Hi Peter, I would like to share one of my experience with Using THESourxe IV.
I Had been having a bad sore-throat since couple of days. Last Night I Charged My Water Using Sourxe IV with an intent to Heal my sore-throat and activate my throat chakra. This morning when i woke up. To My surprise i no longer had any sore-throat and was feeling so good and peaceful within. I am Not An expressive person but I noticed that i Was able to express my thoughts and views with others so easily without any fear or anything. I also noticed that I was more in peace with myself through out the day as well.
I Want 2 Thank you For This Genie which you’ve created
for us all.
I Am looking Forward to lots of manifestation using
All Your Products (Specially SOURXE IV , Aquaware 4.0 , and 12th Project)