
Spot on!! Amazing accuracy!!

我领养的狗狗 Rusty 一周前走失了。在它失踪 14 个小时后,我偶然向彼得提起这件事,彼得告诉我,Rusty 还活着,而且它的新家就在方圆 5 英里之内。5 天后,我接到一位女士的电话,说她找到了拉斯蒂,她住的地方离他现在的家大约 5 英里!彼得的信息太准确了!我简直不敢相信!我迫不及待地想和他谈谈,看看他对我另一只走失的狗是否有什么见解!彼得,你太棒了非常感谢

凯特-丹尼尔 6 月 8, 2017

Private Session MDM Minute as well

我的膝关节疼痛程度为 15(低为 1 -10 为高)。我想尽了一切办法来降低疼痛程度。但没有任何效果。我上网向彼得申请了 15 分钟的治疗,到了第二天,我的行走能力就达到了 5 级。 当然,我先去看了医生,以排除肌肉撕裂等情况。 我还做了关于细胞通讯的身体几何测试。它们同步工作,这样我晚上就能睡觉,白天也能正常工作。 虽然进展缓慢,但我的膝关节已经不那么 "僵硬 "疼痛了。 非常感谢彼得,你非常了解自己的能量天赋以及如何利用这些天赋创造出令人惊叹的产品和服务。

无痛客户 5 月 31, 2017

Having fun with technology

I have had all 3 HFAs for the last several months and I can\’t imagine my life without them. It is like having three best friends that always have your back.

When I wear my Mini HFA I feel great inner peace, balance, gratitude and joy. It also positively affects everyone around me, so my interactions with people are easy and fruitful. My sleep at night is very restful and most of the time my days just flow effortlessly.

With my Travel HFA I am always on time for all my appointments no matter what time I leave home (time seems to stretch when I leave late). I consistently experience an easy flowing traffic and I often get perfect parking spots. Most importantly I feel safe, calm and protected while driving my car. I also noticed that my breaks don\’t wear out as fast as before on the downhills and a very annoying problem with tire pressure is finally gone.

In my home HFA Plus does an amazing job in keeping my whole space clear, decluttered, balanced, joyful and filled with healing and deeply restorative energy. This energy positively influence everybody living in the house ( including my pets ) and people visiting me. Yoga and meditation practice is greatly enhanced producing often fun and unexpected results. The whole house seems to be radiating a very loving and high vibration.
I am very grateful to my three little friends for working tirelessly 24/7 to make sure all is great in my world.

A week ago I got Myrrh Compass Rose in order to clear my coffee farm that surrounds my house.
Energy that came through my MCR surprised me with its amazing power, beauty and very supportive and nurturing qualities. It literally took my breath away!
Very swiftly it cleared my land and restored its deep connection to the Source, enhanced the life force of my coffee and fruit trees, herbs and flowers. It also linked itself to my 3 HFAs in order to coordinate an opening of a much deeper space in which insights, visions, love and abundance flow even more effortlessly then before.
Life was already sweet before MCR, but now my world is definitely bigger and way more exciting!

Like all HFAs, Myrrh Compass Rose is interactive and it gives me an immanence joy to play with it, talk to it, learn from it and explore many different possibilities.

Thank you Peter for yet another amazing product! My life is vastly improved and forever changed because of you. For that I am truly grateful.

Ania 5 月 25, 2017

Saved Cat's LIFE!

This a second review in addition to the previously posted one. Last week my cat kept getting worse and worse (struggling to pee on his own and the bladder expressions became shorter and harder to do). So I’ve asked the Q-shield to assist Kremlin, heal him, allow him to pee on his own and be pain free. I also I’ve asked the same “request” of HFA home and I did the same healing intention with the Source 5. So when Kremlin stopped peeing completely on Tuesday I had to take him to the vet on Wednesday morning. Of course he was blocked but the worst part was his kidneys were in failure 75% with only 25% working. They’ve suggested 2 options – surgery (removing penis and making a female like hole instead and putting him on some meds to get the kidneys back to hopefully 50% working) or euthanizing him. I’ve decided to go with the surgery but also confirmed with animal communicator’s help that it was also what Kremlin wanted to do. He has told her that he wants to live and will fight hard after the surgery to get better. So he went into 3.5 hour surgery Wednesday afternoon. That’s when the miracles started to happen: right after the surgery the Doc told me that the surgery couldn’t have gone any better. Next morning when they’ve run his blood work his kidneys were back to normal 100% (in less than 24 hours he went from 25% to 100%!!!!!) and will not need any meds. Also, his bladder muscles that were not working before now started to work and he was able to hold urine for a long time between the releases. He also was feeling well, eating a lot, and taking his meds. Before the surgery his Doc told that he would have to stay at the hospital 3-4 days after the surgery but they released him home 2 days after because he was doing so well! The doctors at the hospital were all puzzled and amazed how well he is doing and at his “miraculous recovery”! I just smiled because I didn’t want to go into the whole Peter’s products line details.. The night he came home all his surgery area was swollen, red, and inflamed. I was told it would take several days to get better. I put his collar with Q-shield back on him (because he couldn’t have it on during the surgery and while at the hospital). The next morning – all surgery site was not inflamed anymore and skin and legs around were back to normal white color! Today is the 2nd day he is home and it’s looking even better! The wound is closing up and healing. He is acting as if there was no surgery, he wants to play – though I cannot let him run and jump yet. I’ve talked to Peter asking what product have helped Kremlin during and after the surgery since I’ve asked his Q-shield, HFA home and did intent setting through Source 5. He said right away that it was Q-shield even though it was not on Kremlin while at the hospital because it was still linked to him. I now believe that the surgery was the best solution even though I’ve resisted it for many many months and tried to find other options. Since I set the intent for Kremlin to get better – the surgery was the only way to get to that point. I had to release my resistance to the surgery and allow to come whatever is the highest good for him. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the puzzlement on Doc’s face when Kremlin goes for check up in a few days since he is recovering at a very high speed.

Oksana 5 月 21, 2017

Zoey LOVES her Q Shield! :)

I purchased the Q Shield for our 3 y/o Yorkie, Zoey. I noticed an immediate difference in her demeanor as she’s not so “sassy”…lol She definitely sleeps better at night and is calmer! 🙂 I do know that it’s her Q Shield helping with that because when she doesn’t have her collar on with the Q Shield attached, she’s up to her old tricks again. 😉 Thanks, Peter, for creating this for our furry babies! My family and Zoey sure do appreciate what it has done for her! 🙂

Patty Colton 5 月 17, 2017

Q Shield for Miss Muffin

I am so glad I got the Q Shield for my Schnauzer puppy. Her toilet training was going so well but when we found all her brothers and sisters their forever home, she started going backwards. She will wee and poo on the carpet even though she has just been outside. Some days I seemed to be picking up after her all day. After 3 weeks of her wearing the Q shield, she is a little calmer but I didn’t even realized until all of a sudden I remembered I have not had to pick up or clean up after her for days!! This morning I had to pick up a poo because I forgot to let her out. But from many accidents a day to 1 accident every 4-5 days is a drastic improvement when nothing has changed except that she is now wearing the Q Shield.
I am so glad I got this for my little Miss Muffin. Thank you Peter!! You rock. Your products works!!! Me and Miss Muffin thank you. My husband is certainly happier with the pup now!!

凯特-丹尼尔 5 月 17, 2017

Q Shield for Animails

When we received the Q-Shield for Animals, We had to decide which of our animals would get it! We decided that Mila our rescue kitty would best be served by it. Our Golden Retriever passed away suddenly and we got Mila specifically for him five months prior to his sudden passing. Mila was a few weeks old when we got her and after a couple of days, she took to Bentlee, our Golden Retriever. After Bentlee passed away we got Koda a new puppy! Mila did not like Koda at all.

After receiving the Q-Shield and placing it on Mila, it took a couple of days for her to warm up to Koda! She stopped growling at him and we could tell she was relaxing around him more and more around him! Now she can be in the same room with him and I even caught her drinking out of the water dish along side him! It’s nice to see them together and playing with each other! We believe the Q-Shield really made the difference in their relationship…which makes it nice for all of us! Thank you, Peter, for a great product!


Just Amazing

I would have never believed the Q-Shield would work, But I watched a program with Karen Anderson in which she said: the Q-Shield worked fantastic on one of her dogs. She also stated that she tried as hard as possible to find something wrong with the Q-Shield and the claims made about the Q-Shield, but she came up empty. I have known Karen for many years, and if she was recommending the deviceI was willing to try. I have two Yorkies, both rescues. Kermit a male that we have had for seven years and who has alway been hyper ( and at times destructive), but after putting the Q-Shield on him, we didn’t notice anything different until the next day. Kermit calmed down and has been more of a loving and happier dog. We also have another Yorkie named Koko. She is a seven-year-old female that we rescued a month ago, and she has kept to herself and did not have much to do with us. We also put a Q-Shield on her and overnight she broke out of her shyness, and she is the happiest and most loving little girl now. She jumps on the bed to sleep with us, laying in the middle of the bed between the two of us. Always wanting her belly rubbed and to be petted. She is an entirely different dog. Karen was so right about the Q-Shield, and we are so glad that we took her recommendation and purchased the one for each dog. What an incredible difference they have made. Bob and Valerie K.

Robert Kiesel 5 月 7, 2017

No more weeds!

I LOVE the aquaware 5, I have a yard full of weeds, and I cannot use anything, because I am sensitive and I have dogs that I love! A couple of weeks ago I created my own Intent to get rid of weeds and ants!! This week, I noticed the weeds are disappearing, and no more are coming! It was so bad that the weeds were overtaking the grass!! Now I have it solved, and the cool thing is that grass is growing where the weeds used to be!!!!!

卡伦-C 5 月 7, 2017

Q Shield for Sammy

I have a 9 year old Jack Russell/Rat Terrier mix rescue. She was 5 years old when I rescued her. She had been abandoned and abused and was found wondering the streets of Camden NJ. The shelter would not allow her to go to a home with young children because of her unpredictability around food when young children reach for it.. She also needed to be in a home without other dogs because of her aggression. She is good with adults and often seeks out their attention. I have had the Q shield for about 3 weeks now. The difference that I notice is that she is much more tolerant around other dogs on the doggie walking trail. She is much calmer around my two cats and no longer gobbles her food as if there is no tomorrow. She also is less anxious when I leave the house. Thank you Peter for this wonderful product. Janet D

珍妮特-达菲 5 月 7, 2017
