Peter, thank you for creating a space of inspiration to allow me to go on such a magnificent personal journey into self and the cosmos. You encouraged feedback and I would love to share my experience with you.
I felt the energy begin to break up density in my second chakra. Stomach gurgles and burps manifested during the process. I started disconnecting from my body and followed an energy cell out as it floated through different experiences and then I saw me as a kaleidoscope that changed in every moment of breath. I saw the layers and layers of each of the kaleidoscopes all impacted by the same moment and changing in that moment individually and simultaneously as a collective. I then became cloud-like and started interacting with other energy cells forming shapes and new energy signatures. In that state I was aware of and identified with the new creation at the same time of retaining a sense of individuality. I imagine this to be what many call a cosmic dance.
I let go of my sense of awareness and time for a period. The next awareness was I was coming back into my physical form and my energy was oozing out of the physical body. The physical portion of me felt reduced in overall size and the energetic part of me felt it was well beyond its boundaries of the past. I was thrilled when I realized I was able to now experience physical reality beyond the physical constraints. I am able to feel the energy more completely in its original form through my energetic self before applying the physical filters of my mind. My body feels like a new vehicle to which I will have to become adjusted.
I know this is Phase One of a symbolic unification of my spirit/soul manifesting in conscious awareness in form.
Namaste for the personal appointment, and for the Master Series.3 月 17, 2016