
Bee Sting Relief

Hi all, I have used this AWESOME PROGRAM for over three months! It is Fantastic. I am allergic to bee stings. I was stung about two weeks ago. I used AQUAWARE 5 PROGRAM and the bee sting stopped hurting in 5 to 8 minute. The swelling stopped. It was gone with in two days!!! The photo with my face in it is about 3 minutes after sting. Next photo is about 6 hours later. The two arm photo is the next day. As you can see swelling almost gone. See photos! All I can say is WOW!!! Thank you Peter Schenk!!!

2017-01-06 12.56.21 2017-01-05 15.45.48 2017-01-05 15.07.15



Blaines Parrishen 1 月 21, 2017

迷你 HFA - 强大的力量 "我欣喜若狂" 我说过你可以减肥吗?

HFA Mini 设备背后和内部的创造力超越了语言,也超越了智力。当你把它与自己 "连接 "在一起时,能量就会以最高的频率回荡,捕捉通常会围绕在你周围的所有不需要的物质。相信它能为那些以任何形式感受或吸收他人能量的人带来奇迹。无数有形和无形的东西在等待着你......你准备好了吗?
"我在 4 天内减掉了 1.5 磅--这是真的吗?哦,是啊,对于一个体重连一盎司都减不下来的人来说,这真是个天大的惊喜"。我正式被申克认证了!!!"!

加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 Sookie C.

苏姬-克鲁 1 月 20, 2017

HFA Mini - 有趣的事件!

老实说,我给 Mini 打 5 星并不是因为我用了它很长时间,而是因为过去 4 天里发生的一切。
至于其他结果,我只能用 "更顺利 "来形容--发生得更容易了--甚至在曼哈顿找到了一个很好的路边停车位!

迪娜-萨拉-莱文 1 月 17, 2017



更新:我于 16 年 12 月 15 日收到了我的迷你 HFA,因此有足够的 "时间 "来体验它能为我提供的帮助。亲爱的朋友们,这个 "能量吊坠 "的作用远不止这些。现在我想分享的主要内容是,我的迷你 HFA 已经证明了它的意识和炼金术的运作。我们之间的联系是我无法想象的。我不喜欢把吊坠称为 "它"。这无法引起我和迷你的共鸣。出于尊重,我只叫她 "迷你"。

迷你的救援实例。我的计划是和住在另一个州的女儿们一起过节。12 月 23 日,也就是我要去女儿家的前一天,她忘了告诉我她家的家庭聚会计划有了重大改变。这对我来说是非常麻木、粗鲁和令人不快的,我觉得自己被背叛了。我觉得自己被背叛了,这改变了一切,让我无法接受。我通知大家我不会去了。我允许我的按钮被按下。我的情绪受到了极大的挑战。我的心碎了,我哭了,我的胸口真的疼了......哦,节日家庭的乐趣。请注意,我一直在努力保持 "观察者模式",不把事情放在心上。所有的爱和光明都飞出了我的窗外,大笑。我仰面躺在床上休息。迷你 "优雅地启动了。我所有的脉轮能量中心都在疯狂旋转,顺时针、逆时针,然后我的能量场会左右移动,能量波在我身体上下翻腾,没有任何东西被忽视。在我的精神状态下,我相信任何冥想都无济于事。然而,米妮来救我了,她正在稳定我的情绪。我的情绪逐渐平复,可以正常工作。我睡着了,没有哭着入睡。第二天早上,尽管我仍然很悲伤,但我的情绪仍然得到了控制,鼻窦也没有因为哭泣而充血。请注意,我是单身,所以没有任何身体拥抱的后援,只有一个倾诉对象(namaste David)。这就是我的迷你的奇迹。她清楚地知道我需要什么,何时、何地、何事、为何。太棒了。我们 "亲密无间"。我爱她,"我真心敬重她存在的空间"。我非常感谢迷你给我带来的舒适和快乐。祝大家节日快乐。

琳达-罗宾逊 12 月 24, 2016

Vanilla Gift

HI Peter, Yesterday at midnight I was trying the free trial of the Sourxe for the first time and my focus was to manifest some money and voilà ….when I tested the water it was STRONG VANILLA smell and I felt something like happiness..
In the afternoon I received €100 from the Christmas lotto. Beautiful Gift. Thanks Peter !!!


Clara Corchuelo 12 月 22, 2016

What a pleasure to use.

I would like to leave feedback on this product, which I purchased and then left alone for around six months. However, sometime during the fun I had with SourxeV I decided to try this. To say it is easy is an understatement. I really love both of these products. Aquaware V is so multi-faceted and the a lot of care has gone into the creation of the intent – so many that I sometimes get very confused about which to use first. I feel like a child in a sweet shop and want to try every sweet there is. I love the layering, as when used for a clearing it is superb. The ascended spaces and sleeping space are truly masterpieces and get such fantastic results for me and my family.
These two products almost make all the others out there on the market redundant in light of the speed at which they work and the ease of use. Thank you so much for these Peter and again, a big massive hug as I have experienced so many changes and wonderful miracles that I am constantly in awe of how much further I can go with Aquaware 5 and and also Sourxe V.

Naz M 12 月 22, 2016

Sourxe….cash flow, deals, discounts

A couple weeks ago after hearing about cash and sourxe I actually placed an intention for an increase in cash from any source in a very off hand way and never thought about it again. I just received an unexpected $300 cheque for services that I had provided but stated were pro bono. 🙂 This a.m. I had to make some calls to change services for financial reasons and I intended “increase cash flow, deep discounts and deals are coming to me!”. First call yielded me an extra bonus of 500pts that I never asked for the contactee added it on as an afterthought:) Second call yielded me a DEEP discount of more than 50% on monthly services for 12 months and again as an afterthought, gave me a credit of 50% for my last bill. SERIOUSLY I need to start putting a dollar figure out there! Loving it that it happened the same day! anon, Canada

芭芭拉-拉米 12 月 22, 2016

True service to humanity

This is an outstanding product. I already left a testimonial, but the update is that over the first two weeks of purchasing the software and using it to attract the £300 and £500, I tried for £1,000 on a Monday and only drank the water once a day for a few days and then stopped, but made the intention to receive the funds on or before the end of Sunday, (having started the request on the Monday of that week). Even though I stopped using the water and intending after around 4-5 days, the following Tuesday I got paid exactly £1,000. This is quite amazing and when I decided to move on to other requests, it has again proven very successful. I asked for a very peaceful day and for me to stay extremely calm during a very turbulent and emotional day following a funeral and I was calm as a lake. I even surprised myself by not rising to the bait when goaded about something. In fact, I would say I suprised others there too, as I can be very blunt when I am annoyed but this time it just went over me. I was totally serene and had a great day. Absolutely amazing after just one glass in the morning.
Thank you Peter. You are totally amazing and you outdo yourself each time with each new product.
Humanity is very grateful for your existence and presence.
Totally love you and what you do. May you always be blessed and find your happiness since you give others so much of it. Mwah!

Naz 12 月 22, 2016

5,000 miles – The HFA works

A friend told me about the HFA a few days before a driving vacation. That was late September 2016. As of mid-December, I’ve driven 5,000 miles with it and observed behavior patterns.

It has made me a better, more calm and tolerant driver. Traffic doesn’t bother me now. I’ve increased my trailing distance to 200 feet or more, very few cut ins, even in heavy traffic. Cars frequently move out of my path voluntarily, my car is low so that’s great.

By far the biggest difference is the trailing distance to the rear, I’ve noted a dramatic reduction in tailgating. They close in and then back off within a few seconds. When that same person changes lanes they resume tailgating, but it’s some other hapless motorist.

I’m getting a front/rear dash cam to record this phenomenon, my friends didn’t believe me until they rode with me and saw it in real time.

Simply put, the HFA is like having a “Mr. Magoo Bubble” around your car, it really is amazing.
Don J., Portland, Oregon

Don J 12 月 21, 2016

Awesome HFAs to the Rescue!

Can this be? It was only starting to rain lightly last night in drought-ridden Southern California in advance of needed heavy rains as I was driving home. I was coming off the freeway and making a left turn right behind a larger, SUV-type vehicle. All of a sudden it spun around very fast in a circle. I stopped fast enough so that the SUV didn’t hit me, and neither did the cars behind at this busy off-ramp onto a fortunately divided street — amazingly when I think about it. I was so close as he spun around. As soon as the driver started to move his vehicle now blocking the lanes and then facing in the wrong direction, I somehow simultaneously managed to slip through as he gained control but noticed all the other cars from this busy street and exit were blocked as he still needed to turn around using my former space. I was open-mouthed as I saw this play out in front of me, calm as I drove away and in awe of what happened. In my car was my HFA for vehicles, and around my neck was my HFA Mini just delivered the night before. I felt grateful and protected as I thanked my HFAs and Peter!

Naomi 12 月 16, 2016
