I’m not sure if this is the build on 1 & 2 or what but this class was off the charts powerful! I was wiped out afterwards, but of course after all the water had to p..lol! I closed my eyes and immediately saw the most beautiful blue surrounded by millions of stars, sparkles and felt as though I was sitting right in the Universe, peaceful, love, vast, nothingness yet everything, rocked my world! Also heard classical music deep within my ears, plus frequency sounds that I hear quite often actually.
Fell asleep immediately when my head hit the pillow! Still feeling the effects!
I wanted to add as well when I mentioned 60 years of crud that has needed to be removed, I’ve done years of work on myself, nothing compares to what Peter does with his energy, sacred geometry and bringing all he brings to these classes! He’s done what years of therapy didn’t touch!
These classes will ROCK your world in a way as far as I know only Peter can do! Journal., do the homework and show up you will be amazed at the things that take place in your life!
Thank you Peter for all you do and bring! Thank you Donna for all your loving support??????????Georgia 8 月 7, 2016