On January 27, 2025 I had an energetic session acting as a conduit for my friend, who is the process of making a full recovery from a motor cycle accident in April of 2024. Peter Schenk not only saved his life from the onset, but has been the driving energetic force to keep my friend on the path to my friend’s desired outcome, through the work that only Peter can bring through. If an infection of any kind is present in a body, it zaps the body of life force energy, that could be used for moving forward in the healing process at an optimal level. At least that makes sense to me. During this energetic session , Peter did what he did to support positive changes at a very deep level . During the session, acting as a conduit, I got a vision of a coffin. ( which showed up in a previous session). When I focus on my friend during the session, I see my friend, in the future, at the altar, standing with his bride. During this session, the soldier, from a previous session , was also standing behind my friend., at the altar. When Peter finished the session, the soldier was gone. My friend was there with his bride, getting married. I also saw my friend in a future vision, at a Baptismal font, holding his son. Tears of gratitude for Peter Schenk’s work leaves me speechless. About 4 or 5 days after this session, my friend had a 24 hour “bug” . The next day, he was like a new person. Healthy, Happy, and since then any issues that were holding him back from healing, stopped. The doctor was amazed at my friends progress. Thank you Peter Schenk , and the MDM Team, for your products and services that make a positive impact in customers lives.
谢谢 2 月 21, 2025
Thank you 🙏
I discovered Peter by chance last August. I have had chronic shoulder pain that has been debilitating-the result of a broken elbow after playing with a dog in 2015. The pain was so bad it almost ruined my honeymoon in 2021 when my husband and I were bouncing around a safari jeep chasing the big 5 animals for 9 days. It was always aggravated by my work as a therapist as I am typing on a keyboard daily. I have tried Network Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Tiger Balm, Massage, and all the pain patches you can think of, with only minimal and temporary relief. When I met Peter for my session it was all over the phone. I was skeptical; I thought “how is this guy going to help me?” There was construction at a neighbor’s home as we were meeting on the phone and it was so funny, as Peter was working on me it was almost a mirror of the construction- he was digging deep. He said he “removed” something from the base of my neck. I felt it almost immediately. Fast forward to today, December and I have zero pain! Seriously!! I honestly don’t know how Peter accomplishes his outcomes but all I know is I don’t have chronic pain anymore and that is really all I care about. I am forever grateful and I am signing up for round 2 just to bring myself into the new year in the way I want to: present, healthy, grounded. If you have pain, please don’t hesitate. I have spent hundreds of dollars on ineffective treatments; Peter is legit!
KimKim M/a Individual session 12 月 26, 2024
strange event with HFA Force Generator
Peter, I have a very strange experience to share with you regarding my HFA force generator. I wonder if you have heard of any similar experiences such as this. I lost my HFA force generator two months ago when I left it on my bed and when I came back an hour later it had disappeared. I mean it had just disappeared completely. I looked all over the bed covers, all over my bedroom thinking that it may have somehow bounced under my bed or in my clothes, or something like that but no, it was completely gone… completely disappeared. And it stayed disappeared for two months until this morning when I found it just sitting on a stack of my freshly laundered undergarments. It was just sitting on top of the pile and could not have gotten there by any physical means whatsoever. I live alone in my apartment, my landlords live above me and never come down, so I’m all alone and nobody could have taken the HFA force generator and then brought it back as a practical joke or anything like that. it just literally disappeared for two months and then reappeared in the same room but at a slightly different position in the room itself. Peter have you ever heard of any similar experience with the HFA force generator? It confounds the crap out of me, I’ll tell you that!!
M. W. self-employed HFA 力发生器 12 月 9, 2024
Possibly a transformative Dark Knight of the Soul, during an Energetic Session.
Shortly after a session an energetic session with Peter Schenk on behalf of a good friend, I, acting as a conduit stayed quiet after the session for awhile. I found the session to be very intense however many of them are. The guided imagery following this session was also very poignant. A figure was sitting in a wheelchair and the figure was ghost like in that it was just a foggy image of a person . Next to the person was a casket and the casket was draped by a flag, red and blue stripes on the bottom. There was a very large triangle in which 1/2 was yellow, and 1/2 of was green. There was a section at the top where a ball of white energy was pictured. As I turned my attention to the perceived image of my friend, a tear fell from his left eye. At that moment the flag fell to the side and the casket opened . Inside were rocks, chunks of rock that were inside a cloth canvas sack. There were also fragments of rock and gravel that lined the inside of the casket. The intensity and the depth of the feeling, this knowing, the realization that he gave everything, his life, for worthless rocks.. As these thoughts started becoming deeper than despondency, or shock, at the realization that inside the casket were these fragments of rock, the image in the wheelchair stood up, and turned into a soldier wearing a blue and red uniform. I got the word Paraguay. The tall, proud, soldier, started marching down a tunnel. As he continued walking, the soldier uniform, morphed into scrubs, like a doctor or a medical professional would wear. At the end of the tunnel, the person was holding a pointer, standing in front of a green blackboard. Telepathically the words that came to mind were not to use the pointer as a weapon but to educate and teach the truth.
In reality: I saw my friend a week after the session. He was relaxed, more vocal, more in his body, and began talking
about different universities and what they need to offer students who go into healthcare.谢谢 12 月 9, 2024
Receiving Help During A Complex Dental Procedure . Peter Schenk’s Energetic Session Results Continue Long After The Session
Peter Schenk , The Modern Day Mystic, has saved the lives of of two of friends within the last two years, through energetic sessions, where I have acted as a conduit during the session. Yesterday, I had a very complex dental procedure, and used deep breathing and imagery to remain calm during the several injections of the numbing agent, and the various parts of the procedure itself. During one part of the extraction, an image of a ” Green Being / Presence ” showed up. I imaged this image during one of the sessions that Peter performed for my friend. When I saw ” The Presence” smile, he telepathically engaged me to send “white light” to / inside/ change, my Periodontist ‘s hands and fingers. The white light was inside the doctor’s blue gloves, encompassing his hands and fingers. The doctor’s fingers moved with confidence, as the doctor did what he did. My (” Green Presence Friend ” ) shared with me by thought , that the area is a shadow of a trauma that I went through when I was young. I also ” got” that the area needed ” respect”. With that, I relaxed and let go .
After the procedure, the doctor told me everything went well. I was given a post operative sheet to follow, thanked the staff, and told them that the way I got through it was the word ” Respect.” The doctor and I nodded in agreement and
shook hands.So I got into my car, cried to let go, and to acknowledge the ” Presence ” that allowed me to know what I knew.
Reality Check: Antibiotics cost $1.67, ordered for prevention. I have had no side effects.
Ice packs to the jaw. I used a cold bottle of Protein Shake in the store, and it was on sale.
Probiotics Kombucha was on sale.
Pain meds Over the counter stuff, no narcotics.
Day 2: I feel good, and will follow the prescribed treatment plan.
My point. I am writing this testimonial with gratitude and awareness , of Peter Schenk’s Work, as well as the MDM Team, for providing products and services that are of value, at a level that is unfathomable to support positive changes.
Thank you.Grateful Student : Currently Taking The Course : The Energetic Road To Success In Any Endeavor Plan 11 月 20, 2024
Energetic Sessions To Continue To Promote Positive Changes From A Motorcycle Accident
When my friend was hit by an SUV, back in April 2024, while driving his motorcycle to work, my first reaction to contact Peter Schenk , the Modern Day Mystic, to conduct energetic sessions as only Peter knows how. Acting as a conduit for my friend, has given me the opportunity to experience a very deep and profound insight into the RAW POWER of Peter’s products and sessions that are designed to obtain the desired results. During the last session here in October, my vision was that of my friend at the age of 1 year, (wearing scrubs, he is a nurse) holding a small plastic baseball bat. In reality someone gave him Green Scrubs at about 1 year of age, and he did play Baseball , ( Little League on up). He was a star pitcher, and hitter . During the session, my friend , now his current age, was dressed in his Navy Blue Scrubs, playing Baseball. My friend said: ” I am so tired. I can’t run. ” And so ” They” picked him up. ” My friend said: ” I am so tired. I can’t hit the ball. My shoulder is weak. ” And so ” They walked him.” In the imagery, he was able to walk slowly to 1st base. Then a guy by the name of ” IRUN ” walked onto the field , and whispered something in my friends ear. Then ” IRUN ” picked my friend up, and carried him around the bases. My friend was so tired but by being back on the field, was just what my friend needed. What a profound moment, to give my friend. The LOVE for my friend, was so deep. The connection made inside my friend, was so profound. The gratitude was overwhelming. I am not a Baseball person, but I also got a brief thought during this session, ” Angels in The Outfield.”
In reality: Since the session : My friend just got cleared to use a ” FES BIKE ” He ordered it and it was delivered
2 days after the session. It just needs to be put together.Thank you Peter Schenk and the MDM Team for who you are, and what you do, the way that only you can.
Gratitude Beyond Belief 11 月 4, 2024
My Wishing Sphere WOW Moment!
Peter, I want to share what I just experienced with my Wishing Sphere! I noticed that I wrote a tiny note and put it inside underneath the Flower of Life crystal, with the Moldavite. I opened it up and I had written “I wish to own a home in Naples Florida near the beach!” I have no recollection of writing this or when I wrote it, all I know is that my husband and I now own a home that’s ready to break ground near Naples Florida (not near the beach Thank God). My mouth literally dropped open! WOW!!!
Mary Gust Palatine, IL 10 月 24, 2024
Magical Mystical Ansuz Pendulum
Two months ago, I lost my Sourxe Water bottle in a thunderstorm. It slipped out of my hand and fell . Maybe rolling under the car. I had to leave the area due to traffic. I missed it, but I do have 2. I also lost glasses/ readers. Last night, I was looking for something in my car. There under my seat was a dirty, water filled Sourxe water bottle and 4 pair of glasses. Possible conclusion: The Ansuz Pendulum gathers my thoughts and works to respond to my mistakes / losses. ????? Hard to articulate Very Cool. I also changed my verbiage from this is crazy, to this is magical.
Thank you for another great product. 10 月 24, 2024
Energetic Sessions are working to create / restore/ regenerate my friends body, mind/spirit and the Medical Team Is Amazed at the progress
During a session in May, 2024, with Peter Schenk , The Modern Day Mystic, which I requested to support more positive changes, following my friends spinal cord injury, I perceived the following: An Ethereal Surgical Team ( my perception as a conduit) worked on my friends pelvic area. Using several techniques, I was told the purpose was to prevent infection.
On July 31,2024 My friend underwent surgery to clean out and treat an infection that : Was caught early. Was treated early. Is being treated successfully. The Medical / Surgical Team is amazed.
In early August 2024, I requested another session with Peter, to support positive changes. I perceived the following ;
An Ethereal Surgical Team entered the surgical suite and said nothing. The 7 doctors dressed in white long scrubs, wearing white masks, and white gloves, just nodded, and watched my friend, who was lying on a surgical table.
At one point, telepathically, one surgeon said to the other: ” What about the liver, and the spleen? ” The other surgeon
said telepathically: ” Not yet. We will see.”September 4, 2024 One of the Medical Team Member’s at the place where my friend is doing his rehabilitation
was just looking through my friends charts, and saw something about a bleed from the spleen upon admission in April.
The bleed was stopped, the spleen is apparently fine. My friend does have some other issues, and I am wondering if the exploration of the spleen, is going to lead to the positive changes in the my friends full recovery process.Possible Conclusions. : Not only is my friend doing well moving forward, but there is also a ” heads up” imbedded in the sessions, that may in someway, effect those people involved in my friends care , to show up resourceful. Using their skills and talents to do what they do well. Thank you Peter and the MDM Team for helping humanity to become who they really are.
谢谢 9 月 9, 2024
HFA Ansuz Pendulum
I really appreciate being part of this study. I’ve had very good luck as far as finally getting clear yes and no answers, whereas in the past, each time I had attempted to use a pendulum, I really could never get past the first step of “I am [my name]” or “I am [not my name]”, because I would always get the same answer for both. After a few attempts and getting the same result each time, I would just give up trying because I could never get past that initial step!
I’m working with Holly (CTKHP), and she helped me to see that I was proxying for mass consciousness at the time. If I’m remembering correctly (sorry, couldn’t find it in my notes🫤), the last time she checked, she found I had 80% accuracy with my pendulum testing (which is very exciting to me). I’m having fun using the pendulum and I’m so excited to finally have access to this amazing tool!
Thank you so much for this opportunity,
Yolanda Merges
Yolanda Merges 8 月 27, 2024