
Gabriela Dominguez, United States

this product is amazing, I tried a few of the fast fix such as hang over, relaxing, and pain relive and they work instantly. I can’t wait to see how much change and how much more my life will will be amazing.

5 月 10, 2015

Margaret Nadeau, Canada

I used the Aquaware 4.0 recently to develop a 7 intent QLS session for the golfers in my family.
My husband has tried it out with great results. Here are the intents used cool down body (for those hot sticky days ) ,courage ( especially for the first tee off with lots of people watching your first shot for the day ) ,endurance, in the zone,
mental energy (very needed in golf), muscle flexibility, as well as physical energy.
My husband is a casual golfer and he loved it plus it kept him hydrated at the same time.
Have fun and enjoy life
Aquaware 4.0 is awesome and life changing

5 月 3, 2015

Eva Sandén, Gävle

上周三,我接受了彼得 15 分钟的能量治疗,他对我进行了深度清理。第二天,我发现自己可以轻松地上下楼梯了。由于患有骨关节炎,我的脚踝和脚趾一直很僵硬,现在已经好了。太神奇了!我的手指也好多了,而且我觉得每天都在好转。我的背部也挺直了许多,感觉身体轻盈了许多!在疗程中和疗程结束后的 45 分钟内,我感觉到我的双脚和双手充满能量,上嘴唇也有刺痛感。
我每天都在使用 Aquaware 4.0 处理各种事务,我是它/您强大功能的忠实信徒。非常感谢彼得!

5 月 3, 2015

Bettina Schwarz, Kindberg, Styria, Austria

Dear Peter!
I wrote you already an e-mail but now I would love it to send you a testimonial for all out the world. As you know I worked with the energy of St. Germain for about one week. Once I was hiking in the forest. It was so nice and I made some pictures of the mountains. At home again I wanted to save them on my computer – but I had a very big surprise – at the first picture there was the mountain, but at the second picture there was just violett color. Like the violett flame of St. Germain. It looks wonderful. I send you the picture, so everyone can see it.
Much love Bettina

5 月 3, 2015

Alexandra, San Antonio, TX. United States

I have been hesitating to add this testimonial for a while now, giving out too much personal info is not really my thing. But I feel compelled this time, in hopes of maybe helping someone else out there. I started back in Nov/Dec with Aquaware 3.1 and was very satisfied with it. I wrote back in Dec. another testimonial when I started. AT the time I was doing intentions that were aimed at increasing physical energy, and a few others. Then I upgraded to Aquaware 4.0, I liked the fact that you could add up to 7 different intentions all in one setting, and also to create your own. Initially I started off with the HIV intention. I have been a long term survivor for 28 yrs now. I was using this intention to primarily bring up my numbers. In 2003 I was diagnosed with lung cancer, and because of chemo, radiation etc… my cd4’s had dropped drastically. Thankfully after treatments and various surgeries my cancer was gone, and I’ve been clear now for 12 yrs. Only problem was bringing those numbers back up (my cd 4 count), I could never get them past the 170/180 mark at the highest. So I started doing that specific intention and for the FIRST TIME in 12 years, I went to do my usual 3 mos blood work, and I could not believe it, for that matter even my doctor was VERY surprised, my cd 4 count was at 250!!!!! WOW!!!! I was, I am ecstatic, it might not seem much to others, but believe me, for me it is short of a miracle. So I want to say THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!! Peter, I am truly grateful for you and all the work you do. I will keep at it (I want my numbers to keep going up), and will keep at it with other intentions that thus far have also proven to be very effective. Will keep you posted. Much Love, Peace & Light!!! 🙂

5 月 3, 2015

Christina Norgren, Trenton, MI USA

Flowers received for my birthday on April 12th. I charged the flower water with the “Seeds, fruits, vegetables, flowers & other plant life” frequency (in the General Purpose section) to see how long I could enjoy the bouquet. I wanted to uploaded 3 pictures but it would only allow me to upload one, so here’s the picture I took today (4/25/15). I took 3 pictures in total: (1) flowers in the plastic wrap on Sunday, April 12th (2015), (2) picture of flowers on Tuesday, April 21st (9 days later) still looking pretty healthy and vibrant (3) picture of flowers today, Sunday, April 25th (13 days later) – starting to show a little wilting, but remarkably still looking very nice! I’ve only refreshed and recharged the water 3 times total (including the first day I received them). I did not put any other plant or flower food in the water, just ran the Aquaware 4.0 program. I’ve never had flowers last this long! Actually, I tend to avoid live plants because they don’t seem to last long in my care. However, I will have to revisit that belief now that I have my Aquaware tools! Pretty awesome results!

4 月 26, 2015


我刚刚购买了 Aquaware,并试用了几次。它是一个功能强大、用途广泛的工具,只需将水作为一个管道,就能在很多方面带来惊人的效果。用它来帮助我消除焦虑,清除能量阻塞,吸引各种新的人际关系,清除疲劳和炎症等身体疾病,以及增强精神方面的体验。因为现在你可以编写自己的程序,所以它的可能性真的是无限的。说点轻松的,我明天要去钓鱼,准备编写一个程序来钓更多的鲑鱼--只是尝试一些新的东西!其实,Aquaware 所能做的,我还远远没有触及它的表面。我有一些更大的表现和财务项目正在进行中,我期待着持续使用Aquaware来支持其中的一些目标。对我来说,我感觉它只是将我的振动能量提升到与我想要成为或完成的目标相匹配的状态,或者说它改变了环境中的能量,而不需要我付出太多努力。由于日程繁忙,每天都要承担很多责任,这个工具让我能够完成更多工作,并在精神上保持一致。

4 月 26, 2015

Amy Parks, Seattle, Washington USA

Aquaware has become my go to solution for everything: for energy and mental clarity, for an immune boost when I’m fighting a cold, to help me fall asleep at night. The first time I used the intent ‘maturity best behavior’ with my 3 year old I was completely shocked! He was in a rough stage and having regular tantrums but after some vibed up juice he was as good as gold! Needless to say I continue to use it regularly for that and every other conceivable purpose. Aquaware rocks!

4 月 26, 2015

Elizabeth Mapplebeck, Shoreline

I have had the program for about a year and half. I don’t really understand how it works, but I know that water can be transformed easily and that it matters based on Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work. And I know that this energy can be transmitted. If you are reading this, you also get this. The value of the program is phenomenal. I have been subscribed (including monthly payments) for 3 different energy transmission programs.
One of these programs was the same concept of aquaware, in that you could pick your areas of intention. This particular program I subscribed to, was a package. I had either 2 or 3 intentions and I sat at my computer, while it did what the aquaware does. One giant benefit of the Modern Mystics program is that I get to select everytime what intentions I will use for the day. This program I subscribed to was about $45 a month, and anytime I wanted to change my program, I had to pay a set up fee of $15 or so. This was several years, ago so I forget the specifics. Some of their intention packages with multiple programs were as high as $200/month. So clearly this program you will own and have more intentions set then you can probably ever use.
I like the options to program it in conjunction with a shower or bath, which I believe I felt the effects. My goal was to do 3 or 4 intentions twice a day, keeping the first 2 consistent. As I work on a computer all day, when I come home it is hard to get back on the computer, so I got out of my habit. It is very easy to use, and I suggest printing out the intentions so you know which you want to use. My 2 issues are that I bite my fingernails. There isn’t a program to stop this, but there is one for healthy nails, so I have used that. My other issue is abandonment. Can I say for sure that this issue has lost some bunch? Not really, but I know that slowly and surely what needs to be released will get released through consistent use of this intention in the program.
I also love that he has issues for pet health and for fleas.
Also I will quickly say that I was in a group call with Peter on clearing fear and I felt a lot of energy released during this process on the call, so I know he is the real deal.

Elizabeth, Seattle, WA, USA

4 月 26, 2015

S. Smith, Indiana,US

I have been using Aquaware for nine months now, started with 3.1, then Peter brought us Aquaware 4.0 with over 700 intentions, brilliant minds, custom intent writing, layering up to seven intents and so much more! Love the wonderful results I constantly get and how well this programmed water works for my family and friends.

Have used programmed water in a cool air humidifier for allergies, health issues, general well being and much more from the intent list. Using custom intents, I programmed water for the humidifier to calm a dog and stop him from constant chewing and then to help with fears of thunder and storms. The results were amazing as he went from shaking during a storm and from constant chewing to a happy little lap dog. Use Aquaware regularly for the dogs’ drinking water and found they prefer the programmed water over the normal filtered water. My dogs, plants, yard and flowers love Aquaware water as much as I do.

A friend, who lives 200 miles away, was diagnosed with multiple stomach ulcers and was in terrible pain. I used a QLS recipe for stomach related issues and within minutes of drinking the water the pain lessened and she was able to rest and then sleep.

Another friend, living 18 hours away, had a painful hip which was limiting his walking. He wasn’t sure the water would work, but on the second day he was able to walk around the park with his dog. Now we talk about the water and he has tried several intents. He likes the ‘cool down body’, ‘general well being’, and especially ‘physical energy’.

There is much to say about Aquaware; how it is life changing, the unending ways it can be used, the self healing that comes from using it, how Peter put his heart and soul into bringing this to the world, and his continuing work and development of products which benefit humanity and our planet. I will always be grateful for Peter for bringing us Aquaware, Navitus, The Sourxe, LightBody, Smokease and am looking forward what he will develop and offer us in the future.

4 月 26, 2015
