
Sandra, Melbourne, Florida

2016 Clearing Your Energy Field

The workshop itself was amazing. Peter gets right into the work and prepares a well articulated, super powerful presentation that gets results.

During the workshop I felt the energy moving inside my brain first on the left side before moving to the right side. Next I felt the energy move through the right side of my body. This is significant for me because of the several issues I have are on the right side of my body.

After several days of extreme and ongoing detoxing – physically, mentally and emotionally, I started not only feeling and being lighter, I also just started being and doing without being so stuck and over analyzing in my head.

1 月 31, 2016

Darlene Clark, Saint Albert, Alberta

I took the class on clearing chakras by Peter in January 2016 and found it to an awesome experience. The energy I experience was amazing. Several chakras and different parts of my body experienced vortexes of enengy cleansing and clearing. I only repeated the process once since then so as to allow my system to adjust to all the changes. The sacred geometry is very powerful and I will use it weekly to enhance my clearing. Thank you Peter. I look forward to your continued teaching.

1 月 31, 2016

Linda Waltho, Phoenix, AZ

I recently participated in the Energy Clearing Workshop and have had an incredible shift my energy. I was feeling very depressed lately and very uncertain about the future. I felt a lot of energy running throughout my body during the workshop and by the end of it, I felt that something major had happened. I felt much lighter, like a weight was lifted off of me, and more optimistic. It was quite a profound change that continues to stay with me. It was just what I needed. Thank you, Peter. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone who needs a powerful energy reboot.

1 月 29, 2016

Holly Powers Matthews, Gilbert, AZ


1 月 27, 2016

Holly Powers Matthews, Gilbert, AZ

我参加了 "能量清除 "课程,有了一些惊人的转变。我已经做好了释放和清除堵塞我的残留 "秽物 "的准备。我在神圣几何中获得了深刻的体验,感觉到 "蛋 "爆裂成数十亿颗粒并消散了。第二天,我进行了身体清洁,度过了相当漫长的一天,但感觉绝对超级充实和美妙。我知道发生了一些深刻的事情。感谢彼得和你的团队对这项工作的奉献。改变生活......改变生活。再次......非常感谢

1 月 27, 2016

Sohail Aslam, NY

Energy Clearing Workshop 2016 was an amazing workishop, it left me speechless- ! The first time via live recording it was powerful but listening to recording(mp3) was beyond powerful like you said.
I already feel that the blockages are gone and I feels like a new person in terms of confidence and less fearful.Especially, the second part of the workshop, lot of energy moving with kaleidoscope of vibrant colors, Thank you, Peter!

1 月 27, 2016

Angela , Kissimmee, Florida USA

Clearing Your Energy Fields Workshop. Words cannot begin to describe how amazing this workshop was. By the end of this call, I felt a sense of clarity in my mental and emotional state. I feel at peace. I’m excite to see what future I can now create. I sincerely recommend this workshop for anyone needing clarity and looking for mental peace.

1 月 26, 2016

Kathy T, Connecticut

I participated in the” Clearing Your Energy Fields 2016 Workshop”. Peter guided us through a series of techniques , designed to dissolve the internal blocks that have been ingrained inside me , and keep me from moving forward in my life. As I allowed myself to let go into the moment- I felt I was being held in the arms of the Divine. I still am.

Gratefully, Kathy T. Connecticut

1 月 26, 2016

Barbara, North Haven, Ct. U.S.A

The workshop was. Well very enlighting. When the egg melted. I saw a figure that was white and blue. Like an electric image that grew and pulsated and kept growing taller and taller larger and larger.

1 月 26, 2016

Anthony Kay, Yonkers, new york

The Sourxe did it again! 30 days thanks Sourxe 4.0

12 月 28, 2015
