
My Personal Revelation : Tweety Bird Quote

他们就是这样做的。 直到我接受了佩特-申克(PETER SCHENK)的核心净化能量课程,我才意识到权威人士的意见对我的真理、我的认知....。 当我在临终关怀的家人床边守夜时,无论发生什么,我都能保持我使命的本质,守住神圣的空间。

他们并不 "非常了解我们,是吗"? 3 月 31, 2018

Sourxe 5 and the body Geometry

I have been following Peter for over a year now, I have Sourxe 5 I use it everyday to program my water and my pets water. I love the body Geometry that Mr Peter has shared with us and I feel they work like some kind of charm. Do you want your life to change, do the work. Peter gives you the tools to do that. All I can say is Thank you Mr Peter. if I could do a video I would. I’ll work on that may be soon.I am Growing and working on all things. Blessings to all. Get peters tools do the work your self you will be so glad you did <3 Judy from Kansas

Judy Huffman 919 marsh Ave Sourxe 5 and Body Geometry 3 月 31, 2018

I don’t leave home without my HFA Mini.

I honestly will not leave home without my HFA Mini. I hold two jobs, both dealing with the public. It is common for me to serve 300 to 400 people in one day. Since I began wearing the mini, I noticed that my interactions with people go so much more smoothly. It’s very common for me to hear “You always have a smile on your face”, or “I love to be in your line because you’re always so nice.” Honestly I’m the same person I was before, but the Mini makes people nicer to me!
I often receive compliments on how beautiful it is and it is also a joy to wear. During the rare times these days when I’m feeling stressed, all I have to do is look down and absorb the frequency of the infinity symbol-and I’m good to go. I love mine so much I bought one for each if my children too.

Kelli Carlson Boulder City, NV 迷你 HFA 3 月 29, 2018

HFA-a New Way To Travel

我非常喜欢我为自己和妹妹订购的 HFA,后来又为我的丈夫和妹妹的丈夫(我的妹夫)订购了更多,后来又为我妹妹的新车订购了一个,因为她打算把她的旧车送给她的继女。我们在使用 HFA 方面都有很好的体验,我和姐夫都曾一度避免了一场潜在的车祸。有一次,我在开车变道时,差点撞上另一辆车,因为我在盲点处没有看到他,他竟然能迅速避开我的车道(不知道是怎么做到的),没有被我撞到,还按了喇叭。真是千钧一发!

我妹妹以前经常发生一些小的剐蹭事故,自从我给她的车买了 HFA 后,大概有一年的时间没有发生过这种事故了。后来她告诉我,她老公在过去几年里发生了不少重大车祸(有时并不是他的过错),这让他的汽车保险上涨了不少,所以她让我给他买一个,以帮助他预防未来的车祸。我老公的旧车似乎每隔一段时间就需要修理一次,而且他对其他路怒症司机有点激动,有时还会被堵在恶劣的交通环境中,这不是最令人愉快的事情。因此,我最后也为他订购了一台 HFA,同时也为我姐夫订购了一台,尽管这些男人并不太相信这类意识科技产品,而我和我姐都非常相信......笑。现在,我的小叔子自从在他的车上安装了 HFA(已经有几个月了),就再也没有出过车祸,而且我注意到,当我和我的老公开车兜风时,我的老公更加冷静和聪明了,他能找到小路线,轻松避开周围的大塞车。以前我开车时,他坐在我旁边的副驾驶座位上,经常对我的驾驶技术有很多负面评价。自从我在车里安装了 HFA 后,他立刻变得安静和放松了,有时还会在我的车里吹口哨。太神奇了

现在,只要有 HFA 在车内,我总能感受到一种爱的平和与平静,再也不用担心出车祸或遇到其他路怒症司机了。

有一次,我忘了把从杂货店买的鲜花拿出来,从汽车后备箱取出杂货时,它们不知被藏到哪里去了,直到 4 天后,我才突然想起我买过它们。哈!在汽车后备箱里放了 4 天之后,我惊讶地发现它们依然鲜活,而且没有浇水。当时加拿大是 12 月,冬天很冷,也许这有助于保持半新鲜的状态,但我确信是我的 HFA 让它们比平时保持了更长时间的新鲜。很多年前的夏天,我也曾把一些鲜花忘在车里,结果只过了一天,花就全死了(当然,那时还没有氢氟烷烃)。在满员的停车场找停车位也容易多了,只要跟我的 HFA 说一声,请它在有人可能马上要离开的时候帮我找停车位,通常几分钟左右(我想从来没有超过 10 或 15 分钟),就会有一个空位给我。我非常感激自己拥有彼得的几款超级神奇的 MDM 产品,它们让我和家人的生活比以前轻松、美好了无数倍!非常感谢彼得,感谢他不断创造出这些超凡脱俗的产品,通过你神奇的 MDM 产品提高我们的振动,帮助改善了地球上这么多人的生活。


黎慧卿 RN 加拿大/HFA 3 月 29, 2018

I AM pyramids are incredible!

I LOVE my 6 I AM pyramids. I have I AM Love, Safe, Sourxe, Fearless, Capable and Purpose. I keep them arranged in a star on my dresser next to my bed. I have some difficult neighbors, and I used to have to regularly clean the energetic space of my property. Since activating the pyramids, I no longer have to clear the space. I also use the pyramids to charge my crystal collection, and I no longer have to do any other form of clearing my crystals and jewelry after wearing them.

I also take the individual pyramids with me in my pocket when I anticipate a challenging day, or particularly Sourxe, Capable or Purpose when I need to complete a project. They help me to align internally with the energy to manifest. I look forward to adding more to my home.

Kelli Carlson Boulder City, NV 我是金字塔 3 月 29, 2018

Body Geometry Videos

I use MDM Software on a daily basis, therefore my laptop is usually available.
However, things happen like pain, stuck patterns of emotion like depression, trauma, you name it. Peter has actually uploaded videos that address these issues on utube, and his website. They can be accessed on the go, using and iPhone etc,. they work to dissolve the mind/ body issue and once you learn the hand movements, you just do it in the moment. Thank you for your generous
solutions for my body mind and spirit.

Grateful Customer 3 月 29, 2018

Blessed with Terra Resonator Mini

I received the lovely Terra Resonator Mini a month ago and I have had much joy playing with this magic tool!!! As I am traveling 84 times around the sun and mainly just in a small apartment I have energized everything in sight!!! My intentions have expanded towards the larger world outside my view which I cannot measure……but I have had more Spiritual Openings than I have ever witnessed…it is a whirlwind…think it is all connected in perfect timing! Thanks, Peter, for this Tool and Blessings…

Elizabeth Hunter 退休 Terra Resonator Mini/ Palm Beach Gardens Florida 3 月 26, 2018

迷你 HFA

I would like to say that thinking outside of the box is a great thing to do with any of Peter’s products. I did just that with the HFA Mini and what a difference it made for me. Peter says the products have consciousness and he is so right with that. I have been wearing my Mini for a few months now on a chain and have been having wonderful results keeping things clear around me. I work on a surgical unit in a very busy hospital with as you can imagine tons of stuff all around me. Well for usually stuff can happen in a heart beat around me, good and bad. However since wearing my Mini to work things seem to be much calmer and easily handled.

I recently have been feeling a pressure and discomfort over the liver area on my right side, so the idea came to me to take the Mini off the chain and put just above my Liver are using a pin to my shirt. Within about 5 minutes I could feel a reduction in the pressure and discomfort to my side. Since then I have kept it there and I continue to have freedom to this area. I also noticed that my digestion is much better with less bloating after eating certain kinds of meals, ie: pasta or breads.

So take Peters advise and think outside the box and talk to your Mini or any of his other products and see what happens. I am certainly glad I have, I will be trying this with other things in the future if needed for certain. :))))

Thank you very much Peter and the Universe for these wonderful products.


Susan J Licensed Practical Nurse Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, HFA Mini 3 月 23, 2018


两周前,我与彼得-申克(Peter Schenk)进行了一次私人能量疗程。我以前接受过不同人的能量治疗,但从未感觉到我的能量场发生了变化。与彼得进行的治疗有什么巨大的不同?
疗程开始后,我感觉自己的能量场发生了一些变化。大约 10 分钟后,我释放了大量阻塞的能量。哇
这些课程以及彼得的产品将以最积极的方式改变你的生活。非常感谢彼得。你的所有作品都 "棒极了"!!

桑德拉-豪威尔 退休/残疾 彼得-申克的私人能量课程 3 月 20, 2018

迷你 HFA

I’ve been using the HFA mini for a little over a year.
When I first got it, it was working so well I thought I was allergic to it because it was clearing out kidney stones FAST. LOL! Talked with Peter & he told me to have it slow down which worked.
I was SO glad to have this with me when I had to be out of town for work for two months. Nothing like living out of a hotel room, keeping weird hours & not eating my normal diet. The HFA kept me calm & healthy in a VERY stressful environment. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t been wearing the mini daily. So for everyone out there who thinks this is too good to be true, give it a try, it will surprise you.

p.s.-watch the MDM minutes on YouTube, Peter is a hoot! : )

Andrea Designer CA/HFA Mini 3 月 20, 2018
