I was having bad dreams and falling out of bed so I used Aquaware 4, Human Potential – Bad Dream Switcher and Dream Catcher and haven’t had any more problems.
My granddaughter had a ganglia on her wrist and I used Intent 2 Conditions for cysts. After drinking the water for 2 mornings the ganglia completely disappeared. Amazing!!
My neighbour was having muscle cramps in his leg so I gave him a bottle of water nucleated with Intent 2 Physical & Mental Performance – Muscle Cramps and it started working immediately.
I used Aquaware 3 Intent 4 Miscellaneous – Pain Control for a friend who had surgery and was in a lot of pain and for his wife who wasn’t sleeping I used Intent 3 Mood Altering – Peace & Calmness – Fearless and they both felt better in the morning.
These are not earth shattering examples but gives you an idea of the scope of what is available. Thanks Peter4 月 24, 2015