
Dina Sara, brooklyn

LOVE experimenting with 4.0! Yesterday created a BILLIONAIRE QLS with the names of 7 billionaires, and today had the interesting “reality” of getting a greater discount on a purchase than got offered yesterday. LOL!

4 月 15, 2015

Georgia, Festus MO US

I am one of those folks who was ready to jump off the train and then I heard you speak and about Aquaware 4.0. I decided I had to try it as I have gone over once, didn’t want to come back but was told I wasn’t done here. I’ve never quite figured out why except to be here to help with my aging parents which allowed my mother to pass peacefully at home.
I have lived with chronic pain for 20 plus years, plus a round of cancer and severe back issues. I believe your product is actually going to give me my life back. I’ve already felt some improvement but am going slow as advised.
I believe you truly are a modrn day mystic who is very kind, humble and truly have a brilliant mind and can heal the world one by one. With heartfelt gratitude much light and love,

4 月 13, 2015

David Shear, Pensacola, Florida USA

All I can say is “Wow!” A friend of mine’s wife recently visited the hospital ER 3 times for a painful ear issue. It got to the point where she was starting to hallucinate. The doctors finally surmised that she was bitten by a Brown Recluse spider which are quite common here in NW Florida. Using Aquaware 4.0, I programmed a gallon of water to neutralize the venom and heal the tissue damage. She started drinking the water that evening. By the next morning, her condition was greatly improved. A day later, she was able to return to work. Thank you, Peter!!

4 月 10, 2015


I thank you for guiding me right to my core issue, where my blocks were!
Then filling me with Love and Light,that caused those blocks to be removed!
This energy filled my body and the room I was in,and left me in a Wow state!
I am in a totally new space now,looking forward for what will be coming into my life now! Who could imagine all this could happen from a 30 minute session,WOW,and thanks again!

4 月 10, 2015

Dianna Jarvis, Chilliwack, BC, Canada

Hi Peter, I’m so thankful that I have you as part of my health care. After 25 years of suffering from candida , seeing many Dr’s and specialists, none of them have been able to help me, I had a15min.session with Peter and feel so much better for it. I can breathe a Sierra and I’m not gagging on phlegm. This was getting to be impossible to sleep thru the night without getting upto try and get rid of the phlegm. After the session, I felt like Petertook 20 to 30 years off me. I can now see that I can have a normal life again.
The session was so spectacular while I was relaxing, I experience all these vibrant colors dancing like northern lights while having my eyes closed, then the color started to spin in two different directions, then turned into a blue green and sparkled like sun shining on the ocean. That was only part of it, Peter is so kind and patient, made for a very relaxing experience. I hope to be able to call on him for health issues in the future. Thanks so much Peter, you are our sunshine as that is how I felt when we were done.

4 月 3, 2015

Dottiedee Glass, Topeka

Hi Peter and friends,
I have a client with a little 9 year old grandson how has been labeled with Aspergers. He is small for his age and has a unique way of seeing his day. In January I started using intentions on him for his physical and mental development. He actually started eating better, growing and maturing. Last week his mother went out of town for a family memorial. When he found he he became frightful of their separation. I did some intentions for him so he could enjoy the time with mommy away. It was proven they worked when he said to dad, “It isn’t as bad as I thought it would be with mommy gone. I am doing okay!” Oh thank you Peter for Aquawear 4.0 as it is making a difference in this little boys life for the rest of his life. You are appreciated.

3 月 26, 2015

Dottiedee Glass, Topeka

Hi Peter and Friends,
I have a friend with a young son in his 20’s who is controlled by his addictions. On February 23 he made a commitment again to be stronger and live beyond an addictive life. His mother called and asked if there was anything I could do for him. I have been using intentions on him since and he is doing amazingly well with leaving his addictions out of his life and he is doing much better at work and in his social life.
I am also doing his mother, and she is so happy with her new perception of life. She even got up on stage and sang in public last week end. She for got a line, yet was able to recover and what amazed her was it didn’t crush her. She handled it very well and every one cheered her afterwards for her greatness. It had been there all the time, she just wasn’t able to express herself before I ran the intentions for her. She is so happy with their results. She says thank you Peter for Aquawear 4.0. Yes, thank you and you are appreciated.

3 月 26, 2015

Hoberleigh , Los Angeles

Termites gone! I’m still playing with the software and haven’t yet experienced much change in my body but I heard Peter say “think outside the box.” I have been procrastinating in dealing with my terminate problem for years. I used the software with the intent I made up to eliminate termites at 100% on standard mode and I sent it to all the wood throughout my house and garage. For the last 3 days I haven’t found the termite droppings that I usually need to remove. I check throughout the day and I can’t believe this. WOW!

3 月 25, 2015

Sam De Angelo, Venice, Florida, USA

It seemed to me that I was having no results with 4.0 so I emailed Peter and he told me to use the Love Intention. I did and things changed for the better. I placed my house in NH under agreement within a week of doing as Peter suggested. My jouse had been listed for going on 3 years. The price I received is fair and should close by the end of April. I am also in sales and my business started increasing as well. The Love intention just seems to make everything better with no effort.

I did have success with my daughter though in that she was trying to get pregnant with no result. I treated water for fertility and the next month she was pregnant. I continue to treat water for her now for Pregnancy and she is having a wonderful pregnancy. Very little discomfort and recently had an ultra-sound and was told her baby is perfect in all aspects. My daughter is 38 so that was welcome news.

Thank you Peter and thanks for answering my questions and pointing me in the right direction when I feel stuck


3 月 23, 2015

L Moore, Greenville SC-USA

I have been using light body now for about 2 weeks and I noticed my waist and tummy getting smaller after only 3 days. the other thing that I am pleasantly surprised with is the option for appetite. I was a bit skeptical that this would help me as I get almost uncontrollable cravings in the evenings and nothing seemed to help. A few days after beginning the series of energies I realized hey I don’t want to eat the couch anymore lol. thank you Peter! L Moore

3 月 21, 2015
