Hey everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to show you a quick technique for utilizing the life force of dead fall in the forest. When you’re out hiking, you’ll notice that there’s tons of broken twigs, downed trees and whatever. In my belief system, I believe that everything has consciousness and that consciousness still has energetic flow no matter what form it’s in, physical or non-physical. This technique was taught to me a few years back by the greatest [Zen 00:00:27] master, Saint Germaine.

Basically, what you do, is you take a twig and you wrap it between your five fingers like so. With your left hand, you bring it down, and you point it towards your heart opening, and the other part is pointing towards the forest. You simply close your eyes, you breath through your nose, and out through your mouth a few times. You allow that energy to start flowing out of you. What you’re releasing on the out breath is the negativity in your system. When you’re breathing through your nose, you’re pulling the life force in from that twig.

It’s okay to do that, because prior to starting, you put your attention on the twig. You repeat the words out loud “I honor this space in which you exist” and that allows you to move forward and absorb the life force of the twig. Great technique. You close your eyes. In through your mouth, out through your nose. When you’re exhaling, you’re pushing the junk out of your body, whether it’s stress, an area that you have failing health in your body, if you have energy around you or in your life body you want to get rid of, it’s a beautiful way of doing it. When you breath in, you pull a life force in to replenish that bad energy going out. Try it. Definitely make a difference in your life, and it’s really, really quick to do. Thank you.