
Master Class 2

I have past the point of no return , That is a very good thing because my fears, blocks, b s from myself and others came up in a few short weeks. It was supposed to. Each week the assignments got deeper and deeper and during the sessions, more truth was revealed . No one can do this work for me because it’s my own . Doing something for me was the hardest part. I know what I know and the difference is the level is at the level of love. Thank you Peter

KT June 7, 2016

Good luck, IN THE FLOW, Cash, Abundance

I used a layered intent with good luck, iINTHE FLOW, cash, abundance and a few other goodies. I decided to take this seriously and used 100% strength for every 6 ounces then drank a quart of it throughout the day.

The following day I received an overpayment of $90 on my paycheque which I brought to the attention of the director and she said, “The instructors don’t get paid nearly what they’re worth just keep it.
Day 2, I was offered $430 in services which were 100% desireable and expensive providing that I enter an upcoming art show. Of course I used brilliant minds 🙂 I created 4 paintings in two days which is a pretty good speed for me. I only had a 1/2 day to frame so I didn’t enter the show but volunteered there instead and gave up the $430. Only when I was reflecting on what a fabulous day I had did I realize that the VALUE had been in connecting and networking with several artists and two very excellent artists gave me their personal contact info.
I was feeling over the moon with joy and definitely in the flow. The FREE artwork I received from one of my new contacts is a wonderful physical reminder.

Day 3 I did a favour for a friend of a friend regarding her cat. She GIFTED me a 6 week course that cost $260 . I would not have been able to take the course otherwise. It was an extremely generous gift for what I did. Defnite ABUNDANCE. and the course will have far reaching effects.

A couple days passed and I was asked if I would like another class before the end of the month. I work for it but it’s still FINANCIAL GAIN.

To top it all off I got caught up in the positive vibe and momentum and submitted artwork for an art market in a larger city this summer and was accepted. Considering 99% of what I paint is in a drawer or used for instruction this is a new path and I’m going with the flow intent layered and creative layered intents for awhile.

This was a really fun experience and my curiousity is now piqued for what else is possible with Aquaware.

Thanks Peter!


Barbara Lammi June 1, 2016

Georgia, Festus MO US

Ok, so yesterday I had a big goof….fell off my foot, ya know your ankle just falls over & twists or breaks in a very weird way? Well, I muscle tested that I had a hairline fracture (OUCH) haven’t done this in years, no heels (can’t even wear those anymore) anyway decided ER was not where I wanted to go so I popped open beta version Aquaware 5, made up a 9 layer healing session for muscle, bone, tendon, muscle pain, pain control and reconnective healing with theta session, drank 28oz during evening with ice pack as well as slapping on a couple tachyon energy glass cells, relaxed, listened to source programming Spider Silk (one of my fav pieces 20 minutes of musical heaven) and went from not being able to walk on it and it turning very dark funky colors, to waking with almost no color, no pain and walking on it fine this am!
WHOO HOO! Once again Aquaware saved the day!???? Reconnective healing and Theta healing session (something I actually do now) are 2 new additions in Aquaware which completely ROCK!
Ice and tachyon alone was helping but once I added the water it was within 2 hrs I was walking better, always have to use bathroom with the water…LOL!
This was really dark and ugly last night! This is this am:)!

May 30, 2016

Navitus 4.0

Its been about two months or a bit more since Ive been using the Navitus 4.0 (free product) to test my \”skeptical\” mind out…others on you tube videos with some interesting results. Im not a real believer of testimonials as I find people rave about things without any solid information or examples as Im about the results…not about the woo woo spiritual conversations that lead to nowhere…Here goes-used Navitus almost daily and at times twice a day with my morning coffee-got tired anyway with no increase in energy and at times my body so tired that I needed to take a nap-after a few weeks I seemed to level out and wanted the product to work so badly to prove myself wrong-I kept on using the Navitus anyway…WEL-WELL much to my surprise when my monthly cycle came, I experienced no fatigue, bloating, or any other PMS symptoms and really wondered if the Navitus had something to do with it…still being a a skeptic…I kept going anyway…then the following month, the same thing occurred as I experienced absolutely no PMS systems, no fatigue, no bloating, and best of all no cramping. It may of not worked liked the way I wanted to… however any type of relief from monthly PMS symptoms without taking any over the counter meds or being crabby is well worth the time and effort I put into the Navitus with my morning coffee and daily water in take. Thanks Peter!

Lynda Navitus 4.0 May 26, 2016

12th Project 3.0

Had a chance to engage Poseidon this morning. Similar experience to Zeus and Hear…very calming and entrancing. In a different sense flashes of the many Paths I’ve journeyed came forward. All with a warmth and sense that things have always been perfect and leading me to well…here. – Anonymous

May 22, 2016

12th Project 4.0

“I think you guys are geniuses. I’ve had “the reconnection” done but it took a few months for me to notice major changes. Now I am an ultra-sensitive and feel people’s energy, experience mental telepathy, and can tell when someone merely thinks on me. I joined a group called Unarius and thats is when i started experiencing such psychic happenings. I bought aliix and love him and shared bottles of water with non-believers at work. It worked on about 6 outta 8 people. some paid me just to bring in more. I truly love zeus and will purchase them all. while opening Zeus I admittedly felt loving, peaceful energy come over me. Then after using it i have been in a blissful state kind of like being attuned to higher realms of light and love. I had vivid dreams and while in the shower it felt like i was high or something. thank you for such divinely inspired inventions. if you can please recommend some reading material or anything that will help me understand what help ya’ll to come up with such programs. for the record today is just my second day using Zeus. I love it! peace, love, light”  – Anonymous

May 22, 2016

Sandra, Melbourne, FL

Master class 107, ‘Attracting What I Want’, rocked it out! When Peter pushed the energy into my left eye, the muscles around my eye were twitching like crazy. I’m not capable of only winking my left eye independent of my right. The muscles were involuntarily contracting and it felt really awesome. I could feel the energy move into my body exposing the blocks as well. The energy from each class is getting stronger and stronger!

With each Master Class I am feeling more and more confident about who I am and what I would like to have in my life.

May 6, 2016

Georgia, Festus MO US

2nd round master classes! WHOO hoo, wonderful energy to kick off the next 6 classes. I want to share miracles have transpired between the classes that are beyond anything I was expecting! I’ve gotten out of my storage unit which has been a thorn in my side for quite sometime. I hired help and a truck, lost the key so that day was wasted but low and behold I went and got a car load got pictures of things I wanted to give away and within 48 hrs, 2 different ppl and free ad on Craigslist all was picked up, & I am completely out! Totally amazing! Feels so good to give to others who need, as well as lightening the “load” of things no longer needed! This is just one thing, the space of quiet peace is amazing and beautiful & keeps growing! Love this! Love the energy Peter brings! Slept like a baby, & have just had a quiet mind day…..really love that! It was fun to think of white paper w/rainbow circles all week prior to class! Welcome to all the new folks who’ve joined, get ready to have your world rocked in ways you can’t even begin to imagine! Thank you Peter?Thank you Donna without you these would really be even harder on Peter than they already are! You both ROCK!
I know this is fun to you Peter but I also know what kind of toll it takes to bring it like you do!!!!????
Lotsa love and many blessings!

May 4, 2016

Georgia, Festus MO US

Everyone needs to watch the MDM show! The guests are great, so much knowledge is shared, the best are when Peter and Donna do the shows and play with the software! Last Sun 5/1/16 was so much fun, call ins for Aquaware 5.0 activations! So much fun, & so powerful! These shows are on YouTube to be viewed anytime and well worth the watch, & the rewatch! Always, fun and something knew to learn….AWESOME stuff folks! I personally have been beta testing/playing with A-5 and man oh man it blows the doors off 4 like nobody’s business! Peter needs to be seriously proud of this creation as it is absolutely phenomenal and beautiful, easy to use, & fast…WOW! I LOVE A-4 & have since I got it….5 is just simply unbelievable yet here it is….the modern day mystic has outdone himself!!! What’s not on there, one can write! Flippin AMAZING??????????

May 4, 2016

KT, Rocky Hill

I am enrolled in the 2 nd Master Class. I have made it a habit to taste the water before each new part of the process. My background is nursing and wellness. At one point we layered a glass of water with our first flash of insight, with Peter guiding the flow of experience . Workshop over, I slept a very relaxing sleep. This is new for me. The taste of the water was intriguing . Slept , journaled, mediated . The taste and texture was viscous . My ” gut”says a cellular level. Now that is very mind blowing cool. Thank you Peter and Donna, my classmates, and myself

May 4, 2016
