I’m very impressed with the HFA Force Generator. I have carried it with me everyday for almost 2 months. I use it to charge food and drinks, as well as a tool to assist prayer and focus to create stuff. My days seem to go smoother, with more pleasant interaction with people, especially my spouse. He is definitely more attentive to our relationship than before…..more kisses/hugs and just plain enjoyable to be around. We are in our 70’s and being married for 40+ years has not been easy the last 10yrs.
For the big experiment, the 1st day I got it, I used it on my 2 cats, to keep them free of any parasites. The previous collar made one sick and the other cat is semi-feral and doesn’t wear one. I had a natural collar on order, but have not used it, as I wanted to give the Force Generator a chance to work. I have not used anything else, and so far, so good. The young cat sleeps in the house during the day, so I know it is working except the stray flea. The mom cat, which is not tame, has been scratching a lot less and has put on some weight for the first time in over 18 months.
One last thing; after activating the Generator, I used my pendulum on it and it went crazy with huge energetic spirals. Needless to say, I like this little vortex. Thanks Peter!