The sensation that comes from I Am Safe in my left hand seems to be very profound and powerful.
It was an activator of my deep core energy.
I felt like a strong tree, grounding and connected with Earth.
My Heart centered,
I felt alive and I am SAFE !
Peter, I am very thankful that you spread love in all your MDM products.
Rossana AS Brazil 2 月 18, 2018
Aquaware 5 update
I’m writing to give you a yearly update on my Aquaware progress. Over the past year, these are just some of the miracles:
First signs of colds/flu viruses disappear with a variety of intents ranging from immune system and flu to perfect health
Whilst making a very rough sea crossing on a boat across the Irish sea a few months ago, I was 100% successful at avoiding sea sickness by using the “motion sickness” intent. Pretty amazing given that the crossing was so bad everyone was sick and couldn’t stand up. I, on the other hand was loving the journey!
One of my favourite custom intents is “good vibes” as it helps my surrounding environment and the mood of the people I interact with.
As a result of living and working in stressful environments, I have been making small, steady and positive steps in my job conditions and people generally. This has been really tough so to make any progress at all is a wonderful thing and I am finding that each small step I make with Aquaware intents, the old, lower vibrations are slowly disappearing opening me to newer, lighter opportunities.
As an energy sensitive, an interesting thing that I have experienced is – being used to clearing energy for many years, I don’t suffer from detox reactions but if there is a very serious spiritual energetic issue that I am trying to clear with a specific, custom or variety of intents, I sometimes feel a kind of energetic ‘residue’ for a day or two until I meditate on the issue further and I process it at a more conscious level then the old energy releases and dissipates from me. In this case, I find Aquaware as a guiding tool to let the issue come to the surface faster and move on.
I have also helped the children of my friends make good academic progress with specific academic intents including one for ‘courage’ on the day of a very difficult exam that they were unlikely to pass but they did! Also, a friend who used to get very stressed and emotional easily is now much happier and positive thanks to Aquaware.
A multitude of thanks to you.
Sarah Lewis Aquaware 5 2 月 18, 2018
HFA Mini – You will be a believer
Hello Peter,
Just wanted to say Thank You for creating the HFA Mini pendant. When I and my body attune to the pendant (as instructed) I immediately feel a calming friendly and knowing force field wash over my whole Being. I know that the remainder of my day will result in the most Harmonious outcomes possible irregardless of whatever crap the day may throw at me. I know there is another product in your line that is specifically designed to be used in automobiles and it helps tone down or negate “road-rage” and other negative driving conditions. But wanted to let my secret out…..even though I wear the HFA mini during my car commutes, I DO notice a difference in the drivers (driving conditions around me), there is a lack of noticeable idiots that come around my car. Driving was getting to be a dreaded thing for me, but NOT anymore.
So, of course my work relationships at work are also caught up into this field of protective “harmony” too, otherwise I may of gotten in some trouble…. I’m a total believer in the benefits promoted towards this pendant. But most interestingly, I bought one for my partner, whom is not one to wear “spiritual – or different” jewelry. But I knew the incredible work stress he was constantly under, which is basically almost 24/7 and I wanted to help him in some way. The way that I new would “help” him silently, without me having to do any talking (sales pitch) was to just buy him one and ask him to wear it a few times during work hours. He reluctantly wore it a couple times and I thought after that I would have to intervene to get him to remember to put the pendant on before engaging with the world. To my amazement, every time, which is daily I take a peek at what is around his neck — it’s the HFA Mini. Now, he would not stop and consciously even take a moment to put that on if he didn’t personally feel it was working to his advantage on some level. He may not know how to explain the experience, but obviously he knows “somethings up” — in a beneficial way, regarding wearing the pendant as a daily self-care item. Which is exactly how I use the mini — as a much needed companion and friend assisting me on this journey called life with all it’s wonders and surprises…..the good & “bad” — I KNOW the mini is assisting me powerfully in an unseen way to clear the path to least resistance on my behalf.
So grateful for your “homework” that brought this technology into the world for us to utilize.
Thanks a bunch, and thanks for the special surprises you sometimes throw in with an order, as you did when I ordered a couple Christmas items from you this past Christmas 2017.
BartBart Zimmerman Holistic Bodywork Practioner 迷你 HFA 2 月 18, 2018
More confidence and trust
After having a mini session with Peter, he suggested that I can benefit from the Sourxe V. I am so happy that purchased it. I have it on my computer and also recorded on my cell phone so that I can have it with me anywhere I go. I notice that I do not have a lot of fears as I used to when it comes to food and drink any more because I have a tool to support my health. I can eat and drink a lot of food now without having any reactions as before. I can say that I am fortunate to “know” Peter and his products. Thank you Peter.
Linh Chieu Nguyen Tran 2 月 18, 2018
Feeling safer and more peaceful when driving
I am not very confident in myself when driving and I decided to buy an HFA after reading/listening to other testimonials. I am so happy that I do not feel unsafe or nervous when I am driving any more with my HFA in my car. I noticed one thing clearly: whenever I need to make a U turn or left turn without any traffic light, I do not have any anxiety at all as I normally did. Thank you Peter for all of your great products. This HFA is one of the best gifts that I gave myself.
Linh Chieu Nguyen Tran HFA 2 月 18, 2018
我买了一个迷你 HFA,感觉安全舒适,因为我是一个通灵者,对能量很敏感。我购买了你们的工作坊,我的人际关系得到了改善。
感谢彼得出现在我的生命中!上帝保佑 xxTarinder Dhillon 通灵者 活力课程/HFA 小型讲习班/工作坊 2 月 18, 2018
Loving my Harmonic Field Activator
It’s been a little over a year since I received my Harmonic Field Activator and it’s been a year of incredible changes. It has helped me release so many deeply rooted issues that have had negative impacts on me throughout my entire life.
Granted not every release or change has been easy but there isn’t one of these that I would give up.
One of my first lessons with it came when I had a painful and severe event surface the first night I set it up. In the morning I called Peter not sure if I could handle the severity of what was surfacing. His solution was so simple, but something I had never considered. Talk to it he said… ask it to be more gentle as it does it’s job. Talk to it??? I had no idea I could talk to it. Establish a rapport. Since then I talk to it often and it has become more than an energetic device to me… it has become my friend.
Iam thankful everyday for the growth and insight it has given me.
Thank you David for Blessing us with your wonderful energy and energetic devices!Jo'eni Jones Intuitive Consultant Harmonic Field Activator 2 月 18, 2018
I AM Healthy pyramid
I’ve purchased many of Peter’s energy products over the past several years and I can say that Peter has lived up to his sterling reputation with all of them, and now again with the I AM Healthy pyramid. I was initially having problems activating it, but Peter walked me through the process and I really do feel a new flow of energy from it now. I am still learning how to use all of Peter’s products. Sometimes they work instantly, other times after a while, and with some operations I attempt, not at all. Peter says that everything works for my highest good, so probably the things that didn’t work for me were not for my highest good…DARN IT…I’ll have to take up that issue with my “Higher Self” at another time though! Anyway, I can definitely say that all of Peter’s products have delivered energy at a whole new higher level for me than anything I’ve tried in the past; I find that if I think outside the box (as Peter frequently suggests), then the magic happens.
Mark Weaver 2 月 18, 2018
Miracle and a Blessing
Thank you Peter for this amazing product, I am speechless at its strength and power in healing negativity. I purchased the Myrrh Compass Rose for myself, but used it for a friend’s home, as every single person in her home was in distress. (They were all suffering from anxiety and depression and began fighting with each other) The negativity seemed to be engulfing them for years. Within 5 days, they all settled down and the anxiety has eased and their relationships with each other began to heal. A few weeks later, they are all different in terms of how things effected them in the past. It is absolutely mind blowing. I am still in shock at how quickly this worked. I highly recommend this product, to me it is a life changer and a life saver. Thank you Peter for everything you do.
AR Canada 没药罗盘玫瑰 2 月 18, 2018
Extreme Sensitivity
I’ve not been able to afford any products of as yet, but plan on buying most, if not all in near future.
Whenever you send out an email with your products, I can feel/sense the integrity and power of the product from its picture.
The one that was the most powerful for me was the Myrrh Compass Rose. I’m extremely sensitive, and I could feel energy through my body when seeing the picture of the Myrrh Compass Rose, unlike anything I’ve felt before by just looking at a picture of a product in an email.
I know how blessed I’ll be along with my home and property, to have your products physically in my home.
Thank you Peter for always giving us the best!
Blessings always,
BonnieBonnie Marceau N/A Products sent out in email 2 月 18, 2018