I have been using Aquaware for nine months now, started with 3.1, then Peter brought us Aquaware 4.0 with over 700 intentions, brilliant minds, custom intent writing, layering up to seven intents and so much more! Love the wonderful results I constantly get and how well this programmed water works for my family and friends.
Have used programmed water in a cool air humidifier for allergies, health issues, general well being and much more from the intent list. Using custom intents, I programmed water for the humidifier to calm a dog and stop him from constant chewing and then to help with fears of thunder and storms. The results were amazing as he went from shaking during a storm and from constant chewing to a happy little lap dog. Use Aquaware regularly for the dogs’ drinking water and found they prefer the programmed water over the normal filtered water. My dogs, plants, yard and flowers love Aquaware water as much as I do.
A friend, who lives 200 miles away, was diagnosed with multiple stomach ulcers and was in terrible pain. I used a QLS recipe for stomach related issues and within minutes of drinking the water the pain lessened and she was able to rest and then sleep.
Another friend, living 18 hours away, had a painful hip which was limiting his walking. He wasn’t sure the water would work, but on the second day he was able to walk around the park with his dog. Now we talk about the water and he has tried several intents. He likes the ‘cool down body’, ‘general well being’, and especially ‘physical energy’.
There is much to say about Aquaware; how it is life changing, the unending ways it can be used, the self healing that comes from using it, how Peter put his heart and soul into bringing this to the world, and his continuing work and development of products which benefit humanity and our planet. I will always be grateful for Peter for bringing us Aquaware, Navitus, The Sourxe, LightBody, Smokease and am looking forward what he will develop and offer us in the future.