Master Classes are an incredibly powerful journey to self awareness and to a profound healing. For me, these classes turned out to be an amazing game changer! My life shifted in unexpected and impressive ways. I am now totally at ease with what is happening in my life, as I fully trust the Universe. Without much effort I daily experience many awesome manifestations. My interactions with family and people around me are now on much deeper level and without the usual drama. I am often in a state of profound inner peace, gratitude and joy.
On several occasions I repeated past classes (gen 1&2) with equally powerful results leading me to more extraordinary changes. These classes helped me to effectively move through many challenging life situations.Thank you Peter for your powerful and precise delivery of the Sourxe energy. With ease and grace you made the impossible to be possible. Thank you Dona for co-hosting and sharing your amazing Light with all of us 🙂
Ania 7 月 28, 2016