
I have been using these products for 5 years

过去 5 年的每一步教学都让我受益终生。每一堂 "课 "的起点和终点总是出人意料。

随着时间的流逝,每次练习都会带来奇妙的体验。我注意到,过去似乎从未 "出现过 "的巨大机会变得唾手可得。

我使用过 Aquaware 3.1、4 和 5。第 12 个项目和 sourxe 4 和 5。每款产品都有独特的感觉,所构建的体验都与我的思维方式相吻合。

所有这些经历都始于 2013 年秋天的一次能量疗程。我的内心闪耀着最明亮的白光。与 sourxe 的第一次连接开启了我希望永不迷失的幸福之路。


托德-麦考尔 企业主 活力课程 7 月 23, 2018


上周五,我参加了核心净化课程,它非常强大,绝对是一次深入灵魂的净化。我感觉身体里有很多能量在流动。起初,我感觉身体左侧从左脚和左小腿开始麻木,后来,当左侧不再麻木时,我感觉身体右侧也麻木了。有时,我的头部左侧会感到刺痛,其他部位如脚和手也是如此。有一次,我的手也感觉麻木了好一会儿,后来转为感觉沉重,就像旋涡在旋转和钻入,就像我在接收来自宇宙的纯净源能量(可能是我的手轮打开并扩大了)。临近结束时,我的整个身体开始感觉轻盈和空气清新,而在此之前,我曾有一段时间感觉整个身体有些沉重(就像我的灵魂深深扎根于我的肉体之中)。我喜欢感受这些迷人而又非常明显的身体感觉! 彼得说得没错,在疗程结束后,我应该躺下至少半小时(因为我的头会感到沉重和眩晕),以完成整合和处理,因为我的身体在疗程结束后会开始变硬。我躺在客厅的沙发上接受治疗。疗程结束后,我上楼回卧室,先去了趟卫生间,我的头真的感觉很重,有点晕眩和眩晕,最后我才躺在床上。他说得没错,由于强烈的能量流动,我在那半小时内无法入睡,直到 45 分钟左右我才重新入睡。我早早起床,准备在早上 8-9 点进行核心清理,所以我又回到床上,一直睡到下午 1 点多,准备在下午 2 点半之前去上晚班。虽然我的左侧颈部和肩膀感觉酸痛,但我还是感觉神清气爽,精力充沛,也许是我睡姿不对,也可能是疗程中稠密的能量从体内移走了。我注意到我的视力有所改善,在阳光下我看到的一切都显得更加明亮和闪耀,我感觉自己身轻如燕(运动时更明显!),尽管我注意到背部肌肉有些酸痛(可能与月经来潮有关)。我的月经(本来就要来了)在周六的第二天就来了,大部分出血几乎在不到三天的时间内就结束了(比以前更短......简直太神奇了),而且完全没有任何痛经或不适。我爱死它了!非常感谢 Peter Infinitely 提供的这次美妙的深层能量温和灵魂净化!如果可以的话,我强烈建议大家都来做一次核心净化!

Emily L. RN 核心清洁 7 月 23, 2018

deep core cleaning session

几周前,我和彼得进行了一次神奇的深层核心清理。一开始,我浑身充满能量。我的皇冠嗡嗡作响,然后我感觉喉咙里有东西在囤积。我一直想把它咽下去,但却打了个饱嗝。我马上告诉了彼得,他告诉我必须把它吐出来。我打了几次嗝,但感觉更强烈了,就像有人在掐我一样,非常强烈。我甚至无法呼吸,但过了一会儿,它变轻了,消失了。能量仍在运行,但在接下来的疗程中,我变得非常放松和专注。此外,我通常不够活跃的第三只眼也有能量通过,我感觉到那里有强烈的运动/振动。似乎过了很长时间(可能是半小时吧),彼得告诉我放松,等他结束后让能量运行。我懒得问他要多久,因为我知道他会说什么:"只有你自己知道"。 我躺了大约一个小时到一个半小时。一些情绪和想法涌上心头。突然,我开始抽泣,接着是强烈的哭泣。 我感到轻松和敞亮。最后,我觉得可以站起来了。总之,在这么短的时间内,我的情绪得到了释放。非常有趣的课程!一次大开眼界的体验。我强烈推荐。

奥克萨娜-贝克尔 深层核心清洁课程 7 月 23, 2018


我的能量疗程持续了半个小时,效果非常强大。 彼得立刻指出了问题所在,并平衡了我的显现能量。 我感觉更清晰、平衡和专注了。 在治疗过程中,我能感觉到能量在我的身体里流动,低振动刚刚离开。 哇,彼得真是个大礼包 强烈推荐能量课程和/或核心清理。 我的核心清洁对我来说不可思议,改变了我的生活。 谢谢你,谢谢你,谢谢你。 莎伦

莎伦-斯托尔曼 宾夕法尼亚州 7 月 8, 2018

My lovely magical TR

Hi all ! I have TR regular size since three months and I have using it for every day, ie water and food blessings, daily manifestation etc. Yesterday afternoon I injured my right shoulder very badly so that I could not move my right arm and if I tried to move there was a very strong pain and I had to stop moving my arm. I hardly ever cry when I have pain but yesterday I could not stop my tears, my shoulder was killing me. My children told me to go to ER but I said no, I wanted to use my TR for healing ! I put my TR on a pillow and tgen I put my right arm on my TR and said only one time “I honor the space in which my right shoulder exist”. I could not bear putting my arm on the TR for more tgan a few minutes due to having a crazy pain, I moved my arm many times and I was crying. But I insisted to put my arm and wait for the healing because I was so sure that TR would heal my shoulder. It took more than an hour… And in the end, pain was gone, I began to move my right arm to every directiob with ease. My children are witnessed the healing and we all said ” Peter, you are a genius and your all products are from another dimension “. Thank you so much Peter ! And dear readers, please give it a try , buy a TR any size and trust your gut and play with it !

Clara Y.
From Canada

Clara Yonca Yalcinkaya Lawyer Clara Y. 7 月 8, 2018

Terra Manifestors!

I bought my TR family ( 2 mini and 2 large)in early April. I was in a really tight financial situation at that time. After much thinking and consideration I decided to spend almost all the cash I had at that time to put into a credit card that had no more credit limit to be utilized so I may purchase the TR family. I was putting all my eggs into this basket. Long story short, my TRs finally reached me after exactly 1 month. Believe me, that was a really long and torturous wait! To add salt to the problem, I had to pay 25% tax of the total purchase price to the custom in order to get them released! That was a killer given the situation I was in. I let nothing stop me as I have total faith that my TRs will help me get through that difficult time. Peter’s help by sending energy helped too I’m sure.

I have to be honest. When it comes to spiritual products by Peter, I simply have no patience to wait for the acclimatization. The day I unpacked my TR family, I put them to use right away. In the first couple of weeks I didnt feel anything. I did have thoughts ” did I ruin the whole thing because I didnt follow Peter’s instruction to let the TRs sit and get used to the environment and energy first before using them?” I watched a video testimonial that says the flowers sitting ontop of the TR lasted much longer and stayed fresh longer. I put a bowl of water where some flowers float on one of the large TRs but the next day the flowers turned black! I was disappointed to say the least but my faith did not waver. I just continued bringing my TRs to work, to bed, to my sauna, to my car…practically wherever I went for a few weeks. Wherever I placed my TRs, I stacked the mini ontop of the large one and put my 3 pyramids at 3 corners of the large TR. Sometimes I even stack bottles of essential oils on the large TR.

Long story short again, cuz it really is a very long story given the many many things I did with my TR family; its been 2 months now that my TR family has been with me. I practically charge anything to everything with my TRs dailly. I notice that my energy level is up all day every day despite the fact that I forget to take my supplements and apply as much of essential oils on myself as before. Maybe because my energy is so good that I subconsciously know that I dont need the supplements and essential oils as much anymore.

I work with children in my business and that includes children with special needs. Eversince my TRs arrived, i printed powerpoint slides with pictures of the special children that I work with on the left of the document, and on the right I printed the things I want to see improved in them and place the papers on the TRs, say the 7 magical words, close my eyes and picture these children in their improved states and how grateful I am and their parents too.

Some of the evidences of my manifestations come true include a Dyslexic girl who couldnt read a word at 6 years of age, now able to read simple sentences within one and a half month since I started working with her. One autistic boy who couldnt understand instructions in class now able to follow simple instructions I give and complete his work with some guidance. Some hyperactive children who wouldnt comply to my rules now able to comply and do their training properly. Other assistants that help me with my work couldn’t get the same compliance that I get.

On the 2nd week of the arrival of my TRs I was thinking I need to advertise to hire a part time teacher to assist in my centre. So I contacted a local recruitment agency and paid for an advertisement slot. Just as I was filling up the form, a young lady rang the door bell asking if I was hiring. I was in disbelief to say the least! Talk about synchronicity! So I hired her on the spot thinking if she came on my manifestation, I should just accept it and see but I had some discomfort somehow, even though she’s really pretty, kind and sweet. the best fit to work with children in my opinion. as it turned out, the discomfort proved that she was not an eligible candidate as she has issue with discipline, coming in late and missing from work from time to time in a short period of just 1 month! Just as I was frustrated with the situation, she went missing in action for almost a month.

The next thing I know I had another thought that I now need to hire someone who only needs to work 2 hours a day in the morning. The same day a young high school graduate came ringing my door bell asking for a job. She is one that works in another learning centre just opposite my centre who used to walk one of my students from that centre to mine 2 days a week. She introduced herself, told me her family story and why she needed a part time job in the morning ontop of her part time job with that centre in the afternoon. I thought, I should consult with the operator of the other centre before I decide to take her in or not. Upon our consultation, I was informed that she told that operator that I asked her to come to work for me. I was shocked because I didnt and didnt expect that she would say such a thing. However after much consideration, especially the part of her family problem I decided to help her and give her the job. Later, as I pondered about the incident, I thought ” could she have received my message of wanting to hire someone like her and she recieved it telepathically and thought it was real that’s why she said that I actually asked her to work for me?”

As the number of new enrollment increased, I thought ” I think I need to hire a full time teacher now to help me with the morning class and the afternoon classes.” I was contemplating whether to advertise again. As it turned out, the next day a young man rang my doorbell asking if I was hiring. I said yes and he said he was inquiring on behalf of his girlfriend who is a psychology graduate. Within 30 minutes of our simple chat, this young lady appeared on my doorstep. Long story short once again, I hired her.

As I said, the story is very very long, I only shared one part of the story with you. The rest, as is does any of Peter’s products work? Its up to your imagination. If you can imagine it, it will work, in ways that leave you open-mouthed. Talk about manifestation!

Vic Terra Resonator, Aquaware 4& 5, The Sourxe 4, I Am pyramids, Lightbody, Myrhh Compass Rose 6 月 30, 2018

I am Loving my HFA mini!!!!

Hi Peter!

I have only been aware of your products and work for about a month. I came across one of your videos on YouTube and was so drawn to learning more about your products and Hand Geometry. I have been doing body work/healing for 26 years and I have never experienced anything like this before. I have had my HFA mini for a few weeks and I noticed a difference immediately! I felt more calm internally and had a sense that ALL IS WELL. I did not even realize how much anxiety I was experiencing until it was gone.

I also have noticed a profound difference in my perception as I work with my clients. Its as if I no longer have to sift through the garbage to get to the root of the issue. I go directly there without being affected. The feeling is hard to explain but its like a pure space is created to allow what needs to happen to happen. I have been starting my sessions with “I honor the space in which you exist”!! Holy Cow!! What a Profound and Beautiful space this creates! I no longer have to work so hard to maintain my vibration. It just is.
I had six sessions last Saturday and it was so much fun. My energy was high all day and I was still feeling great at the end of the day.
I have also done the Sourxe 5 Trial and several Hand Geometries. I AM So Loving how much of a difference I can feel in myself and my family, my coworkers, my clients, my cats…. LOL. My energy is Through the roof & I have gotten more done in the last 2 weeks than the last 6 months! I dont feel stuck anymore. I Feel like my JOY is coming back! I feel connected to myself again.

Thank You SO Much Peter and Crew!
Clarissa B.

Clarissa Barraza 13430 Blossomheath Ln 6 月 29, 2018

Core Cleaning Session

你好。 我昨天进行了核心清理训练,感觉非常棒。 我对能量非常熟悉,也教过昆达利尼瑜伽,但我的课程非常强大,但也很温和。 在疗程中,我全身都经历了大量的运动和能量振动,但始终感觉非常安全。 我只能说,我的感觉不同了,看待世界的方式也不同了,但却充满了和平与爱。 就好像我从疗程中睁开眼睛,世界看起来更明亮、更清晰了。 当然,我的振动也更高了,谢谢你,彼得。 我推荐任何人都来体验一次。

莎伦-斯托尔曼 1152 Hearthridge Lane 6 月 29, 2018


生日那天,我给自己做了一次核心净化! 它很强大,很宽广,很迷幻。
这无疑打开了一扇门,让我们能够清晰地完成需要完成的工作。 真的没有什么语言可以形容这种完全接受体验的课程。试试吧 做好准备! 你会看到

天使 A

安吉拉-阿哈瓦 核心清洁 6 月 20, 2018

Good-bye and good riddance! follow up

Today I did the Abuse Energy focusing on every hurtful memory until it went away, one at a time, until nothing else came up. It was so cleansing! Try it!

Sare Levine SuccessfulPerception.com Body Geometry Abuse Energy 5 月 30, 2018
