Peter , Page 53

MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Hope vs Despair, do this and your life will change forever…”


Alternative Realities

Oftentimes, people are scared of getting the things in life they want because they are afraid of hurting or taking away from another person. They get to believe we are living in a limited universe. For the fact the universe is limitless, we can never run out of anything. The fact is, there are unlimited […]

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MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Inspirational… Be Fucking Brave…”


Unconditional Love

I have traveled around the continents from America to Europe. I have encountered a lot of people from different race and culture. And I came to a conclusion that there is only one thing that makes us the same “Nature”. I will preferable talk about LOVE as Nature.  Unconditional love is one thing everyone desires […]

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MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “The White Powder Of Gold, Monoatomics…”


Energy Healing 4th

Energetic Healing is an umbrella term for any therapy that manipulates the energy circuits in our physical or subtle bodies to regain balance and facilitate our body’s innate healing mechanisms. The Re-connective healing frequencies are composed of light, information, and intelligence. They work on our DNA, acupuncture meridians, and the light field or grid surrounding […]

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Energy Healing 3rd

Energy Healing Known by many names over many centuries, energy healing has been practiced for a number of ailments the world over. There are many kinds of energy healing practices, and they all have their own nuances and purposes, but they overlap on the fact that they’re all used to help make life better and […]

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MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Abundance Miniseries Breaking the Bubble Part 4…”


MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Abundance Miniseries TheSourxe IV Part 3…”


MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Abundance Miniseries Breaking the Cartoon Part 2…”

