
Terra Resonator Helps with Passing Exams

After repeatedly reading the course material and taking an exam for one of my tax classes I put an intention on the Terra Resonator that I was grateful for easily passing my tax class exams. Finally passed the one I was working on as well as the exams for subsequent tax classes I took. I did combine utilizing Sourxe V to charge my coffee with similar intention. It empowers me to move forward with more confidence for 3 re-certification exams I have to complete by the end of the year.

Lynn Wertheimer Terra Resonator regular 10 月 1, 2018


当我听了你对大流士的长篇访谈后,我开始了解你的信息/目的等。我对你的工作和目的感到非常兴奋。我购买了 HFA mini。我去了珠宝店
买下巴。第一位珠宝商是一位售货员,当我打开盒子时,她的眼睛瞪得大大的,有点喘不过气来。 后来我去找另一位珠宝商,他立刻说:"你从哪里搞到这个的? "很明显,他认为这是他店里的一个潜在商品。我告诉他并提供了网站,但解释说我觉得这是你私人出售的。 我的经历非常美妙,我开始心存感激。这听起来很有趣,也很奇怪。从我很小的时候起,我就总是对我感激的东西说 "谢谢",并且在需要的时候向我的守护天使寻求帮助。 多年来,在我们养家糊口的艰难时期或压力下,我从未感受到感激之情。我是真心的,但从未真正感受过。 自从有了迷你世界,也许在奇妙的人体几何学的帮助下,我感受到了真正的感恩。然后,我开始相信会有好事发生,并且坚信不疑。我的直觉开始以一种温和而不具威胁性的方式回归。我又开始做梦了,对此我非常感激,因为以前我总是在梦中解决问题。后来,我开始胡言乱语,伤害或困扰了别人。我会感到很尴尬,不知道为什么这些事情就这么发生了。

谢谢你,彼得。你给我的生活带来了如此积极的变化。我听了你的 "漫谈",现在明白了我为什么这么做。每次听您的演讲,我都能学到一些东西。再次由衷地感谢您。

伊丽莎白-米勒 退休 迷你 HFA 9 月 21, 2018

Feeling Refreshed

在这次核心清洁课程进行的几周前,我意识到自己正在飓风眼中震动。 这次核心清理疗程进一步巩固了这一比喻。 我的眼睛从眼眶中探出头来,而世界就在我周围旋转。

娜塔莉-福尔茨 行星催化剂能量疗法 核心清洁 9 月 19, 2018

Updated testimonial for 2nd gen masterclasses – energy still going strong!

The energy from the masterclasses is still going strong and is a very tangible part of my life!! woo hoo!! I did the 2nd gen masterclass series in 2016 and now in 2018, the energy has not disappeared – in fact it has become integrated into my life and my being. And that is more than amazing! Love it!!

The energy that Peter brings forth is a very intuitive and intelligent energy that adapts and it has become part of me! It’s a knowing and a feeling and a distinct vibe of energy – which is amazing because before the masterclass I was not confident in my ability to feel energy and now I can!

Also being part of the masterclass has enabled me to become stronger and more confident in my personality. I can feel that my vibration has increased and I am a lot more aware of other people’s vibrations and intentions. A lot of the changes have been subtle (yet still noticeable) and it feels like an upleveling and lots of growth and shedding old belief systems – in a light and easy way! I am very glad and grateful to have been part of it and it’s something that I appreciate a lot!

M W 2nd gen masterclass from 2016 9 月 17, 2018

The Giant Mini


I just have to write about the amazing terra resonator mini, there are pieces of jewellery that I can’t seem to wear, some are for energy and some just necklaces that I like but after being on the mini and focusing on what I want these pieces to emanate for me the results are astounding! I just feel a lifting of negativity and a lightness in my body.

I also had a back ache and carefully placed the mini on my back and the relief was pretty quick in coming. It’s just the most amazing tool I’ve worked with.Thank you Peter!

Regards, Brenda

Brenda Pasternak none Terra resonator mini 9 月 12, 2018

terra resonator mini


I just have to write about the amazing terra resonator mini, there are pieces of jewellery that I can’t seem to wear, some are for energy and some just necklaces that I like but after being on the mini and focusing on what I want these pieces to emanate for me the results are astounding! I just feel a lifting of negativity and a lightness in my body.

I also had a back ache and carefully placed the mini on my back and the relief was pretty quick in coming. It’s just the most amazing tool I’ve worked with.Thank you Peter!

Regards, Brenda

Brenda terra resonator mini 9 月 12, 2018

Core cleanse Testimonial

核心净化--在收到彼得这份美丽的礼物时,我感受到了无法形容的爱,这种爱只有在我经历 NDE(濒死体验)时才能感受到,除了纯粹的神圣之爱,没有其他语言可以形容!它超越了美丽、神奇、美妙和幸福。所有细胞都随着纯粹的爱在每个细胞中的旋转而活跃起来,这种振动非常美妙。人变得纯粹轻盈、流畅、平和、兴奋!
我大概停留了一个小时,一切都恢复了原样,可以说是身轻如燕。幸福极了太棒了有史以来最棒的兴奋,任何药物都无法与之相比!我来自蒂莫西-李瑞(Timothy Leary)的时代,所以我是过来人!这种药非常干净、快乐,没有任何副作用,除了该去的地方! 
随着时间的推移,一些事情开始消失,这对自我来说是个挑战。它活在恐惧中,活在自以为真实的幻觉中。对我来说,我的自我一直都在紧紧抓住匮乏、缺乏、恐惧等许多东西。当宇宙想要引起你的注意时,自我认为能让人 "安全 "的所有东西都开始消失,这对我们的身体方面来说是非常可怕的。
净化所带来的清澈可以帮助我们看清自我的磁带,这些磁带无休止地播放,让我们循环往复......我只能说,停止,不再,臣服....,一切都在动荡中,似乎要被 "夺走"(从失去亲人到汽车抛锚、没钱或没有技工帮忙等等),人们必须臣服于自我,一遍又一遍地告诉自我,不再,不再,不再!臣服于比我们更强大的力量!对我和我的条件来说,这很有挑战性,因为我曾经放下的一切都有爪痕!我被教导说,"上帝 "是批判的、刻薄的、坐在宝座上的等等等等......我还记得我小时候的 "存在"(纯粹的光/爱,在 NDE 中也是一样)相当令人困惑......我成为了一个蔑视的叛逆者,这对我自己非常不利。现在,我仍然是个叛逆者,但我的翅膀正在恢复,顽固正在消失,对爱(真理)的甜蜜臣服正在取代我,而看到幻觉,同时以肉体的形式存在是令人难以置信的。

乔治亚-西格纳 前台-房车度假村 核心清洁课程 9 月 10, 2018

I AM Fearless Bracelet

I purchased the IAM FEARLESS Bracelet this morning 9/1/2018.
When I was 2 years old I was diagnosed with stomach ulcers. I was hospitalized. The doctor asked me what was wrong. I pointed to my stomach and said ulters. Now this is pretty smart because ” ulcers” are a tear in the stomach lining. The radiologist gave me a GI series , which includes a ” milkshake”. This man is forcing a 2 year old in pain to drink a thick drink ( milkshake lie) and then push a heavy xray machine into my gut, hold my breathe and only breathe on his command. Sooooo my IAM FEARLESS gut , revealed its self, and I threw up all over him. The Naked Truth revealed its self. This testing continued every 4 years until I was 18 years old, and had surgery.
IAM a nurse. I AM a Wellness Counselor. I see healthcare workers in many circles disempower patients who are fearless. I have purchased this IAM FEARLESS bracelet to partner with me to activate the inner wisdom within healthcare decision makers . Thank you Peter and the MDM Team
USPS takes 2-3 business days. Soul to Soul instantaniously

The Naked Truth Revealed I AM Fearless Bracelet 9 月 3, 2018

I am

I purchased a HFA Mini and the minute I put it on I felt calm. My work and family stresses me out and they no longer effect me. I loved it so much I bought one for a dear friend who was going through some personal issues and she is doing great. I love it so much I bought the home and car one so all of my stuff is protected. I haven’t tried any other products but if they work as well as the HFA they are worth the price.

Cindy Galvin 86 S.Main Street 8 月 28, 2018

Amazing Core Cleanse session

自从我接受彼得的 "能量核心净化 "课程以来,已经过去三天了。你能真切地感受到能量、情绪和周围人的行为方式都不同了。

这个疗程非常神奇,首先是我的胃部立即有了动静,然后是一股涡旋能量从皇冠轮向下流动。疗程结束后,彼得建议我在接下来的 30 到 45 分钟内放松,我感觉全身都在刺痛。

这个 "能量核心清洁疗法 "绝对改变了我的生活,我非常感谢彼得-申克(Peter Schenk)。

戴维-蒂诺科 Divinetruehealing.com 加利福尼亚州奇诺市/能量核心清洁/ 8-22-18 8 月 27, 2018
