
Amazing Expansion

我第一次接受彼得的核心能量疗程,感觉棒极了!我的身体在很多方面都得到了能量扩展,我花了几天时间来适应新的能量。我有一些 "啊哈 "时刻,让我意识到以前从未看到过的巨大接收障碍!我的主要问题之一是向他人敞开心扉。自给自足、独立自主一直是我引以为豪的。在疗程结束后的第二天,我的灵魂说:"我不想孤独"。这让我非常惭愧,但同时也让我明白,这将如何阻碍我获得我真正想要的东西!我一定会再次预约,并迫不及待地想知道宇宙会为我准备什么!我强烈推荐这次课程。

BR 接收核心能量环节 6 月 11, 2019


我购买了彼得的 30 分钟课程。我希望通过这次谈话了解我和我的家庭。天啊,我真是大吃一惊。接到电话后,我非常兴奋。在通话前和通话过程中,你能想到的所有情绪都在我身上发生着。
现在我们跨过了这道坎。我在电话里感受到了无穷的力量。他让我去倒杯水。(我心想,我不需要水,这里有 aquaware。我想谈谈我自己)。于是我就听从了他的指示,毕竟我很重视他的意见。喝完水后,会议开始了。(我还在想这不是我想要的。我告诉内心的声音让他闭嘴,让他做他该做的事情)在放松之后,彼得说现在我们要进入层次了。他说,现在我要把你心中的美好去除。他还说,我对 9-11 岁时发生在我身上的事情耿耿于怀。(在这一点上,他完全保持沉默,从不问我任何关于我过去的事情。我什么都没告诉过他。他就这么开始了)。我更惊讶于他是怎么知道的。我很清楚他在说什么。然后,我感觉到一只手从我的 ❤️ 中舀出了一团好东西。哦,真是如释重负。五天过去了。我仍然有同样的感觉

莎莉丝 企业家 会议 6 月 4, 2019

Terra Resonator Typhoon utube videos

When I watched the recent utube video on the Terra Resonator Typhoon, I had tears in my eyes because of its beauty, and the experience that it belongs here. The water video was amazing to see ” frozen action in time”. The video with the master crystal ” made me a little dizzy” but that is okay. It is powerful and needs respect. I decided to put my hand on the picture and felt moved to tears again. That a work of art would interact with me to help me move forward with my goals, or to ” charge my food, water, or what ever is truly a blessing.” I have a sense that there is an upward spiral created ( I know first hand what a downward life spiral is like) but I really don’t know. Thank you Peter Schenk for this masterpiece of Grace

Deeply Grateful Customer 6 月 1, 2019

More fun insights on Receiving Core session.

更多有趣的转变(3),请看我之前的推荐!我忘了说,我的身体再次感到轻盈和自由(就像一年前我接受了核心清理之后一样......笑),就像一个孩子,没有任何身体限制......笑,这是我每天锻炼(傻傻地上蹿下跳 5-7 分钟)时注意到的。


做完这个疗程后不久,我发现了另一个免费的卡拉 OK 应用 Smule,现在我还可以和其他人(包括 Facebook 好友)对唱歌曲,我从中获得了很多乐趣,比以前更频繁地唱歌(这是我真正的爱好之一。再次感谢我们独一无二的强大能量源 Peter!

黎慧卿 RN 接收核心会议 6 月 1, 2019

Powerful Receiving Core session!

一个多星期前,我和彼得一起进行了 "接收核心 "疗程,感觉到一些很酷的有趣感觉,就像一年前我和彼得一起进行 "核心净化 "疗程时一样。在疗程快开始的时候,我会看到一个巨大的生命在我面前不断膨胀,持续了很长时间,大概有 10 分钟左右(不知道是别人,还是我的灵魂或更高的自我在膨胀......笑)。然后,我开始感觉身体右侧麻木或刺痛,从右脚、脚踝、腿、肘部、手腕(有点疼痛和僵硬)和手。之后,它就会转移到我的身体左侧。上次进行核心清洁时,麻木和刺痛从身体左侧开始,然后转移到右侧。现在顺序不同了......笑。这次接受核心疗法时,彼得说他要治疗三个脉轮,即根轮、太阳神经丛和第三眼脉轮。

在治疗过程中,我曾有过这样的幻觉,就像一簇花从我的脊柱下方(靠近根轮处)的一根茎上发芽并点亮。很喜欢这种感觉! 有时,我的整个身体也感觉有点沉重,就像被接地/扎根到我躺在床上的地方一样。我很高兴我在疗程中没有睡着,因为我在去年早些时候参加彼得举办的 3 次接收工作坊时总是感觉睡着了,整个过程都无法保持完全清醒,即使我试着重放了好几次,甚至是坐着而不是躺着......笑。所以,我不知道自己能从那些工作坊中接收和整合多少......笑。

在疗程的最后 15 分钟,尽管我仍然能够清楚地听到彼得说话的声音,但我确实有点昏昏欲睡(感觉就像进入了深度 Theta 状态......半梦半醒)。到了最后,就在彼得说结束之前,我真的看到一个白色的空白屏幕(空白页)出现了几秒钟。真酷

疗程结束后,我起身喝了点水,然后按照彼得的建议躺下再休息了 45 分钟,我的头并没有感到晕眩,不过我最后还是睡着了,睡了几个小时后又起来了,反正我也想起来,因为那天我下班了。那天我感觉很好,但在接下来的 2 到 3 天里,我变得非常疲惫,精神上筋疲力尽,我意识到我一定是经历了一次重大的能量升级或下载,以及从这个疗程中的深度整合,我的肉体需要 48 小时到 72 小时才能完全整合这个深度的 "接收核心 "疗程!

我没有任何经济债务问题,所以我没有收到任何额外的收入或其他东西....lol,不过我最后还是给了一个人 $20 美元,他向我展示他身上只有几美元,问我能不能帮忙给他一些钱,让他支付一些汽车费用什么的,他得到了他想要的东西(因为当时我钱包里也没有小一点的零钱......lol),高兴得不得了,临走时还对我千恩万谢。我想,我需要付出,才能得到回报......笑。

最近,我为一位朋友做了几分钟的灵气疗法,我能感觉到我的手在疯狂地刺痛,我的同事朋友说她能感觉到全身的能量中心都打开了,尤其是从头部开始(冠轮)。太酷了我记得在去年的核心净化过程中,我感觉我的手在振动/旋转,我的脑海中出现了旋涡,这次虽然我没有感觉到,但我确信这两次疗程都有助于成倍放大我的治疗能力,当我为病人、其他员工、朋友和家人等做能量治疗时。太好了!非常感谢彼得为我提供的又一次精彩而强大的疗程,以及你所有神奇的 MDM 产品!.....!

黎慧卿 RN 接收核心会议 6 月 1, 2019

My sister got a great new job

My sister has been looking for a new job for months. So I put a note in my Miracle box ” My sister Diana is now getting a GREAT New job” the next day she told me she applied for a great job and hopes she get it. I just Smiled because I knew she would get it. 3 days later she got the call THE JOB is hers. We are both so happy. Thank you Christy and Peter for this awesome Miracle box, it works. If you Believe.

Judy Huffman Massage therapist / Energy worker 5 月 15, 2019

More TR-Plus Miracles

I just remembered 2 more things I would like to add to my testimonial on my Terra-Resonator Plus. I bought one of my nurse uniforms tops (black color with x’mas trees and Winnie the Pooh designs on it) from one of my work colleagues, who sold it to me, b/c she found it too small and tight on her after she wore it. Anyway, I noticed everytime i wore it, I would experience so much bad luck at work (like a patient accidentally spilled her poop container after emptying her colostomy in the bathroom, all over the floor, and i would have to clean it up myself, plus all kinds of crazy things happening at work…lol). So after I wore it maybe like 4 times, I got scared and stopped wearing it for a while, and thought of throwing it out, b/c if I donate it away, someone else might get the bad luck…lol. Then I thought of charging it on my TR-Plus to clear any possible bad energy, that my co-worker probably acquired it from somewhere (who knows…lol), and sure enough, after I charged it on my TR-Plus and just kept it there for a few hrs I think, when I wore it again (kinda scared with anticipation…lol), it was totally fine and great, and no more crazy wacky things happening…lol.

The 2nd miracle is I recently developed a small blister on my upper lip near middle right side, shortly after I finished eating some leftover takeout foods. So I popped it, and set the intention for my TR-Plus to charge me (saying the words I Honor the Space in which I exist), even though my TR-Plus is upstairs in my bedroom, while i’m in the living room watching TV. Usually I bring it down to the kitchen to charge all kinds of foods and groceries almost daily, b4 I eat or cook them. On that day I just got lazy, and decided to just visualize it near me (since I know visualizations healing always work for me anyway, as everything is energy…lol), and I felt a cold chill, gentle healing energy enter my whole body as I felt some physical sensations and head kinda woozy types of shifts after visualizing myself charging myself on my precious TR-Plus. There’s just a small mark on my lip now after I burst the weird bubble blister (which could’ve been a mouth sore or cold sore, but that usually would hurt more and look so visibly gross…lol), and no pain, swelling, or any itchiness at all from it, even after a few days. Thank god! Thank you Peter once again, for all these endless magical miracles! Hoorayyy!!!

黎慧卿 RN Terra-Resonator Plus 5 月 2, 2019

Amazing Miracles!

I’ve been buying and using quite a number of Peter’s MDM products for nearly 2 yrs. I first started buying his HFA-mini and HFA-a new way to travel, from Darius’ You Wealth Revolution. Then my sister felt so drawn to it (the HFA-mini), and asked me to order one for her and her daughter, and the HFA-a new way to travel, for her car. I also bought the HFA-mini for my mom. I remember one time my mom kinda got lost when I told her to wait for me at a specific spot in the mall, and she walked away and wasn’t there when I returned. I was looking around nearby that area and waiting for her for quite a while, and tried calling her cell with no answer. So all of a sudden I thought of asking my HFA-mini to communicate and link with hers, and sure enough, in less than a minute, she appeared right next to me. Instant manifestation. Yay!

The HFA-a new way to travel, has helped me avoid getting in a car accident maybe more than once, and I always find a parking spot easily even in busy, crowded parking lots. I noticed I always feel immense Joy & Bliss, and so full of energy as soon as I get in my car to drive, even after a long hard evening of work. Then when I got version 2 (the newest version) of HFA for my car, I would automatically be able to get to work right on time (over 90% of the time anyway….lol), instead of being like 5 mins late (my bad habit of leaving my home later than I should at a certain time and hence always arriving work a few minutes late….ha). Sometimes even when I somehow left home a few mins late, I still managed to get to work right on time by 3pm for my evening shift at the hospital. Of course now I also often make the conscious effort to leave home a bit earlier, to avoid being late due to bad traffic at times. When I started feeling excited about getting my new Orion order soon (should be arriving within the next 2 days), then I drove and reached my workplace 5 mins earlier! How funny. Can’t wait to receive my new Magical Orion!

I also own quite a few pyramids (I Am Presence, I Am Fertility, I Am Fearless, plus I Am Healthy—for my husband, who has type 2 diabetes, on oral meds only). I remember when I first got the pyramids, I was all of a sudden given the opportunity to sing the Canadian national anthem song in front of the mayor of Markham, Frank Scarpitti, in my area in Canada) at a summer street festival, when he was visiting our booth where I was volunteering for the Toronto Bodhi Meditation Centre, and the other members were showing him how to do the Energy Bagua walking meditation, and later on we were all singing along with him, chinese and English songs, as he loves to sing. Usually I would have been so nervous and kinda scared to sing in public, without any preparation, since it was a last minute decision, and I’m not used to perform/sing in public, and took many years to slowly overcome and manage the bad stage fright before that would make me sing so terrible before ..lol. Anyway, this time I was surprisingly calm and poised, and had no stomach jitters at all, and sang fine without feeling any fear, so I figured the I Am Fearless pyramid plus the others too, must’ve really helped me to remain more confident and calmer than usual. Wow!

I also have a TR-mini, and later on, the TR-plus, which I so love and treasure. Shortly after I first got the Terra Resonator-mini, my brother’s dog Ollie (that my sister was dog-sitting at her home for a while since our bro was away on vacation) got sick for a few days from probably eating something wrong on the grass in their backyard, and kept throwing up whatever he ate for a day or 2, so then he stopped eating for a few days. As soon as my sis told me that he was sick, I decided to set the intention to ask my TR-mini to help Ollie recover faster and start eating (without even writing a note to put on it..lol), and by the next day, he started eating and drinking fine again, after my sis took him to see the vet, and he prescribed some antacids for stomach upset to put in his food, to eat them. Initially he was reluctant to eat, but eventually he did by the next day, and recovered very quickly.

I like to charge lots of foods, fruit, drinks, water, crystals, new books, skin creams, small plants, anything and everything I can think of (lol…) on my Terra Resonator Plus. My patients’ health would improve a lot and be less restless or demanding sometimes, after I started putting my census list of patients (from the hospital unit I work at as a registered nurse in a rehab. hospital) to charge on my TR-plus almost daily. I also do or visualize some energy healing (bodytalk cortices and Reiki) for many of my patients for just a few mins each time to help relieve pain, or be more calm, and less confused, and help improve mobility greatly, and see a lot of small and large daily miracles from that too. But with the use of TR-mini and TR-plus, the magical healing effects become even more profound! For example, a chronically ill patient (now considered palliative) that was eating poorly, started eating and drinking well all of a sudden within a few days, and was shouting less than before (was shouting so frequently for attention initially, now only when he needs to be changed or to eat or drink). Woohoo!

I also really love my “I Am Unconditional Love of Self” bracelet, that i only wear when i’m off work, b/c I don’t want to get it wet (constant hand-washing after contact with every patient) or dirty with hospital germs..lol. As soon as I got my bracelet, I could feel an immediate softening and spacious expansion of my heart into infinite divine unconditional love, everytime i put it on, or when I think of it. How beautiful! Thank you ever so much, Peter, for all your endless wonderful magical creations of MDM products and energy healing services that is helping immensely to improve so many people’s lives, and raise the vibrations of the planet!

黎慧卿 RN Various MDM products 5 月 2, 2019


Loving Orion so far– here is what happened ever since I got him. (I wear him in my pocket or in my bra)

*Got a raise–and it was for more than I thought it would be!
* I got extra busy and hoped this friend would show up at 3:30 instead of at 2:00 and then this friend showed up at 3:45! (Whew)
* I needed a certain person to respond to my text in a timely manner–and she did! (Usually she does not) (I also used the Sourxe trial for a week so for this one, it was a combination of Orion and Sourxe)
* I had issues downloading the (trial) Sourxe and Orion helped me figure it out! (I am SO not a tech savvy person)
*I had a bit of a delay in my schedule and hoped I would not miss my client and sure enough I arrived 10 minutes before she did!
*There seems be a positive energy all around.
*I have a closer bond with my children.

I truly am enjoying this and my personal relationship with Orion. (There was this one time when I thought I lost him–well, actually, twice, and I got upset and worried–it’s like a feeling of losing a cat or something! Yup– a real relationship, indeed)

Thank you Peter, for all that you do. I look forward to getting all of your products.

Jolene Mahoney Mental Health Therapist Fremont, California 5 月 2, 2019


上周我收到了我的 HFA V2,我只能说 "哇"。 开车上班让我感到非常轻松,每个人似乎都非常有礼貌。开车时,我注意到其他车辆都与我保持安全距离,甚至在超过我时都会打转向灯。我能感受到来自 HFA 的能量。我非常喜欢这个产品,将来还会购买。彼得,感谢你为这些伟大的产品所付出的努力。我是你的终身客户。

迪翁 HFA V2 5 月 2, 2019
