A word of caution about AW4. Listen to peter when he warns about the 100% strength. I had been using AW4 for some time now all at 100% strength at first it did not cause any negative reaction but now I have flu, the problems I was working on with AW4 have been completely eradicated but I paid a price of running program 100% every time. so when my temperature increased to 103
I went to see doctor, doctor could not find any symptoms of bacterial infection, lung infection and he said every thing is working at its best so he could not tell why i have flu, I also had him to check my lungs for any negative effects of acid reflux, he said i don’t see any thing is wrong. so now I have stopped using program completely and fever is down to 99. so what I did just one time
I used AW4 for one more time at 100% and in like 5 min fever shot up to 101
and I was back in bed.but after like two hours it is normalized. so i am going to stop using it for next few day so that detox will completely stop.
I am not sure if what I just said has a negative effect and does it tell you AW4 is a real deal and one should use it carefully and take instructions from the originator of the program, also It cost me one day of work.
Peter if you don’t think this is a good testimonial please you don’t have to post it.
thank you2 月 25, 2015