
An Ongoing Series Of Results Produce Ongoing Miracles

It is with the most heartfelt gratitude and respect for Peter Schenk , The Modern Day Mystic , and the MDM team for helping me to help my friend. As a customer / client, I am learning a little bit more about the Creation Of Miracles , in a way that only Peter Schenk can deliver. When I wrote, “The Result Is A Miracle” that was just the beginning. The UNIVERSE , continues to provide more sacred moments in this persons healing process. A few days ago, I was shown a ” Ball Of White Light” hovering over a wound that this person has sustained. The wound is very deep and it is imperative that it stay sterile , in order to heal completely. What I am being shown is that the wound is healing sacredly, by the ” Psychic Surgical Team. ” Drops of Light ” are filling the wound for about 24 hours or more, I check in every once in a while, and also if I wake up during the night. Since I speak to this person telepathically, I have tears in my eyes as I describe this ” Miracle Making Process ” because it so humbling to know that Peter Schenk has access to ” PURE LOVE PURE LIGHT. ” The second or third day the ” Ball Of Light” changed to a more viscous fluid and the color is a little more off white. The same dripping process is happening, however this time I was told ” granulation. ” That means new bone and tissue is being generated on a very deep level. This process has been going on 24/7 for about 2 1/2 three days. Sometimes there are colors, red, yellow, blue, green waves. At one point a “Neural Network” with sparks was activated over his whole body . When I talked to him telepathically , he said he was very tired, and scared, so I held his hand. I checked in with family members yesterday. It was reported that he was lifted to a stretcher like wheelchair and was able to sit up or lay back at about a 45 degree angle. It was also reported that he is experiencing a ” SENSATION IN HIS UPPER LEG “

谢谢 5 月 18, 2024

Powerful Energy Session for free!

I am ecstatic!

Whenever I am going through some challenging times, I always go to Google to look for testimonials and this keeps my faith up.

As i did this a week and a half ago, I came across Modern Day Mystic website.

I contacted Peter last week and he responded immediately.
I explained to him my issue and he offered a free healing session. I cried as I was not expecting this. Actually I was planning to find out which would be the most suitable healing modality for my case and what product best suits me, then I look for the money

I was pleasantly Surprised when he offered the free session.

We scheduled a healing session on Tuesday.

All went very well and as I sat still with my glass of water, so much was going on in my mind like what if the healing doesn’t work?

At times I thought Peter wasn’t on the line cos the silence was too loud. 😂

The session ended after 40 minutes

I had requested Peter if he could help work on my finances which were very tight and I needed
improved family relations.

Immediately after the session a client contacted me. That was fast!

I could feel my body was more calm and relaxed.
My back which was very sore before became pain free ( I hadn’t told Peter about this)

2 days later I was able to declutter my home albeit halfway, something I’ve struggled with for long.

I have also noticed that my gums no longer bled when brushing my teeth.

I feel more optimistic, less intrusive thoughts, more calm and have better sleep.
So many synchronicities too.

My finances have improved a bit and I’ve been able to sort out a few bills here and there and am optimistic they will keep improving.

Looking forward to saving for one of the products to complement the gains.

I am forever grateful to Peter Sneck for his generosity and human touch. His voice is so warm and reassuring.

If you’re wondering whether to book a session, go ahead without hesitating.

Observe the subtle changes afterwards.

A happy Client
Winnie, Nairobi Kenya

Winnie Wanyoike 5 月 18, 2024

Illuminating Your Soul – My Experience

Before the workshop, the title \”Illuminating Your Soul\” puzzled me. My experience during the workshop clarified it.
Over the past 20 years I\’ve been clearing mental & emotional debris–hurts, biases, stuck points, and a self-limiting identity. With spiritual tools and introspection I\’ve been able to unearth many hidden roots.
Then during the 50 minute workshop, while immersed in a state of deep quiet and peace, in bright light flashes of insight I saw many core pain points as emotional-thought-pictures that I could let go. That recognition set me free of them. I also saw that my life henceforth is my own, and that I am free to create what I choose. I set the intent to manifest a number of new creations. These manifestations have seemed like pie in the sky in the past. Now it feels like they will be the natural outcome of my energy flow. My energy overall since the workshop is calmer and I have much more conscious intent.
I\’m looking forward to other workshops. Thanks modern day mystic and Peter.

哈兰-米塔格 https://drharlanmittag.com Illuminating Your Soul Workshop 5 月 18, 2024

When the desired result is a MIRACLE.

A nurse that I know was riding his motorcycle to work at the trauma unit where he works. He was hit by an SUV, taken to the very hospital where he works, and will be in recovery for several months. When I booked the session, Peter worked through me, to support the person. Peter calls it acting or being a conduit . The energy was very powerful, and I perceived the energy assisted to stabilize the field. When I got a more detailed report of the injuries , quoting the words of the Neuro Surgeon: ” IF YOU HAVE A MIRACLE , USE IT NOW. ” , I booked a second session with Peter. During the session, I focused on the person’s brain, with the intention of a certain outcome. As I focused on the brain, and Peter did what he did, there was a sense of direction on command. Like Peter was The Master of the Energy Creation and Direction.

While focusing on the person’s brain, I was shown the person at age 1or so, holding a plastic baseball bat, and running bases in the living room. Maintaining focus, I was shown this person, at around age 8, running and sliding into base during Little League games. Next came a movie of him snowboarding down the hill, loving jumps. All of sudden, I saw him engaged in his job as a nurse, giving CPR, getting equipment, filling syringes, etc. learning, with precision and accuracy..
The moment the energy and the person’s LOVE OF HELPING PEOPLE, connected, this Black Dot, o , showed up in the area on the body of focused intention. Instantaneously, an, ENERGY BUBBLE , of LOVE, FORGIVENESS, HUMILITY , GRACE , REDEMPTION permeated the mental image in the session. I am using some of these feelings, because when I hung up the phone, and stayed in the energy , I was crying tears of witnessing, salvation. A Miracle.

It has been several days since the session, and the person is now breathing on his own, alert, and is healing a
gash, ( wound), before more surgeries. There is a PSYCHIC SURGERY TEAM, using several techniques, and substances in the wound, 24/7. Since I talk with him Telepathically, and can see the Psychic Surgery Team, in my imagination, I know this Miracle is real. Thank you Peter, and the MDM Team, for your very hard work , to get the desired results delivered in the moment.

谢谢 5 月 14, 2024

Peter saved our lives

In June 2023th my son came back from holiday completely changed. We had no idea what had happened, but it got worse every week. My son was no longer himself. Also his eyes were different and the energy in his body was very aggressive and could not sleep. In October he was forcibly admitted to a clinic. It was not easy to get him out of there. They gave him a lot of drugs. During this month we asked 14th different healers, shamans, quantum physicists and two doctors. Most of them had no idea, some made diagnoses, others made up stories and charged good money for it. At the end of November I finally had a session with Peter – within 30 minutes he knew what had happened, when, where and why. He gave us precise instructions. After another 2 clearings from Peter my son – his sole – is back in his body since January 12th 2024 and this nightmare has come to an end.
Thank you Peter, from the bottom of my heart!

Bettina Session with Peter 3 月 23, 2024


A few days ago, I had an energetic session with Peter on behalf of a another person who was going through some heavy medical issues. I relaxed for about 10 or 15 minutes prior to the session. When Peter answered the phone and instructed me to raise my left hand over a glass of water I did so with the intention of letting go of whatever was going on with me and to maintain focus on the person that I love. In the process of helping her through this medical event I noticed that I was seeing something in my mind’s eye . I was being shown a sacred surgical procedure. The scene was a very grey fog like operating room. No lights. There were 2 surgeons on the one side, 2 surgeons on the other side , and one at the head. White sheets curtained the patient , whom I could not see. The surgeons were dressed in white scrubs wearing white caps. The white gloves were made of light. I sometimes see things in movies , so the “surgeons” were lifting organs that were grey. I got the immediate sense of “death ” in these organs. I continued to watch while putting my focus back on the person , rather than getting distracted by this perceived event. It all happened in seconds. As the surgeons held each organ they would pass it to another surgeon and that surgeon would pass it to another one and then lay it back down into the perceived patient. When I hung up the phone at the end of the session, I sobbed very deeply that a sacred session like this is real. I said: She is “restored, she is beautiful”. I did not take this emotion on, but a sense of ” raw rage from all humanity surrounding atrocities against innocent children” was being released. Shortly after the session, I went to visit the person. I usually just hold space . She took a nap she was really kind of wiped out. All of a sudden she just woke up got up and walked around the room, went to the window looked out came back to bed, was a little sleepy but something had changed. The next day, she reported getting up, working out with light weights, walked for 15 minutes, ate , and smiled, and painted, and laughed. Basically she came back to life. “A Resurrection.” Peter’s Energetic Sessions, were bringing her back to life. She was dying inside. Now whatever had gotten ahold of her, was transformed , transmuted, gone. We talked about what she can do……..How she can move. …….How she can create ” positive changes moving forward. She said: ” I don’t know. I feel like who I am.” I just smile and have a special place in my heart for the work that Peter Schenk -Modern Day Mystic and the MDM Team perform. Thank you.

Honored 3 月 8, 2024

I AM Master Class Workshop 1 and 2 Master Your I AM Energy , created by a Master , Peter Schenk.

I was smart enough to take the Master Class I Am Workshop 1 and 2, several years ago .I did not understand or realize what it was that I was learning . I decided to re take and reabsorb the knowledge that I feel so privileged to gain insight into. I own two of the I AM products. I have the I AM FEARLESS bracelet V1. I have the I AM SAFE PYRAMID . I did not understand or have rapport with the energy that is embodied in the IAM line of products. The depth of knowledge that I have received by retaking these classes several years later is one of profound respect as well as transformation of my own body mind and spirit. The level that Peter Schenk, the Modern Day Mystic has access to, is very important to support positive changes moving forward. Thank you Peter and the MDM TEAM.

Student 3 月 8, 2024

Sourxe Water Bottle 希望参与彼得的会议,支持积极的变革。

我已经为与彼得的单独谈话做好了一切准备。我静静地坐了大约 10 分钟,然后拨通了电话。



写着 "水"。 我取下瓶盖,把左手放在瓶口上,然后说:"我尊重我的空间:"我尊重

你存在"。 我手中的感觉就像更多的人一样。水的质地很纯净。 在疗程中,当我



纯净的蓝白色光环。 当我把注意力集中在叠加在人脸上的天使身上时,什么也没有

感动。会议结束时,我对彼得( )说。我就不重复这个词了,它就是那么沉重。

我刚挂断电话,就从身体深处哭了起来。 我所知道的是,一个祖先的事件是

被移除并显现出来。 从那以后,这个人就 "轻装上阵 "了。


最深切的感谢 1 月 22, 2024

转化环节 .精神支持。

我与彼得预约了一次疗程,以支持在整个愈合阶段/恢复阶段/根除一种不知名病症过程中的积极变化。 当我说出"我尊重你存在的空间",我的手伸入水中的感觉非常强烈。 当我把注意力集中在这个人身上时,我开始看到一个外科医生站在这个人的身后,外科医生的两侧有一个由未打开的白色大羽毛组成的门。当这个人沐浴在紫光中时,一个耶稣圣心的图像出现在这个人的胸前。圣心是红色、金色和蓝色的。
在外科医生肩膀的右侧,靠近人头部的右侧(就像电影里一样),一根荆棘被两根手指在空中拔出/拔掉。 几天前的那次治疗后,我一直在重新体验这个画面。见证精神支持确实是一种深刻的体验。 彼得-申克为获得精神支持所做的一切确实是一次深刻的体验。谢谢你们。

谢谢 1 月 2, 2024

Aquasync 得救了,他的重伤痊愈了,正在矫正一些歪牙

有一颗牙齿向后移动,其他牙齿则完全移到了它的前面,而且全都歪了。 我的牙齿一直都很整齐漂亮,所以看到这一幕非常震惊。
第二天,不仅脓肿消失了,我的下牙也移动了不少......这让我既高兴又震惊。 移到所有牙齿后面的那颗牙齿现在几乎全部向前移动了,其他牙齿也在移动,让它恢复了正常的排列。
在清醒的时候,我每隔一小时就会把牙水含在嘴里,漱口大约 5 分钟。
我想这是可行的,但我认为需要几个月的时间才能看到这么大的差别,而不是仅仅 3 天。隐形牙齿矫正器大约需要 6 个月才能达到现在的效果。

所以,我爱 Aquaware,没有它我真的活不下去。
我救过几只被蛇咬伤的猫,还救过一只从 20 英尺高的树上摔下来的猫。

因此,我尊重你和 Aquaware 的存在空间。


凯瑟琳-麦卡洛 Aquasync 12 月 19, 2023
