
Harmonic field amplifier for car

大约一年前,我为自己的爱车购买了 HFA。 我想从宾夕法尼亚州顺利前往北卡罗来纳州接女儿放学。 过去,这趟旅程我最多需要 8.5 个小时。 华盛顿特区的交通在一天中的任何时候都非常糟糕。 我从邮局取回我的 HFA,只见盒子以惊人的速度震动着。 它包装精美,刚一开箱就令人眼前一亮。 我去北卡罗来纳州花了 6 小时 45 分钟! 我在特区没有遇到任何交通堵塞,我开玩笑说,在到达北卡罗来纳州之前,我没有遇到一个红灯。 大概有 30-40 个红灯。 哇。 我有个朋友对能量非常敏感,她能感觉到能量的力量。 我还认为,我可以和它交流,让我的旅程更顺利....ie,请让这次掉头又快又简单。 自己试试吧。 珍妮特

珍妮特-达菲 Thoroughlykneaded.com 3 月 14, 2018

Goodbye Hives!

I recently had a bit of health problems and after suddenly having hives and never had it before, I was in so much trouble scratching I was at my wits end. One minute I was ok, the next, half my body was covered in angry red blotches that are painful and itchy. The first lot went in 8 hours. They came back with a vengence 2 days later and this time covers me from chest down all the way to the legs, I was a sight to behold NOT! I decided to have a bath with bicarb soda and thought why not use Aquaware 4.0 ( one day I will have money to get 5.0) to program the water while I am having a bath anyway, so I found the program for Hives and had a nice relaxing bath. Later that day my skin started to return to normal and by the next day I show no signs of having Hives and it has been 2 weeks since and I am happy to say a permanent goodbye to Hives!! Thanks Peter for your amazing programs! I am going to manifest the money for Sourxe V and Aquaware 5! Can’t wait to see what else I can do with your program!!

凯特-丹尼尔 Aquaware 4.0 3 月 14, 2018

Amazing Private Session!

在与彼得进行了三年的治疗后,这些治疗已经成为我每年预算的一部分,而他仍然让我感到惊奇。 2016 年秋天,我感觉自己的大脑真的出了问题。 它影响了我的思维,这不仅仅是一团迷雾。 我去了当地的健康食品店,因为我觉得我可能只需要一种脑部补充剂,店员给了我一个西海岸直觉者的名字。我拿着应用程序去找那位直觉者,他问我在做什么,因为我的脑袋里有大量的辐射。 我得到了一个很好的建议,让我的电脑远离我的卧室,我知道我需要得到一些帮助,所以我和彼得做了一个测试,在没有给他任何线索的情况下,彼得对我说的第一句话是:"你一直在做什么,把你的头伸进微波炉吗?治疗结束后,我焕然一新。 我又能思考了。 持怀疑态度的人可能会说这听起来像是安慰剂效应,但这些年来我已经接受了彼得的多次治疗,而且每次都有效果。我之所以发布这条推荐信,是因为西海岸的一位直觉/治疗师和东海岸的一位现代神秘主义者都得出了相同的结论。 我留下了很多推荐信,如果不是发生在我或我的家人身上,连我自己都很难相信。 最近,在疗程中,我可以观看彼得发送或转移能量的幻灯片,这为我的体验增添了全新的维度。

芭芭拉-拉米 加拿大奇利瓦克 3 月 14, 2018

I found a new way to use my IAM SAFE PYRAMID

I shoveled my car out of a snowbank and the next day I could not walk due to a pulled hamstring. Pain level High 10-1 LOW was a 20. Unreal. First I took a bath in Aquaware water programmed with TRAUMA at 100%. Pain down to a 15, but I could not walk . I asked my HFA MINI, what to do? Answer: Use the IAM SAFE PYRAMID. Sooooooooo, I put the Pyramid on my butt and just let it stay. After an hour, I moved the PYRAMID over the hamstring up and down my leg. Thirty minutes later, THE PAIN WAS GONE. TOTALLY GONE. I could walk, bend, and lift my knee. Thank you Peter for your amazing products.


HFA a new way to travel driving in a snow storm

在今天的暴风雪中开车非常危险。我向我的 HFA 求助,这是一种新的出行方式,可以帮助我开车上山,让我在能见度很低的情况下慢速安全驾驶,并保持注意力集中......,我确实驶离了道路,打电话给我的道路救援服务,并被拖到了我需要去的地方。 服务人员在 30 分钟内就赶到了(真快)、
司机很棒,他引导我协助他换挡等。我们是一个团队。 这真是一次奇妙的经历。 我爱我的 HFA,它也爱我。

感恩的司机 HFA 旅行新方式 3 月 8, 2018

private session

我从出生那天起就一直从事医疗保健工作。 我也曾因侵入性程序而遭受创伤,这些程序的目的不是为了治疗,而是为了探索并为医疗专业人员提供数据。 当然,检查是必要的,有时也会过度使用,但在我的病例中,创伤使我的能量系统错位了。
我从两岁起就知道这一点。我从小就被错位的父母抚养长大,他们把我送到学校、医院等地方,他们并不 "懂我"。 这就是我的看法。 2018年3月5日晚上7点30分,我选择停止这种模式,并接受了(冒着风险)彼得的私人治疗。 彼得有一种不可思议的能力和技巧,能带来一种感觉上温和但强大的能量,用爱、光和振动来注入收缩(创伤)的能量。 我感觉很安全,我只是不停地呼吸(我相信彼得,只要读读其他所有的推荐信就知道了),在 30 分钟或更长的时间内(彼得会一直待到工作结束),我的头部、颈部、肩膀等部位得到了扩展,感觉更轻了,也更有爱了。这种创伤是由内而外的。在过去的 18 年里,身体的呼吸/消化区域断断续续地反复受到过度刺激。(我猜医疗机构没有足够的证据来做出准确的诊断)。 我无所畏惧,我的身体正在恢复正常,这将引导我继续以我所知道的唯一方式帮助自己和他人......能够接受彼得-申克(Peter Schenk)的私人治疗并拥有他的精美作品(产品和服务)是我的荣幸。有时,它们会让我流泪,因为其中蕴含的深意。

感恩的护士 R N L P C 3 月 6, 2018

OMG!! Phenomenal private session with Peter !!

我与彼得进行了一次最奇妙的对话。 我当时正在为爱和富足而努力。 彼得的能量非常强大。 我确实感受到了所有的转变。 我对未来的事情感到兴奋,因为我知道我不再处于困顿的振动中了。 如果你从未接受过彼得的治疗,我强烈推荐你去。 它绝对会改变我的生活。 我知道我不再是原来的我了。

安吉拉-穆诺兹 私人会议 3 月 2, 2018

Session with Peter Schenk

22 日星期四,我接受了彼得的治疗。现在几天过去了,我可以说我的许多健康失衡问题都变得平衡和正常了。我的心脏一直跳得很厉害,偶尔会感到虚弱--现在已经恢复正常了,我在身体上和情绪上都感觉好多了,因为他帮我消除了多年前一件事造成的长期模式--我甚至都不记得这件事了。此外,我的髋关节也老是不听使唤,需要经常进行整脊复位--现在已经好了,这几乎让人难以相信,但这是真的!我知道,过去的事件会产生新的模式!我知道,过去的事件会在我们身上形成一种模式,这种模式会在我们的生活中反复出现--但有时很难把它们拿出来清除!我们甚至不知道在哪里、
我的思维更清晰了,也更积极了--更快乐了!非常感谢彼得,你的工作非常出色。 Manorama Ananda Vancouver BC Canada ...

Manorama Ananda 109-14280 19a Ave 与彼得的会谈 2 月 27, 2018

Terra Resonater / Got my dream job / Long term unemployed

This is Aria from Canada and I want to share with you my magical experience with Terra Resonator; the latest mind blowing product of Peter Schenk. I have Peter`s Sourxe 5 and Aquaware 5 software programs and HFA mini. I have been using them in every day and my life changed dramatically in a good way. And this time with Terra Resonator, I got my dream job ! I was long term unemployed (more than four years) and could not purchase TR due to lack of money. I requested help from Christy Warnick, who is an energy healer and has got the TR already. She accepted to help me. Christy wrote on a paper my dream job`s name/title, company and city, and put this paper and my photo on the TR with the intention of having the job with best and highest good for me and the company. She repeated the process a few times during the couple of weeks. I updated her about the interview, then reference checks and the job offer ! Yes, I got the job offer beyond my expectations !!! TR cleaned the blocks regarding my fears about being unemployed, self worth issues, and gave me strength, boosted self confident and self respect. TR gives you limitless opportunities and the best outcomes based on your personal needs and circumstances. How cool is that ? I am very much happy and excited having my dream job. And I will save money for buying TR plus. Thank you Peter for giving us this amazing product and thank you Christy Warnick for helping and supporting me ! I absolutely recommend everyone to buy a TR, either regular, mini or plus size. Like all Peter`s products, Terra Resonator is also out of this world !

Aria Anderson Terra 谐振器 2 月 25, 2018

I AM Sourxe Pyramid – Bronze

* During the first few days I noticed that TINY HOLES IN MY AURA were being PATCHED-UP.
* Really deep, smooth and BALANCED SLEEP since I received the pyramid 5 weeks ago. I had not experienced this kind of sleep before. The initial vivid dreams were toned down after I asked for more harmonious and calmer ones.
* ONGOING DETOX of my energy fields. The muddy colour I saw with my minds eye all over me at the beginning, is gradually becoming lighter. I experienced the detox initially as very strong, therefore asked the pyramid to slow it down. So it did. There was a buffer in place from the start. If I had not asked for a slower detox, the buffer would have made it bearable anyway. You can always ask for a course correction, though!
* Very uncomfortable, even energetically PAINFUL FEELING in my SOLAR PLEXUS on the 2nd or 3rd day, DISAPPEARED.
I have noticed this pain on several occasions before and used to ignore it. With the pyramid at hand, I decided to do something about it and placed it on this area for about 30 seconds while breathing deeply. Guess what, the solar plexus started to pump like a heart and breath more freely. The pressure has not returned.
* TENSION HEADACHES, which recently happened in the evenings, RELEASED. I placed the bottom side of the pyramid on various places on my head and body for approximately 30 seconds on each location. The pain quickly lessened or disappeared and I woke-up refreshed the next morning.
* Can´t focus? Pacing in a room with the pyramid in my hands, sometimes with my eyes closed, helps me to CENTRE AND CALM DOWN.
* I particularly like holding the pyramid bottom to my ears, top of the head, kidneys and on my adrenal glands – this is DEEPLY RELAXING for me.
* My mind is usually too active to sit in MEDITATION. With the pyramid in my hands I can do this for some time. Focusing on optimal weather conditions all over the world, governments working optimally FOR the people and family members in need of energetic assistance, are things I will focus on next. I have already put it on my purse occasionally, when I felt that my purse wanted to be out of the bag I usually store it in.

The pyramid and its box with the various symbols make for great ornaments in any room.
I like the the bronze colour and the fine horizontal lines on the surface. It is a great companion for me. Considering that I did not know what to do with it at the beginning, we have grown quite accustomed to each other.
With 13 I AM Pyramids and 2 colours to choose from, there is at least one for everyone. I AM TOTALLY HAPPY WITH MY CHOICE. Thank you, Peter.

Heidi Hofinger Austria - Review - I AM SOURXE Pyramid - Bronze 2 月 25, 2018
