I would like to say that thinking outside of the box is a great thing to do with any of Peter’s products. I did just that with the HFA Mini and what a difference it made for me. Peter says the products have consciousness and he is so right with that. I have been wearing my Mini for a few months now on a chain and have been having wonderful results keeping things clear around me. I work on a surgical unit in a very busy hospital with as you can imagine tons of stuff all around me. Well for usually stuff can happen in a heart beat around me, good and bad. However since wearing my Mini to work things seem to be much calmer and easily handled.
I recently have been feeling a pressure and discomfort over the liver area on my right side, so the idea came to me to take the Mini off the chain and put just above my Liver are using a pin to my shirt. Within about 5 minutes I could feel a reduction in the pressure and discomfort to my side. Since then I have kept it there and I continue to have freedom to this area. I also noticed that my digestion is much better with less bloating after eating certain kinds of meals, ie: pasta or breads.
So take Peters advise and think outside the box and talk to your Mini or any of his other products and see what happens. I am certainly glad I have, I will be trying this with other things in the future if needed for certain. :))))
Thank you very much Peter and the Universe for these wonderful products.