
Dottiedee Glass, Topeka

Before Aquawear……….and after Aquawear…….
To all; Peter and all my Aquaware friends;
It is with great thankfulness I write this about my Mother. She has been in a home not able to care for herself or to enjoy life for the last 6-7 years. The first picture of her is a typical day for her day after day, week after week and month after month, year after year. She lay like this facing the wall not knowing anyone or anything. I received my Aquaware 3.1 December 5, 2014. Learning and not sure what I was doing, I didn’t do her too often. Having been cut off from my family years ago, I am not a witness as to what was happening; only what I learned via the grapevine.
My mother turned 95 December 29th. I gave her a good session for her birthday and then did her more frequently. I learned that she was doing better, eating more, drinking more water, and having more periods of greater awareness. In January she started having conversations and remembering things about her family. She even asked about my daughter who departed the planet 6.5 years ago, though she had not remembered that. The last two weeks of January and the first week of February she was doing very well for her. Getting out of bed, getting dressed, and getting around in her wheel chair. It was even said of her, that she even had a sparkle in her eye!!
The first part of February she knew people, she talked, and she had joy and happiness. The 3rd-5th were really good days for her. Then on the morning of February 6th she departed the planet in peace in her bed. What a joy to know that she got to experience life after 6 years of only experiencing living in the land of the unknown or not knowing where she was. I am so happy for her to know her last hours were happy and in peace and not in sorrow and pain any more. Thank you Peter, and our wonderful Masters who gave you your messages for our software. I am most grateful. Much love to you.

2 月 28, 2015

Christine D, Albuqreque, NM USA

My cat recently had a cut in the corner of his eye, from another cat. It was quite swollen and red. I used trauma and swelling from 3.1 and within ~5 minutes the swelling and redness was TOTALLY gone! Very Awesome indeed.
Thank you for all the Awesomeness.

2 月 28, 2015

Sylvia , Englewood, Co USA

I love my 4.0
I’ve been a small time smoker for 20 years. Recently, I noticed I was smoking a lot more due to pain pills. I was super excited to try the QLS feature so I could put all quit smoking intents in one. I haven’t quit complete yet but I’m down to one a day. That’s HUGE compared to the half a pack a day. In my QLS or Cocktail (David Shear) I also added perfect facial skin and facial wrinkles and my skin looks amazing. It looks hydrated and even toned. Peter has created a gift to us all. Thank you.

2 月 26, 2015

Andy, Canada

I love Aquaware! My 16 year old daughter was having sever menstrual cramps and we used the specific function for that issue and she managed to get through the period without the use of any meds! Also my girlfriend developed painful gout in her feet- she drank the gout, ph balance, and pain reflief intentions and within one week she was pain free and wearing high heels again. As for myself, I have issues with morning anxiety- since I have started using Aquaware the anxiety is more or less non existent- how awesome!

2 月 26, 2015

Meirav, Israel

I have started using Navitus to help my father who is suffering from late stage Parkinson and basically lost most faculties and cannot function by himself. Due to the scope of his problems, I decided to start with Navitus to increase his evergy level. Since then his energy levels have increased, his speech is much more clear, and there is improvement in physical movement. Now he is drinking Navitus water on a regular basis and improvements are very noticeable. Thank-you for releasing this program.

2 月 26, 2015

Sohail, New York

i am using Aquaware 4.0 for last 2 months. I have to admit the Aquaware 4.0 is much stronger than Aquaware 3.1 with an additional advanced feature. I never doubted or being a skeptic about software and Peter. I had a stroke more than 2 years ago, I tried different healing modalities but Aquaware 4.0 rocks. Stroke my right side of the body with the speech impediment, I used Quantum layering intention for stroke, stuttering, Blood pressure, Energy master, Unconditional love Bliss etc. I felt and seen tremendous improvement in my speech , my right hand movement and my walk is almost normal. Thank you so much Peter , the words cannot describe the immense Gratitude !

2 月 26, 2015


Feb 23,,I received a 15 min. energy session with Peter. I was told I had a bleeding heart (traced back to when my son crossed over) also was told I was sexually abused when I was somewhere between 3yrs to 6yrs. I was totally surprised with that.After the session I felt very light inside but physically totally exhausted.I meditated for awhile and Remembered,,when I was about 5/6yrs old,,,, .yes sexually abused. I continued with my meditation and forgave the man that hurt me..about an hour later my energy was back and I felt great..thanks Peter

2 月 26, 2015

Carrie, AZ

My plant was a very pale pastel green, very limp & anemic looking. I prepared water with Aquaware 4.0 plant protocols and gave it to my plant. Almost immediately it appeared more robust and perky. In less than a week, all of its leaves turned a vibrant deep emerald green and it had all sorts of new shoots on it. It was pretty amazing. A frequent visitor to the house even commented on it, doing a double-take and saying “I don’t remember that plant being so green”. I have lots of other stories ( like lots of new hair, stronger teeth, clearer eyes….headaches & colds & pains that just disappeared after giving the water to others….oh, and 3 people receiving surprise monetary bonuses at work after drinking the water!) but I like the plant story the best because I love that little plant, it was a gift from my son a number of years ago, and I was really worried it wouldn’t survive. Thank you!!!

2 月 26, 2015

Marjorie Jardan, Overland Park, Ks 66213

I ordered Aquaware 4 and was very excited to receive it. My sister has a tendency to periodically break out on her body with a rash. She thinks it was due to an allergy but the doctors after running test could not identify the cause. I ran the allergy program for her drinking water and she also had a bowl full for water that she put on her skin. The rash causes an unbearable itch. She immediately got some relief so I started to run the shower program for her as well. She has gotten more relief from Aquaware 4 than she got from the prescription salve that she would rub on her body. She was so thrilled with the results that she also purchased Aquaware 4.

2 月 25, 2015

B Lammi, Canada

I took a session with Peter to get some help with reoccurring dizzy spells lasting over 30 minutes day or night. I had just got on the phone with Peter and went in to a full blown spin and he stopped it in about 5 or so minutes and I also recovered without being sick from it. I’m really happy I haven’t had one since. I also had a pain in a root canal tooth that was lasting weeks and was about to go to the dentist..I booked a session and I didn’t bother with the dentist!!! There are also many, many other subtle changes that occur with a session and I find this all AWESOME!!!!! I am a believer in energy work after these sessions with Peter and I’ve tried several. He has made a difference in so many ways I’ve lost count! Thank you Peter!!!

2 月 25, 2015
