买了彼得的 30 分钟课程。我希望通过这次谈话了解我和我的家庭。天啊,我真是大吃一惊。接到电话后,我非常兴奋。在通话前和通话过程中,你能想到的所有情绪都在我身上发生着。
现在我们跨过了这道坎。我在电话里感受到了无穷的力量。他让我去倒杯水。(我心想,我不需要水,这里有 aquaware。我想谈谈我自己)。于是我就听从了他的指示,毕竟我很重视他的意见。喝完水后,会议开始了。(我还在想这不是我想要的。我告诉内心的声音让他闭嘴,让他做他该做的事情)在放松之后,彼得说现在我们要进入层次了。他说,现在我要把你心中的美好去除。他还说,我对 9-11 岁时发生在我身上的事情耿耿于怀。(在这一点上,他完全保持沉默,从不问我任何关于我过去的事情。我什么都没告诉过他。他就这么开始了)。我更惊讶于他是怎么知道的。我很清楚他在说什么。然后,我感觉到一只手从我的 ❤️ 中舀出了一团好东西。哦,真是如释重负。五天过去了。我仍然有同样的感觉

莎莉丝 企业家 会议 6 月 4, 2019
