

几天前,我的左脚小脚趾磕到了桌角。当然,小脚趾淤青了,第一天非常疼痛。第二天,我用魔杖(Vita Navitas)调整左脚的能量。在移动/旋转魔杖进行自我治疗的过程中,我感觉到了一些僵硬的能量块。能量通过我的双手流向我的身体。之后,我脚趾上的疼痛减轻了很多。晚上我也不觉得疼了。第三天,我挫伤的小脚趾活动能力大大增强,几乎没有疼痛感了。这真是一个奇迹,而且恢复得很快。

11 月 1, 2023


我本周刚刚收到我的 HFA 旅行者。这无疑是一件精美的艺术品。 当我带着它在一天的工作和生活中穿梭时,我感到一种温柔的爱的平静。 这对我来说是一件美妙的产品。 我感到脚踏实地,心无旁骛,这在这个忙碌的世界上是弥足珍贵的。彼得,谢谢你!

11 月 1, 2023

Keeps me balanced

Harmonic Field Amplifier Sirius draws energy and thoughts from my auric field
I carry this on me in my pants small pocket
Daily at work, notice a significant increase in Psychic phenomenon, helps me connect with higher level when in meditation..beautiful amazing gems.
Love it……very satisfying

Thank you ❤️
Amazing keepsake

11 月 1, 2023

Sourxe 水壶


11 月 1, 2023

Late payment

I was going to be late paying my rent I usually pay on the Company website.. My new credit card was on the way but was not going to come on time. I opened a new account at a nearby Walmart and linked it to my main account in a different state.Transferred some funds online to the new account so I could use the new debit card I got from the new bank. Called the main bank they said the funds would not show on the new account for 3 to 5days! Not helpful! I used the arrays on Sourxe called back .the bank and they did a one time courtesy wire to the new account! Rent paid on time! Thank you Peter for Sourxe and all that you have brought to us!

11 月 1, 2023

The Omniscient HFA Palladian

I love love love this magical being HFA Palladian. I believe now after many months of observation and experience that this small but dynamic device is truly omnipresent!
Every area of my life has been decluttered and renewed sometimes on very subtle levels. Being particulalry interested in environmental balancing and good health, I notice that my living space has been transformed without the much needed makeover! It is now spacious and full of light. Wow…I wish everyone on the planet could have a HFA Palladian, and then watch how the world will change so fast and harmoniously. Thank you as always Peter for the remarkable energy you impart to every creation. Namaste and love Rahima :))

11 月 1, 2023

Forcefield of love and joy cancels electrosmog with Quantum Layering Session

We are all in a bowl of electric smog soup worldwide, there is no place now where the satellites cannot reach. How amazing that with Aquaware we can charge our water to such a precise degree! The latest additions of intent being forcefield inhibit 5G effects!
Check it out! The latest QLS that I have programmed creates a vortex of protection from all electrosmog and adds in some lovely joy and unconditional love too. It helps hugely in the face of the bombardment that everyone is under. For the little kids to get some respite from all the noise, for the elderly, in fact for all of us.

Aquaware 6 is a wonder tool and has proved over and over again its efficacy. Try adding some joy and I AM Unconditional Love of Self, I AM Safe, Unity Consciousness, Forcefield inhibut 5g ,Forcefield inhibit emf, vitamin c, mantra morphic fields and more! The possibilities are endless.

My morning coffee is always charged with a new intent each day! So easy on the mobile to do when out and about.

Thanks Peter. My love affair with Aquasync is still going strong! Lots love Rahima

11 月 1, 2023

HFA Mini, Small But Mighty!

I wear the HFA Mini on my travels to patient visits. It helps me maintain a positive, compassionate attitude, and I swear it makes getting through traffic easier! I definitely notice that there is less conflict and drama in my visits when I am wearing the HFA Mini, which I attribute to my own personal field affecting others’ fields. It seems to have a calming, balancing effect on everyone around me. Thank you for this lovely product that I can wear so inconspicuously!

11 月 1, 2023

Mr Force Generator

I enjoy the Force Generator very Much . I was surprised that when I lay on a small grounding-mat that was connected to the plug in the wall, good grounding effect, so I started to play with the Force Generator telling it to “reverse Flow” , to go standby, etc . The signal was like another experience used in combination , check it out if you like, I got the grounding mat cheap on Amazon. I am dreaming about how it must be to have a HUGE Force Generator winner, I am ! I hope u can easily check out my tip, do the grounding mat thing its cool !


11 月 1, 2023

A Solidness and Groundedness

What at First I would describe as a heaviness, would inaccurate. More a solidness and a grounded feeling

Low level of anxiety is evening out. A solid grounded feeling seems to be transforming the anxiety. A more inner stillness. A sense of well-being.

11 月 1, 2023
